Two suspects were arrested and third is being questioned in the gang rape of a California teen outside a high school homecoming dance, police said Tuesday.

amd_richmond-hsThe 15-year-old Richmond High School student hospitalized in stable condition after the attack, which happened while as many as 15 people, all males, looked on but didn’t help or call police, investigators said.The sex assault took place on school grounds Saturday while the dance was under way inside the school, authorities said.

“She was raped, beaten, robbed and dehumanized by several suspects who were obviously OK enough with it to behave that way in each other’s presence,” said Richmond police Lt. Mark Gagan.

“What makes it even more disturbing is the presence of others,” Gagan said. “People came by, saw what was happening and failed to report it.” Manuel Ortega, 19, a former student at the school, was arrested soon after he ran from the scene. He faces charges of rape, robbery and kidnapping, and was held on $800,000 bail. “Based on witness statements and suspect statements, and also physical evidence, we know that she was raped by at least four suspects committing multiple sex acts,” Gagan said.

“As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated,” Gagan said. The victim was found unconscious under a bench shortly before midnight Saturday after police received a call from someone who overheard people “reminiscing about the incident,” Gagan said.

  1. Brian says:

    Just another example of how screwed up this country is. No morals, no thoughs about how anything effects anyone.

  2. JohnT says:

    No one called police because they didn’t want to be accused of being racist… a hate crime in some areas.

  3. Fat_Anarchy says:

    # 1

    Yeah. Rape never used to happen a few years ago!

  4. Pinkerton says:

    Our old foe, group-think. I am reminded of when allied troops gave compulsory tours of concentration camps to the German citizenry who lived nearby, forcing them to reconcile the inhumanity. If only there were a way to do the same thing to these bystanders without causing more trauma to the victim.

  5. Phydeau says:

    #2 Thanks, JohnT. It wouldn’t be a Dvorak blog entry without a contribution from the witless wingnuts.

  6. Mike says:

    I think this is a good argument of how our culture is becoming more and more desensitized.

    This kind of stuff happens all the time in movies, and what do you do at the movies…you do nothing, you sit and watch.

    Now, obviously for people old enough to know the difference between real life and entertainment there won’t be as much effect, but for young (impressionable) kids who have been brought up being constantly bombarded with violence and the likes, you’ve got to wonder what effect it has on them.

    And if this is the case, the trend will only continue to get worse until parents take more responsibility for what and how much their children are viewing.

  7. StoopidFlanders says:

    It’s the government’s responsibility to keep our kids safe, not the people’s. Your suggestions that a mere citizen could actually do anything to help are preposterous. Remember children: if you’re being raped, just dial 911 and wait for the authorities to take care of you.

  8. Angus says:

    #3, um, usually not with 15 people around watching. That’s been a rare event since the abolition of Primae Noctis.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Stoopid,

    Yes, as Phydeau in #5 put it,

    “It wouldn’t be a Dvorak blog entry without a contribution from the witless wingnuts.”

    Thanks for playing the game, loser.

  10. jobs says:

    #1 This stuff happens all over the world. Many websites have been taken down that have posted recordings of rapes and beatings. Germany, Russia and Japan seem to be the source most often.

  11. cornholer says:

    I wonder if this was rape or “rape-rape”?

  12. Luc says:

    Those assholes are going to be very popular in prison.

  13. Improbus says:

    I am surprised they didn’t record it in HD and post it on the Internet.

  14. Brian says:

    you should be pointing the finger at porn. people probably couldn’t tell the difference between watching some easily-found group orgy video online and seeing it in person. heck, half the guys probably wanted to see something like that in real life and were totally oblivious to any struggles or screaming going on because they figured it was some kind of act.
    and they should still all be culpable.

  15. StoopidFlanders says:

    9. Thanks for your insightful regurgitation, it really put me in my place. All in all this is just another example of why you should get your kids the hell out of government schools.

  16. Improbus says:


    Actually, porn reduces sex crimes. Don’t let that stop you from moralizing though.

  17. StoopidFlanders says:

    How many of the government school bureaucrats will lose their jobs for failing to protect the children? Should I take a guess?

  18. cornholer says:

    Ill bet the suspects where knee-grows and wetbacks.

  19. DWY says:

    Another example of the failure of “the wisdom of crowds” argument I keep hearing…sheez.

  20. zorkor says:

    sick bastards……

  21. StoopidFlanders says:

    Fifteen against one: This is a prime example of true democracy in action.

  22. Benjamin says:

    This was wrong on so many levels. If you see a fifteen year old girl who is passed out drunk in the court yard of a school that does not give you an excuse to rape her. If you see someone raping her, it does not give you an excuse to stop and watch, not does it give you an excuse to take your turn when they first guy stops raping her.

    The people who stood around “watching” are no less guilty of the rape than those who actually raped the fifteen year old. Whoever provided her with alcohol should be punished for providing her with alcohol. The bystanders should at least be charged as an accessory.

    If the level of depravity has reached this point in the United States, then there may be no point in fighting off the terrorists.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #17 – A school sanctioned activity (prom)? You bet your ass.

  24. Benjamin says:

    #23 – It was homecoming, not prom; but that is beside the point.

  25. Peggusus says:

    There are no moral constraints. No sense of shame. There are only legal limits and sanctions dispensed depending on income and influence. Everybody is doing it. Drunk maiden, soldier or stockholder, get yours while you can.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Thanks for the correction Ben. I believe Stoopid-F was heading down the path that resolves school officials from any culpability. If you can’t feel secure in sending your 15 year old to a school dance then who’s fault is it?

  27. StoopidFlanders says:

    26. I have addressed your concerns in 7. Tongue in cheek, of course.

  28. Benjamin says:

    #26, To be fair, the girl left the dance and went to drink in a remote part of the school court yard. The school officials were watching the kids at the dance. Still, they should be keeping people from congregating in an unlit area of the school courtyard.

    I want to keep the blame centered on the rapists, the bystanders, and the one who gave her alcohol in that order. School officials would fall after those people.

  29. StoopidFlanders says:

    How in the world did underage kids come to possess alcohol? I thought the government had laws to protect them from that. Are you implying that all those countless tomes of regulations did nothing to prevent this tragedy?

  30. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #28 Ben – The incident sounds like it built up over a period of time. For this to happen to the length of time it did means that whoever was responsible for the students welfare had their backs turned. Fear? Incompetence? Disinterest? All failures.
    I’m not saying that your order of precedence is wrong. I’m just saying that although the school officials are at the end of your list they are no less responsible.


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