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Workers at a Tennessee library said someone has been using blue ink to completely scratch out curse words from books in the collection.
Maury County Library director Elizabeth Potts said dozens of books have been discovered with blue ink marks where profanities used to be, including what she referred to as an “f-word” in the “9/11 Commission Report,” The Daily Herald, Columbia, Tenn., reported Tuesday.
“This person is evidently offended by these words,” she said. “I’m more offended by (the suspect).”Potts said the library doesn’t have the money to replace the books, so patrons will “have to guess what the word was.” She said workers have also put up signs asking people not to cross out curse words in the library’s books.
Put up signs? You mean, they won’t find the person responsible and make them pay for the books? What happened to regulations where you weren’t allowed to destroy books (in any way) – it shouldn’t be hard to discover the patron who checked out all those books.
I am not worried about some little old grandmother with a marker pen. I am worried about the President of the United States doing the same on a much bigger scale.
I don’t think “censorship” is the right term. This is destruction of property. If this were a private library, the owner would have the right to cross out the words in books he owns. Since someone other than the owner is defacing books, then his crime is not censorship but vandalism.
#2 Peggy – Don’t worry Bush/Cheney aren’t president anymore.
Hold on a minute. This was a public library, meaning the censor’s taxes were used to pay for the books and library operations, too. Shouldn’t the vandal have as much of a right to the books as anyone else?
[Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]
Repukes or Bible thumpers?
Library, yeah I remember those, we had those before the internet. With the passage of time they’ve become less and less relevant. Better keep em around just in case somebody pulls the plug on the world. A good book by the candlelight might be the best entertainment available in a few years. Techno-apocalypse in 2012.
#5, StoopidAlphie,
Shouldn’t the vandal have as much of a right to the books as anyone else?
No. He lost that privilege when he defaced the books, denying everyone else equal access to the entire books.
There are muslim terrorists using libraries as a place to gain knowledge on how to build bombs. Why are you worried about a few crossed-out words? It seems to me that the former is a far bigger threat, but I suppose liberals don’t like to think about hard issues.
[Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]
I am ashamed to admit this. My dear departed mother was a librarian in a small town school. She would draw cloths on nudes in art books.
@ 9 StoopidFlanders
So what you’re saying is that we should limit the public’s right to access things that are dangerous? Where do you stand on gun control?
That’s what I thought, you’d prefer to have a stupid but armed populous.
Limit people’s access to information, but give them all the guns they want, that’s the rightwing way.
Doesn’t the cognitive dissonance get uncomfortable at times?
I know a Jesus freak in my town that perpetually rents “The last temptation of Christ” from out local video store for the sole purpose of preventing others from renting it.
#4 Re: Bush/Cheney vs. Obama – So, Obama has rejected all of the spying powers of the Bushistas and worked actively to rescind all of them? He has also fulfilled his campaign promises re:Iraq?
“I know a Jesus freak in my town that perpetually rents “The last temptation of Christ” from out local video store for the sole purpose of preventing others from renting it.”
When are people like this going to be properly recognized as being just as loony as an adult who stays up all night on Xmas eve waiting for Santa?
This person could be taking the cue from American TV, which bleeps the curse words.
I just can’t get over that it’s so stupid. Everyone knows what’s behind the bleep. Even children do. So you bleep the word, but can’t bleep the intention. It should be the other way around if you’re supposed to be truly offended. You should be offended by the intention. You can’t bleep the intention so you bleep the word just to pretend that “something is being done about it.” Something that is really nothing, and that’s the way it should be because of First Amendment. But the word gets bleeped, so there is attempt to do something.
See, I’m in a loop, talking in circles now. The whole thing is so incredibly foolish.
Library books defaced is news?? It’s just a common annoyance. Publicizing it only encourages them.
Much more common in my experience is highlighting words in yellow or underlining them. Aaargh! I’ve just fed the yellow trolls.
I confess that I deface library books as well. When I find a typo, I underline the erroneous letter or word. In pencil if one is available.
The anonymous defacer probably thinks he’s doing the same thing. The Hairy Spaghetti Monster created the World without excrement (who gives a shit?) or copulation (fuck me) or anger (fuck you shithead). He’s just returning that part of the universe to its paradisical origin.
Yep, it’s damned annoying.
(I wonder if using the two non-Oxford English Dictionary, 1st Edition, words will get me banned or the post filtered out? I don’t mean any harm. Call it an experiment.)
#16 Correcting typos is exactly the same as reCAPTCHA, except that due to the nature of the medium it leaves a sometimes permanent trace. So praise me as an innovator, forerunner and public-spirited guy, or dang me as a vandal.
Why does this have the nanny state banner?
18. There is every reason to believe that ACORN, at the behest of the Barack Hussein Obama administration is responsible for the vandalism. Here’s how it works: First, a few innocuous swear words disappear, then any negative references to Obama start disappearing, then any negative references to Obama’s buddies start disappearing, and soon enough we live in North Korea.
#19, lol, sure.
When I was a boy, I used to go into Sears and tear the lingerie pages out of the catalogs. Just so other boys would not be tempted, you understand. I’m sure this library incident is just a similar protective measure…
NOW we have to be searched BEFORE we enter libraries..for Non-metallic devices..
I hope the person searching me is Female and LIKES searching me…I will be returning ALLOT.
#26, StoopidAlphie,
You can expect the TSA agent doing the searches to be a morbidly obese minority with the manners of a 2-year old.
Why does that conjure up an image of you doing the searching?
Gee, let me guess which political party this goon belonged to that would go out and vandalize because they were offended with seeing profanity?
Ahhh, Christians, they just can’t stand knowing that others don’t need Jesus to be happy.
#29 – I need cheeses to be happy!
#28 TJ. I vote yes, that StoopidFlanders is a troll. Perhaps it is also a construct (to use its own word) to make the “Alfie” entity look like a moderate.
Everything we know is wrong.
Found one of my own papers had been similarly marked, someone decided to write a literary criticism in ink, editing the punctuation and leaving a grade at the end of each section.