WINDMILLS-A(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Dallas says:

    Beautiful !

  2. chuck says:

    How many MW of electricity do they generate?

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hold on there JCD! That is a pretty racy pic. You can pass me the Dutchy on the left hand side. She’s a babe.

  4. andycatus says:

    Oh! The picture “you took sat on a dyke”. I get it now.

  5. noneofyourbusiness says:

    Is the title of this pic: “Obama’s energy plan”? Make sure to turn off all appliances on calm days.

  6. green says:

    WTF, no tulips…

  7. SparkyOne says:

    #6 green

    They were outsourced to China almost three years ago

  8. Widgethead says:

    Nice composition and a terrific photo, thanks for sharing.

  9. Carsten says:

    What camera did u use? It captures low and high beautifully.

  10. StoopidFlanders says:

    Enjoy them while you can. These things kill birds and bats at an alarming rate; and the environmentalists are doing everything the can to have them torn down. Utility, history be damned, these are deathtraps for cuddly flying critters.

  11. Uncle Don says:

    My new desktop wallpaper — I think this one is a keeper throughout November.

  12. honeyman says:

    Really nice photo, John!

  13. brendal says:



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