


So this guy in this huge motorcycle passed me on my way to Petaluma, California, this last Sunday. I had to catch up to him to see what he was sporting. A huge V-8 with bottles of nitrous oxide! What a bike. We love our V-8’s!

  1. sargasso says:

    Not nitrous-oxide. Absolut vodka. Da!

  2. LDA says:

    Insane (in a good way).

  3. SN says:

    I can only imagine how much heat that motor would put out. The fact that he can sit on it for more than a few minutes after it warms up is astonishing.

  4. Porch says:

    I wonder if he has pulled some sparkplug wires off so it will shake the mirrors off like a proper HD.

  5. #3 Good point. I’m guessing this is some weird experiment and the guy rolls it onto the freeway then gets it back into the garage before it heats up too much. Watching him in front of me trying to turn the thing (top pic) was painful to witness.

  6. Unimatrix0 says:

    #5 John C. Dvorak

    Nope, these bikes are produced by Boss Hoss Cycles

  7. Nugget Coombs says:

    “I had to catch up to him to see what he was sporting.” What on earth were you driving or riding to Catch-Up with this thing? Maybe a F1 car or Casey Stoner’s Ducati!

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Not much of a safety helmet. Looks more for style, than serious head protection. Of course, falling off this thing (or crashing while on it), would probably be deadly. Regardless of the helmet lining. So why worry, eh?

  9. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    Aaahh, they just don’t build bikes like they used to.

  10. jescott418 says:

    The excessive weight of the V8 almost hurts the bikes ability to be a bike. Great for straight line speed and that’s about it.

  11. Angus says:

    It’s certainly different, and still probably gets 50-60 mpg. I wonder how loud it is.

  12. DSheeks says:

    #11 – Look at the size of the fuel tank. I’d be surprised if it gets half of your estimated fuel economy.

  13. qb says:

    It’s a toss up whether I’d want to be hit by this or a Sherman tank.

  14. Billy Bob says:

    The manufacturer web site says the various models get around 20/25 mpg and deliver 355-440 HP.

  15. John says:

    He’s hot give him my phone number.

  16. jbellies says:

    Road hog.
    Maybe he only rides it during a month with an R in it: air cooling.

  17. Guyver says:

    Too bad the Dodge Tomahawk is no longer in production. It featured a Viper V-10 engine:

    (Click photo to enlarge.)
  18. Brian says:

    #18 It never was in production, just a one off for a show.

  19. Phydeau says:

    Some people won’t settle for less than too much.

  20. reflexx says:

    small penis = Plenty of room for a V8.

    Small helmet = No brain to protect.

  21. GrendelKhan says:

    #16 Nope – liquid cooled Chevy engine.

    They ride fine but too expensive for my blood. Looks like #21 is going to order one though.

    As to the helmet, see DOT approved and light-weight. Not my style but some like them. Don’t assume that the guys wearing an illegal beanie.

    Some don’t like bikers and take any chance to put them down. That’s their shortcoming that they’re highlighting though, not the bikers.

  22. Roger says:

    Just another organ donor looking for the right spot to donate.

  23. dbran1949 says:

    Just as a point of reference. Modern day liter sport bikes (1000cc) get about 30 to 40 mpg and produce 100 to 150 hp at the rear wheel from the manufacturer. Boss Hoss has been making bikes for quite some time now. I had a friend with an early version that only had a V6 in it. I declined an opportunity to ride it when I noticed the front disc brake was chrome plated.

  24. McCullough says:

    That thing is just plain fugly.

  25. Guyver says:

    19, It was available for sale through the Neiman Marcus catalogs in limited production.

    The bike was sold with the chain unattached since they didn’t want to actually encourage buyers to drive it.

  26. Angel H. Wong says:

    The wonders of mid-life crisis.

  27. deowll says:

    Hard to corner. Hard on the gas. Can go was to fast to control but as long as he’s the only one that dies….

    You know Obama, Gore, and company are going to outlaw these things. We’ll maybe not; they only get bleeped if non liberals waste energy. If you are in the “in” crowd you can waste as much as you want.

  28. HeBeGeBe says:

    What a bunch of COMMUNISTS! What the F_-K is it YOUR business what ANYONE does or where they go or what they ride? Answer: IT’S NOT!

    Pull you head out of Nancy Pelosi’s RECTUM and grow a brain!

    Riding on 2 wheels is about FREEDOM! And freedom is something most San Francisco FREAKS don’t know a (expletive deleted) thing about. Just look at the piece of crap they elected to CONGRESS!

    Pelosi is more than just a jackass liberal — she’s a COMMUNIST! So I would hardly expect ANYONE in San Francisco or even the whole (expletive deleted) state of CALIFORNIA to understand motorcycles (including that FREAK republican governor).

  29. handymel says:

    The v6 bike is interesting to ride. Certainly wouldn’t want to be on either for a long ride. I just think they are the heavy end of the spectrum of butt jewelry toys that middle aged men struck by a mid life crisis like to ride. If they weren’t riding these they would probably have a souped up camaro or a overpriced speed boat.


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