Two suspects were arrested and third is being questioned in the gang rape of a California teen outside a high school homecoming dance, police said Tuesday.

amd_richmond-hsThe 15-year-old Richmond High School student hospitalized in stable condition after the attack, which happened while as many as 15 people, all males, looked on but didn’t help or call police, investigators said.The sex assault took place on school grounds Saturday while the dance was under way inside the school, authorities said.

“She was raped, beaten, robbed and dehumanized by several suspects who were obviously OK enough with it to behave that way in each other’s presence,” said Richmond police Lt. Mark Gagan.

“What makes it even more disturbing is the presence of others,” Gagan said. “People came by, saw what was happening and failed to report it.” Manuel Ortega, 19, a former student at the school, was arrested soon after he ran from the scene. He faces charges of rape, robbery and kidnapping, and was held on $800,000 bail. “Based on witness statements and suspect statements, and also physical evidence, we know that she was raped by at least four suspects committing multiple sex acts,” Gagan said.

“As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated,” Gagan said. The victim was found unconscious under a bench shortly before midnight Saturday after police received a call from someone who overheard people “reminiscing about the incident,” Gagan said.

  1. spsffan says:

    The whole thing is just so sickening on so many levels that I’m at a loss for further words.

  2. HeBeGeBe says:

    This is just another example of very poor parenting. I also suspect they are (liberal) DEMOCRATS!

  3. Floyd says:

    #29: Underage drinkers usually get alcohol from someone’s parents.

    It sure happened when I was in high school in the mid-60s, and all too often the kids got away with it, with or without their parents’ help.

    In Europe, alcohol isn’t a forbidden fruit for teens. Wine and beer are often served to teens with meals at home or in restaurants.

  4. JimR says:

    Cut off his nuts.

  5. The Ender says:

    Fear is why this wasn’t stopped. Something our Country needs less of.

  6. Dallas says:

    Awful. The rapist may have maybe 25 years in prison to think about what they did.

  7. canucklehead says:

    mob mentality at it’s worst

  8. beentheredonethat says:

    Could easily have been fear that made them not call the cops, but they didn’t have to stay and watch.

    Think fear wouldn’t keep people from calling under a PC police state? I reported a mugging and beating in London last year, and when I clinically described the attacker as “a thin black man, wearing a blue jacket” I was told my statement was racist and I was in danger of being arrested. I was told to re-describe the attacker in “non-racist, non-offensive terms” and had to choose “Asian, African, or Caribbean”. So I said I must have been mistaken and got my ass out of there. I’ll never report a crime in the UK or in California.

  9. honeyman says:

    Unfortunately this is not just an American problem. What do you do with these stupid damn kids? Utterly despicable.

  10. Gonster says:

    #21 – StoopidFlanders said,

    “Fifteen against one: This is a prime example of true democracy in action.”

    So she was just “out-voted”?

    Welcome to the Decline and Fall of Western Civilization.

    In Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, the main character was also 15 years old.

    Enjoy the ride!

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    It’s Obama’s fault because.. Because.. Because.. Look behind you! Someone’s treating a sick wetback for free! *runs away*

  12. yanikinwaoz says:

    For those not from northern Cal, Richmond is a pretty bad area. Well known for crime, drugs, and all sorts of problems. It is a ghetto hell hole in some places.

    My gut tells me that gang retaliation is a factor here. If one or more gang bangers were involved, or suspected of being involved, then these observers were probably too scared to report them. After all, in Richmond, ratting out the local drug dealers could easily get you murdered.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    School kids almost never, ever tell on each other.. even the “good” kids.

    I think it has something to do with moral development at that age, rather than some larger problem with society.

    Admittedly this is an extreme case and other factors may be at play. Still, I think it would be a mistake to assume that the kids who didn’t tell where all moral reprobates.

  14. Faxon says:

    Richmond is the only city that is worse than Oakland.

  15. Faxon says:

    The only reason school officials should be blamed is that they held a dance for this monsters. Granted, not ALL the punks at Richmond High School are monsters, just the majority….

  16. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    So now we know where Faxon attends school.

  17. zammie says:

    Dont bring in morals.
    Salem Witch Trials?
    Trail of Tears?
    American has never had the best track record with Morals.

    I wonder how all those kid’s parents feel. Maybe they should be jailed, too.

  18. Toxic Asshead says:

    Observing how CA operates, the rapists will all be in the legislature or Congress in about 10 years.

  19. Benjamin says:

    The first rapist they caught was 19 and not even a student at the school.

  20. Benjamin says:

    Looks like they caught 4 more.

  21. rudedawg says:

    If I had come across this, there would be several parents mourning the deaths of their punk-assed kids that died that night from a gunshot in the head.

  22. The Truth says:

    It was not Knee-grows so please do not add racism to an already terrible event. That is part of the problem everyone is so hateful. Lets teach the youth how to respectful and considered of all regardless of gender,race, etc.

    # 18 cornholer said, on October 27th, 2009 at 11:03 am

    Ill bet the suspects where knee-grows and wetback

  23. keen30 says:

    This is truly a horrible horrible story I hope everyone involved is punished as harshly as possible. Justice is demanded.


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