miniatureworld(Click photo to enlarge.)

  1. Rich says:

    The Dutch must be the happiest people in the world- I never see that in America. Then again, I live in Ohio…

  2. Bob says:

    Madurodam I assume. It’s unbelievable all the detail. I was there 15 – 20 years ago I am sure it’s even bigger and better now.

  3. #3 Yes, and it’s huge!

  4. brendal says:

    No bar, though. 😉

  5. StoopidFlanders says:

    With the economy the way it’s going (Thank you Barack Hussein Obama!), likely these are biggest houses Americans will be able to afford.

  6. Somebody says:

    Been there, done that.

  7. StoopidFlanders says:

    So this is what was meant when Barack Hussein Obama said we need to star living within our means.

    What kind of mortgage deal can I get on something like that? Nevermind, I’ll just go ask Obama’s buddies at the banks.

  8. sargasso says:

    I loved the little red light district.

  9. Miniature World? … it’s Giants world! 😉

    Thanks John for (finally) posting some of your Holland pictures.

  10. Uncle Don says:

    To the same scale as Miniature World is built, how big would all of Manhattan be?

    Now that would be a fun place!

  11. Palooka says:

    Makes you feel like Godzilla

  12. Jim says:

    Looks mostly like I remember it from 27 years ago, albeit without the big tomato monster in the background.

    It was a fun little side trip one afternoon.

  13. jmacshriver says:

    Went there in 92′

    Jim, that is Elmo I believe.

  14. Widgethead says:

    Thanks for the reminder, was there many years ago and it was a fun place to visit. The Netherlands is a terrific place to visit, plus the pomme frittes with mayo or satay sauce are to die for.

  15. Gumchewr says:

    Is there a scale train, also?

  16. dawn says:

    it’s on a larger scale, but Tiny Town in Colorado does have a railroad. You can’t tell much from their crappy website ( but the place is sweet.


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