Can’t wait for the religious-right-wing to go nuts over this…

DAILYMAIL – Human eggs and sperm have been grown in the laboratory in research which could change the face of parenthood.

It paves the way for a cure for infertility and could help those left sterile by cancer treatment to have children who are biologically their own.

But it raises a number of moral and ethical concerns. These include the possibility of children being born through entirely artificial means, and men and women being sidelined from the process of making babies.

  1. DJ says:

    What makes you think that the religious right wouldn’t like this… they’re pro-life, aren’t they? This way they can have all the life they want without that whole sinful sex thing being involved.

  2. DJ says:

    What makes you think that the religious right wouldn’t like this? They’re pro-life, aren’t they? This way they can have all the life they want without that whole sinful sex thing being involved.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:


    The women from the religious Right will be delighted, finally they will be able to bear children without the need to commit the sin of Fornication.

    The men… Will probably agree but only because of their wives.

  4. right says:

    “The men… Will probably agree but only because of their wives.”

    Har. I would give anything to see Alfred1’s husband.

  5. Animby says:

    The good news is this will allow for choosing traits more easily. Hair color, eye color, height, weight,fanaticism. Alfie should love it! The Aryan dream…

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    I thought the feministas would like this because they get a kid to indoctrinate, no man involved (and therefore none of that icky touch thing), and they get to keep their thin thighs.

  7. chuck says:

    Wow they can make anything out of stem cells!
    If only they could turn stem cells into oil – then we’d have a winner!

  8. sargasso says:

    The ethical conundrum of human reproductive experimentation has been well explored by Hollywood on a number of occasions (excluding “Twins”). I recommend renting, “Gattaca”.

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    Wonder when they will get around to naming one Kahn and what will invite his wrath?

    I betting it will be because he gets stuck living with two flaming militant homosexuals.

    Who could blame him? Kahn! Kahn!

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    #9, Dodd

    “I betting it will be because he gets stuck living with two flaming militant homosexuals.”

    The voice of experience eh?

  11. pcsmith says:

    Zager and Evans were off by an exponential time frame. They didn’t think this would happen until the year 6565.

  12. Dr Dodd says:

    #10-Angel H. Wong

    Looks like I hit a nerve, Angel.

    You know as well as I where this Frankenstein technology will lead. Nothing good ever comes from perverted science.

  13. Thomas says:

    I’m curious as to what the religious fanatics think about this. I’m guessing their only resource is claim that every sperm is sacred. Further, suppose a scientist fertilizes an egg and then destroys it. Is that abortion? Is that murder? It’s as if the whole claim that life begins at conception is a bunch of baloney.

  14. bill says:

    Save your old jockstrap! don’t ever wash it!!!


  15. Special Ed says:

    Wow, no baby batter?

  16. Special Ed says:

    #4 said, “Har. I would give anything to see Alfred1’s husband.”

    Here it is!

  17. Luc says:

    Religious people will obviously hate it because it’s not the way that “God” intended.

    They may actually have a point. This shit is going to be a hell of a can of worms.

  18. davo, the uninformed australian says:

    this is going to get abused by the kind of people we dont want breeding, and its going to result in the human race devolving into some horrible inbred mutant

  19. Cursor_ says:

    A little pic of what humans will look like with these techniques and some time.

    They aren’t extraterrestrials. They are extratemporals.


  20. Dr Dodd says:


    As a proud member of the Christian right… I can think of many objections not the least of which is the inability of people to handle the job of God.

    We can’t handle the problems we have now, why on earth unleash this kind of power to unscrupulous scientists around the world to experiment and transform people into whatever their freakish minds can conceive?

  21. Dr Dodd says:


    I realize that this type of experimentation is in the infancy stage and what you say is true. It’s just that the depravity of man can’t be trusted with this kind of science once it reaches maturity.

    Even if you could say scientist would never corrupt this type of technology we can’t forget the politicians or dictators who will certainly look to take advantage.

    Scientist will do most anything at the business end of a gun.

  22. Dr Dodd says:

    #26-Alfred1-Its up to our politicians and religious leaders to formulate the ethics that must be followed…so freakish experiments don’t occur.

    You have seen our politicians haven’t you? Most couldn’t find an ethic unless it’s tattooed on the chest of a poll dancer.

  23. The DON says:

    I object most strongly to the use of this technology!

    I we allow this to occur, then we eliminate the criteria for the Darwin award.

  24. Thinker says:

    I’m reminded of the end of ‘The Forever War’ where the human race was clones. Males and females from the same single person…

  25. davo, the uninformed australian says:

    yes i was talking about people with nasty genetic disorders… them and fat people, the fatties cannot be permitted to breed!

  26. Dr Dodd says:

    #30-Alfred1-So I applause their advances…because they may be hastening the day of the LORD.

    The day for the Lord will come soon enough, but until then we have to live with the folly of our decisions… freewill and all that.

    Until then, it seems genetically tinkering with the unborn is not a good use of our time.

  27. Alphie's Daddy says:

    #34, davo,

    the fatties cannot be permitted to breed!

    Do you realize how deeply you offended Alphie with that remark. Just because Alphie’s belly hangs down to the knees and Alphie couldn’t find it even if some man would want to, …

  28. a says:

    As a conservative lover of personal freedom…


    Its up to our politicians and religious leaders to formulate the ethics that must be followed…


  29. Sea Lawyer says:

    Exactly what we need – the ability to pump out even more people.

  30. Dallas says:

    #16 OK, that was funny


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