Brought to you by anti-first amendment and anti-freedom people whose next step will be crossing out anti- [the rest of this comment has been censored].

Workers at a Tennessee library said someone has been using blue ink to completely scratch out curse words from books in the collection.

Maury County Library director Elizabeth Potts said dozens of books have been discovered with blue ink marks where profanities used to be, including what she referred to as an “f-word” in the “9/11 Commission Report,” The Daily Herald, Columbia, Tenn., reported Tuesday.
“This person is evidently offended by these words,” she said. “I’m more offended by (the suspect).”

Potts said the library doesn’t have the money to replace the books, so patrons will “have to guess what the word was.” She said workers have also put up signs asking people not to cross out curse words in the library’s books.

  1. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    I can’t believe there are several dickheads people in here that think it is OK to cross out words!

  2. amodedoma says:

    For me the funniest thing about this is the end result is the opposite of what censors might wish to achieve. The US practices a lot of censorship based on moral reasons, and yet is among the most amoral nations to exist. Until I started travelling I thought everywhere was more or less the same. Then I moved to europe, wow talk about culture shock. The beaches are full of topless teenage girls, the billboards and TV commercials have full frontal nudity, the local TV stations emit uncoded hardcore porn at night. Foul language? I use it regularly on an FM radio program I’ve been doing for 15 years.
    So what have we learned? If you don’t want something to be a big deal don’t make a big deal of it. DUH!
    What’s not clear is exactly why these people waste so much time on such ridiculous issues…


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