
(CNN) — A rising Canadian folk singer was killed by coyotes this week in a national park in Nova Scotia, a park spokesman said Thursday.

Taylor Mitchell, 19, was at the beginning of the Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park on Tuesday afternoon when she was attacked, according to Chip Bird, the Parks Canada field unit superintendent for Cape Breton. Bird said hikers saw the coyotes attacking Mitchell and called 911. She was airlifted to a hospital in Halifax, where she died about 12 hours later, he said. Mitchell was recently nominated for Young Performer of the Year honors by Canadian Folk Music Awards. She was touring the Maritime provinces and had a break between gigs to go hiking Tuesday, her manager, Lisa Weitz, said in an e-mail.

“She loved the woods and had a deep affinity for their beauty and serenity,” she wrote.
Bird said the area where the attack occurred is popular and well traveled. It remained closed, and park authorities had shot one coyote believed to be involved. A pathologist will test the animal’s body for diseases that might have triggered the attack, he said.

Searches for other aggressive animals in the park continue, he said.

Coyotes attacking humans? That’s a new one on me.

  1. Special Ed says:

    Probably tasted like chicken.

  2. Luc says:

    Pretty bad taste to crack jokes about this woman’s death. She was only 19, barely had a chance to live.

  3. fedup says:


    The only one that has a right to comment on “taste” is the coyote…

  4. Special Ed says:

    Alfred, I prefer wicked!

  5. deowll says:

    Most likely young animals that had no fear of humans. Meat eaters need to be roughed up a bit on occasion or they don’t respect you.

    No I didn’t say you needed to kill animals in the park. They just need a few near misses and maybe have to do some running from big dogs. Then they are afraid of humans and you don’t need to shot them because they avoid people rather than hunting people.

  6. Rich says:

    So they’ve been around for years and haven’t really been a problem until recently, when they have been getting uppity and aggressive. Suppose thay are trading notes with the illegal Mexican immigrants?

  7. Coyotes DO attack (and kill) humans! In fact, here in Centennial Colorado (a considerable distance from either coast) coyotes have KILLED more than THREE PEOPLE THIS YEAR ALONE and in this ONE municipality too! This is also why the Sheriff’s department has been authorized to shoot them on sight.

    FYI: Centennial is a heavily urbanized city in Colorado which admittedly has some very limited “open space” yet Centennial borders directly to Denver and other heavily populated municipalities. The entire Denver metro area population is in excess of 3-million people and there have even been other coyote attacks in those other areas too. In fact, Boulder, another nearby municipality to Denver, had yet one MORE person that I know of who was killed by a coyote earlier this year in a very similar type of attack.

    And coyotes here aren’t exactly big either. They’re slightly larger than an average fox and yet they can KILL FULL GROWN PEOPLE when these coyotes hunts in PACKS! So don’t tell me it doesn’t happen. I’VE SEEN IT!

    Go ahead and bury you head in the sand cause if >>YOU<< don't see it then it must not be true. Right? WHAT A IDIOT!

  8. Cap & Strangulation says:

    Why don’t the birthers and 9/11’rs get onto this conspiracy? Clearly the Canadian government drugged these coyotes for a secret experiment in ridding the world of country music.

  9. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #41 – It wasn’t country music, but folk music. Not as bad as hip-hop though. They should train coyotes to kill hip-hoppers.

    #40 – Could you take Alfie and show him?

  10. #28 – Ranger007,

    OK, if that is your wish – however, it has long been a tradition to “put down” animals if they kill humans.


    How’s that working out so far? Have you looked at the state of the world today? We’ve already caused a mass extinction greater than the one that killed off the non-avian dinosaurs. And, the rate of extinction is accelerating.

    I don’t believe in being cruel to animals – but they are “animals”. God (pick your choice) help us, if a termite or cockroach is ever given the same rights and privileges as you or I.

    I choose none of the above with respect to imaginary friends. I don’t think we’re talking about equal rights for cockroaches. I think we’re talking about a right to survival for the other species, especially the other sentiences, with whom we share the planet.

  11. #32 – Special Ed,

    Probably tasted like chicken.

    Nope. Pork.


  12. haha thats funny! thanks for the laugh


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