This woman is from the Hudson Institute, originally founded by futurist Herman Kahn.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    >> Brian said, on October 24th, 2009 at 5:05 am
    >> Wow, as big a dick as this guy has been he is looking like a great addition. As a real middle of the road guy I was afraid he was just another ultra left idiot. Seems he has some brains.

    How has Franken ever been a “dick”?

    Or did you just get that general impression about him from watching Fox? You know those guys just make crap up. Perhaps you can find some isolated instances but I doubt this is a pattern with him, despite what O’Reilly wants you to believe.

    I was a fan of his radio show and he certainly had strong opinions — but he was fair to those who opposed him. Even more, he would correct guests and callers who where mis-characterizing the Right. This is a rare but valuable quality.

    Especially compared to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh who can be such jerks if any caller or guest dare question them.

    What I especially appreciated about Franken was that he argued against what conservatives ACTUALLY BELIEVE and what they REALLY DO. Yes, he argued hard and effectively (and thus, maybe was a “dick” if you lost the debate with him) but he argued fairly.

    Rush Limbaugh and his army of media wannabes spend their whole careers mis-characterizing what we liberals really believe and do — and then they argue against their own lies about us. At no point is there a real debate.

    They are cynically and relentlessly unfair, untruthful and cheap. Franken was not that.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    >> Dr Dodd said, on October 24th, 2009 at 10:45 am
    >> #33-Greg Allen
    >> The government has a long track record of good intentions that always, always result in destructive consequences for society.


    Total nonsense.

    Medicare has greatly reduced poverty and increased life expectancy among our seniors.

    The post office has a been a TREMENDOUS INFRASTRUCTURE TOOL for business. (just ask Netflix.)

    I personally really like our National Parks and owe a debt of gratitude to my public university education, the fire department, the FAA and the police.

    Oh, and defeating the Nazis was kinda cool.

  3. deowll says:

    What health care reform?

    Sure we need health care reform. I want health care reform.

    All I see is couple of trillion dollars being flushed as the government sets up another underfunded, poorly run program that avoids any measures that might reduce health care costs and exempts unions and such while bleeping over those on their enemies lists.

    They don’t even want you to buy meds from Canada. No you have to buy in the states so the drug companies can rob you. There is no tort reform because the tort lawyers have paid their dues to the Democratic Party according to Howard Dean as posted on Youtube.

    What do you achieve to reduce medical costs by taxing medical equipment? The health care consumer is going to have to pay the tax.

    True the Dems did get mad a the health insurers for not paying the designated extortion and shutting up and are going to revoke their right to fix prices but they should have done that anyway. The reason they are doing it bleeps.

    This a totally sold out, bleeped over abomination that is almost certain to increase the amount Americans spend on health care while giving them much less.

    Right now _every_ American owns over $340,000 on the dept. I would not be shocked if our far sighted leaders double or triple it again this year given the chance.

    The people running this nation are not just handing the next generation bleep on a stick. They are handing most of the younger adults alive now bleep on a stick because I don’t think it’s going to take ten years for the buzzards to come home to roost on this mess.

    You guys have fun. Eat drink and be merry today for soon enough the nation will be bankrupt and then you will be lucky to have a can of beans to eat even though you may well be a trillionaire.

  4. ECA says:

    60% of the USA has NO MEDICAL COVERAGE…

  5. Schleprock says:

    The funny thing is that the straw man argument of “trial lawyers” and “junk lawsuits” often gets thrown into the argument.
    Say what you will, but it’s a fact that health insurance companies make a heck of a lot more money selling malpractice insurance to doctors than trial lawyers make on malpractice cases. If you then throw in the cases with actual merit and consider the review boards that screen out most of the real junk, it’s kinda’ nice being an insurance company.
    Any winner that walks out of a casino thinking that he is the real winner is mistaken. In the end, the casino is the real winner. The insurance companies are casinos who get to look at your cards, take out the ones that will give you a winning hand, and then they let you place your bet.
    Fiscal conservatives should see that, but sometimes we allow financial gain from our investments to clowd our eyes. Insurance companies are denying care to people of every demographic you can think of every day. There is a huge monetary cost to that.

  6. Named says:

    30 uteck

    But are the European health care ‘companies’ all quasi government industries? And as such are immune to bankruptcy since the government will just give them more money?

    You don’t know the answer to the question, so we’ll ignore it. But, I DO know that some private companies like Goldman Sachs and AIG got some serious cash for fucking up the economy… But, since they’re American, Fuck Yeah, it’s OK?

  7. ECA says:

    How many of you are old enough to remember State run clinics??
    Every little town had one..

  8. Rick Cain says:

    If private industry had the solution to health care costs, they would have implemented it long ago.

    They are obviously the problem, not the fix.

  9. Schleprock says:

    I agree TJ


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