A short, funny article from The Onion (the fake news site):

In a rare display of bipartisanship, senators on both sides of the aisle set aside their differences Tuesday and passed off responsibility for the nation’s problems by an overwhelming 91-8 margin.

“As senators, it’s our duty to get any sort of blame out of Congress and onto the president’s desk as quickly as possible,” said Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who recalled a similar 2005 decision in which the Senate firmly rejected accountability by a vote of 93-6.

“Someone has to accept this blame and do the right thing, and both Democrats and Republicans alike understand the importance of fighting tooth and nail to ensure that it’s not us.” President Obama is widely expected to veto the blame, sending it back down to the House of Representatives.

  1. ManBearPig says:

    Are you sure this is fake? Surely it can’t be far from the truth.

  2. dusanmal says:

    @#1 Not far from the truth but for the last part. Obama is expected to accept the blame, saying that though he doesn’t deserve it he is taking it in the name of American people who really deserve it.

  3. StoopidFlanders says:

    #2. I call nonsense on you. Prove me wrong by showing me what consequences Barack Hussein Obama faces as a result.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I go to The Onion whenever I want the real story. They tell it like it is.

  5. chuck says:

    #3 – he’s taking the blame, but he isn’t accept the consequences or the responsibility. Obviously Bush is really to blame for everything, but Obama is the true hero for accepting the blame anyway.

  6. Breetai says:

    OMG Someone give the author of that thing a Ribbon. That’s awesome.

  7. Benjamin says:

    Obama is blaming Bush. You can only blame Bush for so long before the question is asked: what has Obama been doing? Democrats blamed the Republicans (rightfully so) for over spending, but then they outdid Republican spending by a lot more in the short year since Obama was elected.

    The Democrats under Obama run the White House and both houses of Congress. According to the promises made by Obama during the election we should be living in the land of ponies and rainbows, but instead the recession is worse than ever.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #7…the recession is over.

    Nah, blaming Bush gets us nowhere. How about these guys:

  9. Benjamin says:

    Olo Baggins said,

    “#7…the recession is over.”

    Prove it. Where are the companies begging to hire people? Where are the rows of new homes and businesses being built? Where are the factories and manufacturing plants going up? Where are the ponies and rainbows?

  10. chuck says:

    #7 – from the Newsweek story “Barack Obama campaigned as a populist firebrand but governs like a cerebral consensus builder. ”

    – when did the cerebral consensus builder thing happen? I don’t remember any “bipartisan” bills recently. And if you disagree with Obama, you’re a racist.

  11. Hairy Reed says:

    “the” fake news site? Oh there’s AT LEAST one more I can think of …

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #11 – ‘nuf said. Could you be talking about FAUX news?

  13. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #9 @ 10, Benji and chucky,

    It looks like the NEWSWEEK story went right over your heads.

    It must be a sad life to not understand when you are being made fun of.

  14. Village Idiot Intern says:

    I took delivery of my unicorn, rainbows and lollipops last week. Maybe you should check with Fed-Ex.


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