amsterdam1(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Bubba says:

    Calm before the storm

  2. dickmnixon says:

    Welcome to The Red Light District. The best way to start the day.

  3. chuck says:

    Just a thought: Amsterdam is well known for it’s canals, and Holland is know for flood control, etc. Why can’t they do the same thing in New Orleans? Wouldn’t a canal system through (some) of the streets of New Orleans be a terrific tourist attraction?

  4. Peet says:

    Ah, my home town captured by JCD. Hope you enjoyed the stay John:-)

    #3 Actually the canals aren’t part of our flood control, they’re a remanicant of trade transport in the 1600’s though out the early 1900 ‘s.
    Right after the floods in New Orleans the Netherlands became involved in strengthening and ‘smartening up’ the dykes and waterways. I think even our crown prince is involved in this project as he’s somewhat of an expert in water management 🙂

  5. LucasJV says:

    #3, you don’t keep the water out by letting it in. The thing that IS protecting Amsterdam is the Afsluitdijk, a huge 50 km long dyke with a sea on one side and a lake on the other side, and the natural dunes of the North Sea. The water that’s flowing through the canals is from the river Amstel and the IJ-lake.
    I’m one of the lucky few to live in Holland so I visit Amsterdam very regularly (pretty much every week).
    #2 it’s probably not the red light district (not sure though), most of the streets in the city centre look like this. Some of these streets can be very quiet at day even on a busy day like Queens Day (which it was on this photo by the orange party flags at the right).

  6. amodedoma says:

    #3 Holland is a nation that’s had a long history of devastation from the ocean until Afsluitdijk was built. So has New Orleans, but ‘civilization’ hasn’t been there very long. If they plan to stay they better plan for the next big storm.

  7. Peet says:

    #5 The Hemp museum (third building on the left) is right smack in the heart of the red light district (148 Oudezijds Achterburgwal), so #2 was right 🙂

    Check out the museum website by googling with the obvious search terms 🙂

  8. Bob says:

    Got anything newer? This one’s 6 months old….

  9. #8 find a live webcam for something newer. I’m sorting through my archives, hence all the photos. Few will be “new.”

  10. Dennis says:

    I was just there in September and have a few photos. I can post a link if there is interest.

  11. dickmnixon says:

    Thanks Peet for the backup. I will be at Barneys Lounge from 3.11 – 6.11. Look for the bald guy next to the Volcano.

  12. RS Goodsell says:

    I was in Amsterdam about 10 days ago and yes, it look just like that! Very beautiful. Such a great city.

  13. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Are those weed plants on the sidewalk?

  14. Thomas says:

    Ahh, Amsterdam. One of my favorite cities. Mmm…Cafe Golum.

  15. Johan says:

    I’d love to go to Amsterdam. I’ve seen so many pictures of the city and it always looks lovely, almost like Vienna in the movie “Before Sunrise”. It really isn’t far away, but my girlfriend wants to go to London before anything else, and I kind of want to check out the music scene in Berlin, but hey, Amsterdam’s #3 on that list! That’s not too bad.


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