
Captured by Kerry Lutz.

  1. audion says:

    Free Bomb Pop with every Krugerrand!

  2. Improbus says:

    I can see melting down jewelry for cash but who in their right mind would exchange gold coins for worthless greenbacks?

  3. StoopidFlanders says:

    As sad as it is, there are people that are still ignorant of the worthlessness of the government paper money. Until such time as they are educated to that fact, they will continue to desire them.

    These gimmie cash for gold deals, both scams and legitimate versions, are become more and more common. I hope it is enough for some people to start (maybe) questioning as to why.

  4. StoopidFlanders says:

    As sad as it is, there are people that are still ignorant of the worthlessness of the government paper money. Until such time as they are educated to that fact, they will continue to desire them.

    These gimmie cash for gold deals, both scams and legitimate versions, are become more and more prevalent. I hope it is enough for some people to start (maybe) questioning as to why.

  5. Collardski says:

    I wonder if you can exchange gold for chili. That would certainly be a more worthwhile transaction.

  6. Benjamin says:

    Maybe I can talk my boss into paying me in gold coins. I could work for a gold Mapleleaf every two weeks.

  7. StoopidFlanders says:

    5. Canada makes some nice looking coins, but funny how the face value has no relation to actual market value of the metal. Just another gift from our good friend inflation, I suppose.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    mmmmmm….Chili Dog….mmmmm

  9. LibertyLover says:


    This case has already failed once with 161 acquittals.

    I wonder what their argument will be this time.

  10. chuck says:

    Is Adam Curry driving that van?

  11. Brian K says:

    Saw a “cash for gold” sign at a barber shop here in Scottsdale, AZ the other day.

  12. civengine (stocking up on brass and lead) says:

    Gold is a fiat currency as well. What can you do with it? Play quarters?

    Lead and brass? Now that has value. Food? Ditto. Gasoline? Loads of value. Water purification? Things that do useful work or can be used as raw materials in useful products in an early industrial or pre-industrial setting are the most valuable things of all. I think we have all failed to understand what we really need to survive.

    If the SHTF who would trade bullets, guns, knives, or food for some shiny yellow stuff?

    If the SDHTF find out what was deemed valuable to Argentines, Russians, Germans and other nations when they defaulted.

  13. mkl says:

    I read this in a WoW context before I realised what it was actually about. 😉

  14. jpfitz says:

    Pic looks like Commack road on Long Island. Not far from the infamous Commack motor inn.

  15. deowll says:

    Cash for gold and the buyer is making a big profit.

  16. Faxon says:

    #2…Well, everytime I buy an ounce of gold from my supplier, (apmex), THEY do….

  17. The newspaper industry was another high living off the hog industry between management and the overpriced unionized staff – no end in site ….
    they have to advertise with us….. only game in town
    Welcome to life and competition
    The only more foolish thing is the business people who are still only dealing with newspaper ads and think that they are getting the deals of their lifetime

  18. khl says:

    I took the picture in Harrison, NY, in Westchester County. The hotdog guy has been there forever, but about a month ago the sign appeared. When he starts playing a trumpet, then I’m going to get very worried.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, khl,

    I’d wait until he arranges some stones in a circle, dresses up with some strange feathers, and starts dancing around the stones all the while chanting in some language, only he and Alphie understand, as he self flagellates.

  20. Bruno says:

    Yeah I’ll take a Chili dog, a combo Burrito., and how much ya give me for my gold watch..


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