Newspaper circulation falling fast, down 10.6 pct
Figures released Monday by the Audit Bureau of Circulations show that average daily circulation dropped 10.6 percent in the April-September period from the same six-month span in 2008. That was greater than the 7.1 percent decline in the October 2008-March 2009 period and the 4.6 percent drop in the April-September period of 2008.Sunday circulation fell 7.5 percent in the latest six-month span.As expected, The Wall Street Journal has surpassed USA Today as the top-selling newspaper in the United States. The Journal’s average Monday-Friday circulation edged up 0.6 percent to 2.02 million — making it the only daily newspaper in the top 25 to see an increase.USA Today saw its worst decline ever, dropping more than 17 percent to 1.90 million.
Wow, their circulation is dieing faster than their user base. Not a good sign. Who needs a news paper when you have a smart phone with a RSS feed?
Maybe USA Today and the newspapers can pull a Garth Brooks and demand the US gov’t protect their rights and imprison people who “steal” news by reading it online, or “share” it at the water cooler.
It couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the papers (and media in general) have been so pro-Obama, could it?
#3 Maybe is has to do with them spitting in the faces of our heroes in the armed forces …or constantly brow-beating us with pro-homosexual agendas …or praising the illegal alien law-breakers …or wiping their butts with traditional American family values. Take your pick, and good riddance to them.
@ #3 & #4
You guys sound like you fell off the same turnip truck. Please, Obamagod is not the be all and end all of your troubles. Get a grip.
Loss of professional journalism is a serious issue. I hope society and capitalism can find a way to compensate good journalism in the age of the ala cart internet news.
If this is not fixed, the right wing sheeple will be getting dumber all the time- not that they looked past Bill O’Really.
@ #3 & #4
Yes, online alternative sources never do any of that. Or do they? You’re even more clueless than John.
And this is one reason why newspapers exist.
Too bad lately most media is based on blame, hate and celebrity gossip..
I live in Oklahoma City. We have about 1 million people here. The paper here will basically give you a year’s subscription for 7 days if you’ll subscribe to the Sunday and Wednesday paper. They end up throwing in the other days to boost circulation. Circulation is now a loss leader.
When a reader of the New york Times never hears about Van Jones, what is there to lose?
I find it shocking that you want capitalism to solve the problems of newspapers when you have shown yourself to be quite liberal. Where is the “sit around the campfire singing kumbayah” solution to the death of newspapers? Why aren’t you blaming capitalism for the death of newspapers? Where are the suggestions for a government managed newspapers (formal control that is).
BTW, that was directed at #6.
#12 Is that a preemptive attack on an opinion you made up on my behalf?
You are ready to be a host on Fox News!
Who says I’m against capitalism? This may be over your head but what I’m against is the perversion the right wing conservatives have applied to American Capitalism – remove the guard rails (regulation) and let greed run rampant.
GOOD! Let’s put a stop to these bird cage liners while we still have a few trees left to produce O2 for us.
Alfred1 == Glen Beck?
1) They are both insane.
2) They both have a stiffy for Fox News.
16. There is no shortage of trees, though I do share your sentiment otherwise.