The biggest problem with Alex Jones, is even though he is often rightly critical, he sounds like a nut-job.

  1. algore says:

    Proggresives dont have the balls to take over anything. They are pussies.

  2. algore says:

    Sorry, that would be PROGRESSIVES…

  3. SparkyOne says:

    he federal government will pay for mexican flu aid if a treatment tent is within 200 yards of the hospital but not if it is 300 yards away.

    And you call this guy a nut job?

  4. ECA says:

    UNTIL the people of the USA understand and take control of this nation…Only the idiots/Fascists/OTHERS will control our LIVES.

    WHO had government CLASSES when they were in school? How many BELIEVE that its THAT EASY to control this government?
    The problem tends to come from the TOP of the ladder, and MONEY. With enough money ANYONE can make something happen. THERE is always an IDIOT out there that would sell their SOUL, if Promised or GIVEN enough money. But how do you KEEP a secret ACT, secret?? you kill those involved or WIPE there minds and lives.
    1 or a few persons do something SECRET, Only they know what was done, so you have another person(s) that DONT KNOW what happened, KILL those person(s)..and ON it goes.
    EVEn if 1 person knows what happened, and saves himself. THEN declares it to others..WHO believes him? 1 person and no proof.

    Do you know that there is a GROUP that are trying to FORCE the end of the world?? FORCING events to happen, that will Give persons REASON/no opportunity to discern WHATS truly happening, until they DO the WRONG THING.

  5. STEVE says:


  6. simongiln says:

    Alex Jones doesn’t just *sound* like a nut job; he *is* a nut job, and anyone who watches him talk about the illuminati knows it. Do a Google search for his review of Watchman. If you can watch that, and come away thinking he’s sane, then you know very little about Alan Moore *and* you’re nuts too.

    You may as well have posted a youtube video from RussiaToday. You’re just as likely to get a rational and honest criticism of America’s government from them.

  7. Todd Peterson says:

    The problem is the “bad things”, not that Alex sounds like a “nut job”.

  8. deowll says:

    Not news.

  9. deowll says:

    Correction, OLD news.

  10. Mr Ed says:

    Paranoia strikes deep.
    Into your life it will creep.

    Morons, we’re surrounded by morons…

  11. sizzy says:

    Jones has been dead on with many of the things going on now. He would be more effective if he just toned his personality down a bit.

  12. ECA says:

    Its easier to tell 1 POINT at a time and then LET the idiots connect the DOTS..
    Even if you feed a baby to much, it will PUKE IT UP..
    Give 1 point at a time, THEN let them DECIDE.

  13. 888 says:

    “The biggest problem with Alex Jones, is even though he criticizes bad things, he sounds like a nut-job.”

    NO! His biggest problem is that he doesn’t look like Brad Pitt.
    Unfortunately in our later western civilization the look is more important than the message.
    No one would have followed Jesus nowadays if he would show in his rags, with his ugly beard and horrible 80’s hairdo\, you bet Church of Holy Noodle (or whatchamacallit) would have had more followers than him today LOL

  14. Animby says:

    It is a sad world Jones and Curry live in where everything is part of a vast international conspiracy. Where even the most mundane occurrences become part of an intricate Dan Brownish plot.

  15. Jerry Jones says:

    Alex Jones is CIA and clearly chipped (MK Ultra).

  16. ECA says:

    tHE PROBLEM WE HAVE, IS THIS ALL STARTED YEARS ago, and has gotten more and more complicated, as to WHAT IS HAPPENING..
    How many of you KNOW that BUSH’s grand father TRIED to have the president killed?

    DO NOT think that corps arent powerful ENOUGH.
    That they HAVNT done things..


  17. Darwin says:

    Progressives are pussies algore? Really? Are you sure? Because I am a proud progressive and liberal. I am also a 12 year veteran of the Marine Corps with multiple combat tours. I know many others like me. So be careful with your fake tough guy comments. You don’t know what you are talking about and just might get yourself in trouble saying it to the wrong person.

    Alex Jones is of course a nut. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day and there is a germ of truth in what is said in this video. I am certainly disappointed in obama but he is light years different from Bush. Given our political system of two parties we generally only have the choice of horrible and not so horrible when voting.

  18. 888 says:

    Well said, Sagrilarus (#19)

  19. honeyman says:

    #19 Sag

    I mostly agree to these sentiments but I’m confused as to what owing allegiance to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution actually means. What does being a Proud American mean? To what is this expression of allegiance and loyalty directed? The American way of life? The American people? The State? American capitalism? How is this loyalty expressed?

    I’ve often found that such allegiance is seen as an expression of personal rights over state rights, and taken loosely as a ‘do whatever I like’ passport. What of the responsibilities that such an allegiance requires?

  20. Uncle Patso says:

    In certain lines of work, paranoid schizophrenia is a definite advantage, if not a job requirement. Paranoids are usually quite personable, and able to sound sensible and intelligent, and their ramblings and ravings have just enough plausibility to almost be taken seriously.

  21. Georgie says:


  22. Sen.Taft says:

    How many times have you scanned comments only to see variations of these three things:

    1. emotional opinions with no support: “___ is a nutjob!”

    2. analysis from unsupportable personal experience: “Ah’ve been on the scene some tweenty yars, and ah kin tell you _____ is RIGHT!”

    3. incredulity that others can’t see ______, which seems obvious, without supporting why _____ is so obvious: “we are now living in a police state, and you think [insert name being defended] is crazy for telling you? wake up!”

    All these are the symptoms of people educated to, by reflex, consume and regurgitate prepackaged facts and analysis — something John Taylor Gatto calls “pre-thought thoughts.”

    Versus WHAT, you say? versus acquiring a set of facts, analyzing them for logical consistency, and then from this effort entering into a process of creating conclusions which are testable theses, accepting or rejecting based on logic, and restarting the process with their conclusions.

    I’m not going to flagellate you with my own conclusions, which is that Alex Jones is both substantially accurate and authentic. Instead, I would only urge you to consider adopting formal logic and analysis similar to that thumbnailed above; something my grandfather humbly called “using common sense.”


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