
Talk of a flu pandemic has evolved into a bit of flu panic. Rumors fly as some people die and others deny. Much of this fevered buzz is on and around the Internet. The fear that the Internet itself will crash is growing.

The alarm is based on the presumption that as the flu spreads, so does the base of home telecommuters, placing such a burden on the Internet that the whole World Wide Web will topple. But is that fear a true possibility?

The U.S. government seems to think the scenario is not only possible, but probable.

The Government Accountability Office issued a report this week warning that a bogged-down Internet could even be a matter of national security. The report officially recommends that the Department of Homeland Security should “work with other federal partners to determine if sufficient authority exists for one or more relevant agencies to take any contemplated actions to address Internet congestion.”

Is the Internet really that fragile? If so, we’re in deep doo-doo. Read the article… experts say no.

  1. Dallas says:

    The internet is not quite as fragile as our power grid but at least we have a government that recognizes the issue is important.

  2. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I friend of mine came down with H1N1 and I rubbed Norton Anti-Virus all over her. Didn’t work there either. I thought about praying which is a total waste of time.

  3. rectagon says:

    Yipes. What in the world is the angle here? Frankly, all I have to do is turn off my bittorrent and another 10,000 users will be good to go.

  4. chuck says:

    Quick, everyone type H1N1 into Google, all at once and crash the interwebs!

  5. Improbus says:

    It helps if you don’t watch the nightly propaganda news casts or propaganda news networks. Frankly, I don’t see anyone panicking except the government and bureaucrats.

  6. ECA says:

    1. the NET wont FAIL..
    2. a few SITES might go down..
    3. IF’ the USA internet is so vulnerable, Why isnt is BETTER??

    I love’d it when the NET first started and it still happens sometimes, as a GAME SHOW/other program WANTS you to join them on the NET.
    And the site you go to gets HIT by 1,000,000+ people “NOW”, and the site DIES..
    Those ON the site LAG ALL TO HELL and get bumped out..
    Those TRYING to sign in or SIGN up..CANT.
    PAGE refresh is in YEARS not seconds..

  7. bill says:

    I need the Fiber Vaccine!!!!! NOW!!!!!

  8. bill says:

    Oh, remember in the office when everyone went to some website at once and crashed the whole internal network…

    “Hey!!! check out ‘’ !!!!!!


  9. hhopper says:

    Bill – #8 – If you get the fiber vaccine, it will keep the fiber away. I don’t think you want that.

  10. dusanmal says:

    Just Govt. positioning itself to take away another liberty under the false “general good” guise.

  11. Raff says:

    So why is it supposed to topple? Because people will be using their computer from home rather than work?

  12. Killer Duck says:

    Do you really want the department that runs the TSA and FEMA having anything to do with the Internet?

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Follow these rules to avoid Computer H1N1:
    -Clean your keyboards with anti-bacteria soap.
    -Cover your mouth when sneezing at the monitor.
    -Stay away from infected web sites.


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