Can’t wait for the religious-right-wing to go nuts over this…

DAILYMAIL – Human eggs and sperm have been grown in the laboratory in research which could change the face of parenthood.

It paves the way for a cure for infertility and could help those left sterile by cancer treatment to have children who are biologically their own.

But it raises a number of moral and ethical concerns. These include the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies.

  1. Alfred's Mom says:

    Speaking of birth defects, I had a real dumb one.

  2. zoltar says:

    So I guess in 18 years we’ll have our first army of completely genetically engineered soldiers. Enough to fight 20 wars.

  3. Hey, at least we solved one of the problems postulated in Children of Men. Now if someone can solve Clive Owen, we’re set.

  4. Named says:

    Good Jebus, would someone please take AlfredENewman and Dr. Dudd and make sure to sterilize them? There is nothing like two idiots quoting the Magic Man as a basis for reality…

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    #47-Named-There is nothing like two idiots quoting the Magic Man as a basis for reality…

    So what is your take on this subject? Please enlighten us idiots to the answer as you see it.

  6. Dr Dodd says:


    I was hoping for a real line of thought from Named.

    Any fool can resort to simple-minded, uninformed criticism, but to actually contribute something of value is rare… especially from the land of the lost.

  7. amodedoma says:

    Damn, isn’t it hard enough to get a little sex these days? Most women are never so sexually active as when they’re trying to get pregnant. If we keep this up sex will end up having but one purpose
    – a means through which women manipulate men –
    or rather people manipulate each other.

  8. Named says:

    52 Dr Dodd,

    Science is the mythical double edged sword. For “good” or “evil” is all in the application. You cannot stop knowledge, progress or science. Well, I guess you could. All you need to use is religion.

    50 AlfredENewman

    You mean that’s not your mom posting? Too bad, because she really explains your conditions very well…

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, Alphie,

    or the transvestite Mr. Fusion who posts as Alfred’s Mom

    Now THAT is funny.I think only pedro’s goat is funnier. You must be raging jealous that pedro has a goat and you don’t.

  10. Dr Dodd says:


    Yeah, we know how disappointing that hope (and change) can be.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    Their exclusive use of ad homienm[sp] … distinguishes them from normal people.

    Do you even know what an ad hominem is?

  12. Named says:

    61, AlfredENewman,

    Anal… transvestite… same sex…

    It seems you have only one thing one your mind. Homosexual sex and it’s lifestyle. It’s obvious why you try to use the bible: you’re ashamed of your true character.

    Good thing that you live in California. You can find lots of anonymous homosexuals to play with. God Bless America!

  13. bac says:

    The christian god genetically creates personal worshiping slaves that believe they are the special ones and are the center of the universe. It could be said that the christrian god is a good example of not letting scientist play with genetics.

  14. soundwash says:

    This is NOT good.

    As a matter of fact, complete insanity if not stupidity.

    Mainstream science continues to willingly use completely false models to explain how the Sun and the Universe works, (which in comparison to the human body, is utterly simple.)

    If they cant even get that right, there is no way they understand the dynamics let alone the energy matrix-effects involved in creating Life.

    Mammals, -Life, go through infertility cycles for a reason.

    -And it is the Sun that regulates it.

    Peak infertility happens during solar minimums, and extended minimums produce both extended “die off”, mutation, and evolution of species.

    This is also why at this time more than any other, conditions are ripe to produce a f’k up mutation of the lab created H1N1 virus.

    There is a flood of energy (cosmic as well as resonant shifted) coming into the solar system, as well as into our planet that will effect all life.

    Why do think some people are going bonkers and others haven’t been able to sleep proper..(aside from human initiated effects)

    Or that a global infertility spike of almost 50% has been happening that past few decades?

    (man-made conspiracies aside)

    Both the sun and the moon have a 28 day cycle for which in the case of human females, their cycle is tied to.

    Aside from that..there is no way in hell that de-differentiated stem cells will transfer the life experience of proper DNA traits to the embryo.

    Your DNA constantly changes over time
    according to all the stresses and energy sources you are exposed to through out your life.

    example: Living through a famine will change the traits passed on to your to your offspring.

    Being exposed to the insane multitude of microwave energy from wifi, bluetooth, GWEN & Cell towers will damage your DNA accordingly and also change the genetic outcome of your child.

    The Russians proved this back in the 60’s (EMF effects) -and people like Dr. Robert O Becker rediscovered and proved the fact in the 70’s through 80’s.

    (that we are seeing **new** studies that link Cell phones to brain tumours is the biggest f’n joke of the century) everyone has known this since the 60-70’s. its just been suppressed)

    A child born of the same two parents at age 20 will have vastly different traits of a child bore by them at age 50.

    These scientists are f’n idiots if they think they will produce offspring that isn’t severely damaged.

    I see this as only a means to extract profit from parents who obviously should not be replicating in the first place..(and government funding, of course)

    The only way this has a chance in hell of working is if they have help from the original Beings that manipulated the original source DNA from a twelve to four letter coded DNA strand used to create us in the first place.

    Even’s idiotic. we are about to go through a major evolution over the next 3-5 years that will change not only the earth, but our knowledge of *everything*

    We are about to discover just how wrong we got everything..

    If they want to grow body parts, fine. But growing humans from uber-scratch and thinking “it’s a good thing-that’ll work” has got to be the most ego-maniacal and idiotic thing I’ve heard in my entire life.

    I can just see the ads for this procedure:

    “Not only will you be able to finally have your very own genetically similar kids…

    -But they will be “Round Up Ready” and immune to every Herbicide and GMO product known to man!”

    (and no, i’m not religious in any sense of the concept-in fact, this is a direct result of religion’s ego centric, patriarchal ‘we are unique, special, and gods gift to the universe” delusion.

    The only other thing i can see this done for is to grow the perfect, custom made, body part replacement clone program..with fat profits for all..

    Go Rent “The Island” -and you will see a “perfect end game” to this line of science..


  15. Dr Dodd says:

    #63-Alfred1-see what i mean?

    I’m afraid I do… the good news is that it’s now Obama’s fault.

  16. bac says:

    #65 — Just as certifiable as those who quote a book of fiction and believe it to be true.

  17. bac says:

    #69 — You really dislike Obama. He is just another link in a chain of worthless presidents since Bush Sr.

    The more you fixate on him the less you will be able to think clearly.

    USA has problems but calling Obama a Nazi or any other name is not the solution.

    So Alfie, even though you are not making things worse, you are definitely not helping things either.

    One might think you get your rocks off coming here quoting from a book about a fairy tale god and calling the current president a Nazi.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    I did nothing to make them respond to me or fellow believers, as they do…

    Observe how they treated you on your first post…you did nothing to deserve their ridicule.

    Is Alphie looking for an ally? No one else want to be associated with either Dr. Dudd or Alphie.

  19. bac says:

    #72 — Yes Alfie, Obama is just as certifiable as the rest which also include Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, Carter and so on…. In fact , you could say this about every USA president that quoted regularly from the book of the fairy tale god.

    But I have only lived so long so I will just stick to the presidents I have witnessed.

    I will acknowledge that there are degrees of being certifiable. The Bushes have surpassed Carter in their reverence to the book. It is too early to meter Obama but if he keeps it up, he will be on then same level as the Bushes.

    Now, are you going to stop quoting from the book of the fairy tale god and stop calling the current president Nazi so that you can inject some great ideas out onto the public?

  20. tcc3 says:

    Alfred must have been one of those kids who picked a fight and then cried when he got his ass kicked.

  21. bac says:

    #75 — An adult claiming that there is a real life Santa Claus would be declared certifiable. But a parent telling his/her child that there is a Santa Claus is just quaint or a traditionalist. So there are degrees of being certifiable.

    There are people who quote from the book of the fairy tale god believing those quotes to be truth and factual and then there are people who quote from the book for moral value. The people of the former are more certifiable than those of the later.

    Yes, even great respected thinkers can be to a degree certifiable. Example: John Forbes Nash Jr.

    No one is perfect Alfie. A person can be certifiable in one area of their life but be completely rational in another area. I know I am not rational all the time. Hopefully, those who quote from the book of the fairy tale god can admit the same.

  22. Named says:

    77 bac,

    Why are you even bothering with AlfredENewman? He is, in a word, pathetic. Of course, there are many MANY words to use to describe him (pathological, psychotic, demented, homosexual, deviant, irrational, maniacal) but it’s really pointless. It’s like trying to figure out why a rock is so damn stupid. Well… it’s a rock after all. It’s very nature is unintelligible. Unfortunately, a “person” like AlfredENewman is unintelligible. Logic is as foreign to his brain as god is to reality…

    What I DID notice is that Dr Dudd gave him some validation and you could sense his excitement that there is another loser out there to support him. Truly a pathetic duo…

  23. bac says:

    #80 — I finished a project and didn’t want to jump into another one just yet so I thought I would entertain myself with Alfie.

    I am going to answer your question with a question, Alfie. Are you always this gullible?

  24. Thomas says:

    > The birth defect “happened” the Works
    > of God were made manifest, not
    > in the birth defect, but in
    > the healing of the defect.

    You are making two statements here. The first, that the defect “just happened”, implies that it happened outside of the control or knowledge of your deity. If your deity was unaware that said child would be born blind, then clearly it cannot be omniscient. If your deity was unable to prevent said defect from happening, then it is not omniscient. If it deliberately allowed the defect to happen even though it was aware it would happen and was able to prevent it, then your deity is malicious; doubly so if the child is never healed.

    The second statement implies that your deity allowed the defect to happen so that it could heal the child. What about the billions of children that have been born with defects which were never healed?

    > Birth Defects are a consequence of the Fall…

    Firstly, this argues against the above mentioned quote. By this implication your are saying that birth defects are punishment whereas earlier you were implying they “just happen”. Second, your malicious deity is punishing countless generations of humans for a single “mistake” made by two humans thousands of years ago. By this logic, we should punish every decedent of a person that committed any crime in the past. If your grandfather stole a watch, you, your children, your children’s children and so on should all be punished, generation after generation, eon after eon until the end of time.

    Regarding the original post, people should not be worried about Frankensteins being created. One only needs to spend a little time analyzing current birth defects to understand that our current methods are less than perfect. Rather, people should be more worried about the care of said human. I would much rather have a child created by scientists for two people that truly want to have children than the millions of children born by accident from careless or uncaring parents.

  25. qb says:

    Every little sperm is sacred.

  26. qb says:

    #81 He’s completely pwnable. When he loses his pseudo intellectual shtick and starts pisshapping on everyone then he’s bunged. Dr Dodd is perpetually obsessed with “deviant homosexual” sex so he’s the right wing equivalent of an emo. About as interesting as Paris Hilton’s chest.

  27. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #83 – Unfortunately most of them get swallowed.

  28. Dr Dodd says:

    #84-Queer Boy

    Are you still playing in that little band of yours? What was it… Butch McDick and the Sodomites.

  29. qb says:

    LOL Yup, pwned.

  30. Thomas says:

    Let’s take this is stages starting with this fundamental premise from #85:

    > God knows all things
    > …He knew all things even before He created

    “All” means that your deity knows the exact location and path of every particle of matter from the outset of the universe until the end of the universe. It knows how and when every individual atom (and every proton, quark, bozon etc) will interact to form molecules, then cells, then organisms and so on throughout the lifetime of the universe. Is that correct?


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