#143 No Agenda For Thursday October 29th 2009

Obama Sells Out To China

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Chat Logs For his Week’s Show

  1. mr. show says:

    The Obama-China story reminds me of the Clinton-Loral Space deal that exported missile technology to make their missiles more accurate.

    Ah well, another politician in the pocket of someone or company…he’s in good company with members of both parties. My gripe is why does it have to be with one the US’ main competitors (and a Communist country to boot)?

  2. AdmFubar says:

    anyone else having troubles viewing the flash files here?
    something when kaflooie as of late…

  3. Zybch says:

    Why can’t we just have a link to the MP3 file?
    Seriously, whats wrong with that compared to an ugly-ass flash player thing which you have to keep your browser open to hear!!

  4. DavidtheDuke says:

    #3, you can’t fast forward the flash when the ad plays.

  5. Improbus says:

    Streaming is teh suck. Give us a Save Link As option so we can play the show were WE want.

  6. Zybch says:

    #4 I don’t mind the ads, but I do mind not just having a Save As link.

  7. wrhamblen says:

    The amount of thimerosal in a dose of vaccine is 25 to 50 micrograms, not 25 milligrams. Adam was out by a factor of 1,000. BTW thimerosal used to be sold in drugstores as tincture of merthiolate.

  8. Jurek says:

    Guys , you can have mp3 at


  9. Animby says:

    wrhamblen: Not unusual. Curry often makes mistakes like that. He also rants about things he doesn’t understand. My favorite is his ridiculous castigation of prescribing the “cervical cancer vaccine” to boys. I even sent email to them reminding them there is no cervical cancer vaccine. There is one against the human papiloma virus which both boys and girls can contract and is known to be a major risk factor for cervical cancer. Just one of many, many reasons I am now an ex-listener.

  10. The Warden says:

    the amount of mercury we absorb in the environment completely outways the amount of thimerisal in vaccines, of which none is now in children’s vaccines. The whole “mercury” is making people sick claim is about as bogus as many of the idiotic posters on here.

  11. pcsmith says:

    Sorry to hear about the bridge Dvorak. Infrastructure spending apparently are for developing countries. Maintenance and repair is the so pre WWII.

    Just ask President Reagan. He reserved the transportation taxes to cover for his tax breaks to tell us that social security was a “almost” funded pension plan. And because Congress loved him so, it has unquestioningly funneled the funds inappropriately ever since.

    I live in the City of Bridges and we know how much maintenance a bridge costs.

    Just cross your fingers that the water/sewer system hold up before it betrays you.

  12. Animby says:

    Hey, Warden: You are quite right. The other thing most people don’t consider is that thimerosal is broken down by the body to ethyl mercury and quickly excreted. The methyl form is the stuff the tends to build up and become neurotoxic and methyl mercury is the stuff we get from the environment! Did you know the average person is going to excrete in their urine somewhere around 10+ micrograms of mercury compounds each day? And that is from people with no generally identifiable exposure. A study done in 2002 showed that the mercury in vaccines was very quickly eliminated in the stool of infants. (Lancet 360:1737-1741) Because mercury is ubiquitous in the environment, people tend to reach a steady state where they take in some quantity each day and lose about the same amount each day.

  13. Jay-C is Right says:

    Big fan of the show.

    I do agree with Jay-C though. This show should be called Old Agenda.

    Course I’m a die hard Alex Jones / William Cooper fan, so I’m already over exposed to the no agenda reoccurring topics.

    Swine flu minute turns into 10 minutes sometimes.

  14. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye! People listen to podcasts while driving, walking, shopping, working, doing things of importance, great or small. These activities, however unimportant, are more important than audio podcasts played for entertainment. Few, if any people sit and listen to podcasts regularly while doing nothing else.

  15. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye! People prioritize things. People go places and participate in activities. People pay for parking so they don’t have to walk to-and-from locations ten blocks away and park free.

  16. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye! Motion pictures have multimillion dollar budgets with highly paid actors, directors, screenwriters, professional film gear, ad nauseam. Are we’re supposed to equate that with a couple of no agenda guys, who possess better than average verbal skills, providing a gathering of web media clips?

  17. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye. People get the package of imported underwear you recommend, micro-wave and eat the shorts! How do you like their dining review? Seems people forgot to review the shorts? People don’t even own microwave ovens. Not so hot shorts

  18. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye! You will obey! In the morning! Jobs, jobs, jobs! Noise! Noise! Noise! People hear you but can’t listen because the message slops between jingles and salutations. Slop around, little message, slop around.

  19. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye! The donated payment per episode to PBS is a few cents. The quantity of programing PBS provides is varied, not focused for select no agenda crackpots and buzkills.

  20. random_chevy says:

    HUH? No agenda my eye! Gold brick, gold bricking, donations welcome in these trying times of buying new aircraft, and then, excursions just fly by, and bye.

  21. random_chevy says:

    Remaining messages aborted due to lack of interest, Re: agenda, no?


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