The New York Times

Two former Yale University law students have settled their suit brought against some 30-plus anonymous commenters who posted derogatory remarks about them on an internet forum called AutoAdmit. The comments, which ranged from standard insults to those of a more sexually explicit nature, were so vile they prompted the women to sue in order to out the identities of those doing the commenting. According to the plaintiffs, the suit was necessary because the discussion board, a site designed for law school graduates, was often monitored by firms looking to hire. Because the comments were associated with their names, the women claimed that it would hurt their chances of being offered a job.
In the end, the women’s attorneys were able to identify some eight or nine of the anonymous posters, according to the Hartford Courant and they settled with some of them.

Because the terms of the settlement were confidential, the lawyers representing the former students, Heide Iravani and Brittan Heller, would not discuss them. However, San Francisco attorney Ashok Ramani, whose firm, Keker & Van Nest took the case pro-bono said that their clients were “very pleased with how the case went.” The women had sued for monetary damages so a settlement means they were likely awarded at least some of the amount they had hoped for.

DU has more than it’s fair share of trolls.

  1. StoopidFlanders says:

    This isn’t so much about internet trolls; It’s just a big circle-jerk between uppity lawyers looking to make a name for themselves..

  2. deowll says:

    The news groups are about dead for whatever reason.

    Some posters aren’t read.

    This site is censored despite the title.

  3. amodedoma says:


    Absolutely. Trolls are, like everything else on this planet, mostly harmless. If you’re walking down the street, and some nut case shouts some provocative nonsense at you, you ignore it right? No reason to do any different on the blogs. Sometimes I actually get a good laugh reading a troll’s post.

  4. amodedoma says:

    #2 deowll

    I’ve seen no such censorship. All blogs have rules that cover basic civility and DU is no exception. Perhaps if you could provide specific details?

  5. JimR says:

    Troll… as in a troller… as in a fisherman trailing a baited line from a slowly moving boat… as in a poster dropping their baited line amidst the other posts as they slowly float by… waiting for a byte.

    Is a bowler a bowl?

    Is a swinger a swing?

    Is a poster a post?

    Whreeeeeeeeee… splish…. back to you, posters.

  6. SparkyOne says:

    but the fines were paid in US Dollars so there really was nothing won of any great value

  7. a big troll says:

    I like to hide under bridges and eat goats.

    Bush was great!
    Obama is turning out to be even better!
    I love Palin
    I love Pelosi

    Now come and get me


  8. sargasso says:

    If you post with your real name you’re stalked and subject to identity theft, if you don’t use your real name then you’re a troll.

  9. hhopper says:

    It’s not posting anonymously that makes one a troll, it’s posting bullshit just to rile people up.

  10. Troublemaker says:

    On the flip side, I’ve seen countless examples of people being labeled as “Trolls”, NOT because their opinions weren’t sincere or real, but simply because the collective mindset of all the other “Sheeple” on certain forums, disagree with the alleged “Trolls” point of view.

    Huffington Post is a cesspool of such behavior.

  11. Buffet says:

    If you can’t say something nice…. I do however think that “Troublemaker” makes a very valid point! If I choose to truly weigh political issues before I vote blindly, not to drive a Toyota Camry, and not comsume high fructose corn syrup, just because everyone else does….well? There are nearly always two sides, and the minority can, and is, very often wrong. Viewpoints should be aimed at the issues, NOT the other posters. Let’s all just agree to disagree.

  12. Alfred's Mom says:

    My son looks like a troll.

  13. right says:

    “Huffington Post is a cesspool of such behavior”

    HP is a great website. The Repugs have no chance there because they get eaten alive.

  14. Special Ed says:

    I’ve been censored here several times. It certainly wasn’t my intent to troll, just merely expressing myself in an open fashion. I’d like to see a REAL DU or at least an opportunity to read the censored comments. Most make me LMFAO!

  15. Mr. T says:

    right said:
    “HP is a great website. The Repugs have no chance there because they get eaten alive.”

    Never argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

  16. hhopper says:

    Special Ed (and your other aliases) you have gotten ultra-gross on occasion.

  17. soundwash says:

    Great. this was a trial balloon to see if it would fly in court..perfect setup to add a few amendments to the absurdity that is the Cyber Bully Bill.

    This is kinda like creating a subliminal self-censoring mind virus.

    A few high profile cases and people will soon be fearful of “speaking their mind”

    -the judge that allowed this case to go forward should be stripped from the bar and all the rest of it.

    Completely absurd.


  18. bobbo, international airline transport consultant says:

    Special Ed must be pretty gross given what I see is not censored. I wonder though it is more an issue of subject matter than level of grossness such as racial grossness is ok, but sexual is not? Or religious/political. Or whatever.

    Labels are always fun though. Good summaries, or short circuits.

    The header says trolls are provocative, hostile, or annoying. Each one of those is can be better or worse than the others, its always context related. I wish more exchanges were of the good sort of such things. When not, so easy to disregard.

  19. bobbo, international airline transport consultant says:

    On the thread topic though, big difference between what gets censored here, trolling, being irrelevant, attention seeking, AND – – –

    attacking the job worthiness on websites used for job recruitment.


  20. vault says:

    Trolling is a art.

  21. Special Ed says:

    It’s only gross if you don’t take a bath.

  22. Special Ed says:

    #21 – Oh, YOU’RE the Alfred! LOL! Makes sense.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    When will you censor the editor trolls?

  24. Jägermeister says:

    Some editors are trolling as well… perhaps not like Alfredone, but still.

  25. STEVE says:

    OH NOES!!!!

  26. Alfred's Mom says:

    He does have a big brain because of all the swelling from the many times I dropped him on his head. It was fun!

  27. Alfred's Mom says:

    Here’s little Alfie as a baby:

    BTW, I didn’t depart – I bolted!

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #26 – Alfred1 – I destroy trolls with my big brain…its fun…

    It’s sad that you can’t use it for thinking.

  29. Troll says:

    I’ve been so trollish here that I had to change my username…

  30. Alfred's Dad says:

    Bitch, you better get back here now, then go in the kitchen and bake me a pie. NOW!!!


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