#142 No Agenda For Sunday October 25th 2009


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Chat Log For Today’s Show

  1. Faxon says:

    I don’t know who is doing your graphics, but they are GREAT! On a side note, your show is the best thing available in the country, in my opinion. Paypal contribution to follow!

  2. ECA says:

    Can I ask you 2 to look up an interesting fact..

    Banks are SUPPOSED to pay insurance, Find out how many are UP TO DATE on payments.

    Also to ADD to that. CORPS are supposed to PAY for creating RETIREMENT FUNDS, for an insurance from the GOV.. Over 50% of those corps HAVE NOT PAID, but we STILL back the retirement funds.

  3. Animby says:

    No Agenda has turned in to The Adam Curry Agenda. Even JCD has a hard time getting a word in edgewise. The show is overproduced (“in the morning!”), annoying with EVERYthing part of a vast international conspiracy, underresearched (bombing moonbases with “…kinetic weapons – whatever those are…”). And the lengthy begging for money is becoming quite irritating. JCD and AC: do yourselves a favor and get some ads. They would less intrusive and easier to listen to. I promised myself after the last show: no more. I’m sure you won’t miss me.

  4. Heinrich Moltke says:

    #3 — You’re blowing your outrage load a little too soon.

    NA is still the best podcast out there. Period. It does run the risk of getting overproduced, and also of having too much Crackpot and too little Buzzkill. These are fine lines, but they’re still walking them fine. Find one show where Crackpot seems to dominate, and the next one Buzzkill brings it back to entertaining, grumpy reality. As long as they keep mixing it up, and avoid lapsing into formula, they’ve got a good thing going.

  5. La_Maudite says:

    Where’s the download link?!?!?!

  6. Pete says:

    My Gripe: I would have liked to have heard Adam’s opinions on the Northwest Airlines flight that overshot Minneapolis. But since they didn’t have a pre-produced sound-bite from C-Span that points to an international conspiracy on that, I guess we’re not going to hear about it.

    No Agenda is becoming more and more agenda driven. Time to go back to first principles. Just yak about stuff. Airplanes, restaurants, computers, Web 2.0, whatever. Just listening to you two have a conversation is what drew me in. It’s not that anymore.

  7. Zybch says:

    I’m with #3. Get an ad or two, get them over at the beginning of the show and stop making me feel bad about not donating 2 times every week (I’ve donated several times and gotten a couple of mentions, so don’t need any additional guilt laid on me thanks).
    I also miss the chatty style or earlier shows, perhaps a 3x weekly format could devote every 3rd show to the worldwide conspiracy leaving the other two for the more entertaining content.

  8. soundwash says:

    John, Adam…

    Can you PLEASE provide a consistent “bloody easy to find” place to put the link of the mp3 please..?

    Having to spend 10 minutes looking for a hyperlink every other show is well, a turn off. -and i have the patience of a saint.

    -and a text link please. having to enable a player (and scripting) just to access a download button is asinine..

    In case you guys don’t know, the bulk of malware/spyware/viruses are being served up via legitimate ad servers.

    I really dislike having to figure out what IP to enable on the mevio page to get the DL button to light up

    -thank you, keep up the great work.


  9. soundwash says:


    (The irony of you *wanting* to hear advertising on NA is a testament to the power of subliminal advertising. (itself, a conspiracy [ha!]) which has obviously completely subverted your ability to have an original thought.

    Too Funny for words! (tffw)


    Now, on with my yadayada..

    you’ve watched MSM too long and have been blinded to what is really happening under your nose and have allowed your mind to be painted into a corner.

    most likely starting this week..all sorts of calamity is going to start unfolding and the “unreal” will become common place as the race to squelch any and all who think outside the box is accelerated.

    (I imagine even more people will start “disappearing” as a result)

    -as the reality inside the box is a construct of TPTB, and whats outside the box is the true freedom of consciousness and individuality.

    Soon we will once again learn to utilize the other 90% of our brain and DNA that is currently dormant.

    The current power structure dreads this day and will do *anything* to keep the masses from learning how easy this can be achieved. -esp when the local energy field increases in frequency.

    It ultimately means complete decentralization of “power” as power of the individual in a “choir” will rise once again.

    Anyone who attempts to reveal the multiple wizards behind the [iron?] curtain will be discredited..to the point of death, if necessary, in order to maintain the illusion we all have been programmed to live in.

    I assure by the end of next summer, at least half of what are called conspiracy theories will be revealed to be true and the current “truisms” revealed to be the actual conspiracies.

    The Cycles of Time and the Universe demand it.

    Snap out of it. (turn off your tv)

  10. Randomized says:


    Link to every show and you don’t have to deal with the Mevio site. (it never seems to work properly for me) The show notes on the podshow site almost never work though…it usually takes me to a mevio 404 site.

  11. Li says:

    I think that the very special announcement from the FDIC deserves it’s own blog entry so that everyone can see what a lying, bobbleheaded twit the head of that body really is.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ch-ch-chia Jewfro =3

  13. soundwash says:


    i have that…it redirects to
    the http://mevio.com/episode/193753/NA-142-2009-10-25





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