armed house

Found by John Ligums.

  1. The Flying Spartan says:

    I’m all for letting people have their guns.
    I’m all for making it hard as hell to get bullets for said guns.

  2. Thinker says:

    Wow, what fun you can have with photoshop.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, Benji,

    Why? All the neighbor has to do is arm himself and he can be protected from any bad guys. Besides, signage is speech which would be a gross abuse of the First Amendment. I know the Constitution is too confusing to some people, but I know the difference between the First and Second Amendments.

    Obviously written by someone who doesn’t understand the law or Constitution. Your second sentence makes absolutely no sense. Signage may or may not be protected speech. If you recall, which I doubt, “freedom of speech does not give someone the right to yell fire in a crowded theater”. Nor does libel, fraud, or incitement to commit a crime.

    A reasonable person could look at that sign as an incitement to burglarize the house next door. That is a felony, not freedom of speech. Will the homeowner use his 2nd Amendment right to protect his home from the arresting officers?

  4. scotterotter says:

    The sign really is saying “my house has guns, break in and steal them to use for other crimes”

  5. Jim says:

    The first time a neighbor tried to do that would be the last. A few calls to the local mayor’s office would deal with the situation, as most localities don’t allow such things in people’s yards.

    Plus, as someone mentioned, it would be considered incitement to commit a felony, which would likely get the homeowner in court at least and cost him a few hundred bucks for being an ass.

    But it’s probably photoshopped, as most supposedly “funny” things are these days.

  6. right says:

    “All the neighbor has to do is arm himself and he can be protected from any bad guys.”

    You don’t even realize the fear you live in and what does that say about your society? You make it sound like buying armaments is as easy as buying groceries.
    I’ve never had a gun, seen a gun and everyone I’ve grown up with has never owned a gun.

  7. bill says:

    Giant vicious DOG, loaded shotgun.

    Come on down!

  8. JimR says:

    “He who shoots first, shoots last.”

    “A gun in a burglar’s hand is worth two in your nightstand”

  9. Faxon says:

    Mine are all in a huge ass safe, and I can be home or not, depending on my whim. Anybody who wants to try to rob me can take their chances, I guess. I just don’t want too big of a mess to clean up, so keep a 9mm on me.

  10. Faxon says:

    #36. You, sir, are a pansy. Can we send some crooks your way? They need the easy pickings.

  11. Benjamin says:

    Right wrongly said,
    “You don’t even realize the fear you live in and what does that say about your society? You make it sound like buying armaments is as easy as buying groceries.
    I’ve never had a gun, seen a gun and everyone I’ve grown up with has never owned a gun.”

    Well it depends if your grocery store uses loyalty cards or not. All you do is go to the gun store, point at a gun and say you want to buy it. They run your name through a computer, check that you are not a felon, and take your money. You take said gun home. That takes less time than filling up a cart with groceries, filling out a form for a customer loyalty card, and waiting in the long line on a Friday evening.

    You would be surprised how many people you meet in life are gun owners. Most of us don’t carry them on slings over our shoulders or pull them out of concealment at the least provocation.

    When it comes down to it, who will protect you from a criminal?

  12. The0ne says:

    Lol, I don’t own arms because unlike many morons out there I’m a good shot. I’ve competed in many ROTC in my younger years to know I can pick people off easily. I also know I had a bad temper and can get insane. That is why I’m against arms…people are insane.

    Seriously, give me a rifle and I can toss that thing high in the air and without looking at it grab it and shoot you down in seconds, between your head. Now do you want some crazy like me to own a gun or knowing that I made the right choice not to own any?

    If you disagree feel free to sign my contract allowing me to kill your sorry behind and I’ll happily do it…for free. We can even do it western cowboy style to give you a chance to hit me.

  13. Benjamin says:

    #33 Mr Fusion, “A reasonable person could look at that sign as an incitement to burglarize the house next door.”

    I doubt it. It’s just telling someone who is about to burglarize a house anyway that if they don’t want to be shot they should go next door instead of his house. Besides the sign does not say to burglarize a house.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, qb,

    Our front door is always locked. It is easier to enter from the side door anyway.

    The back door is where we leave our dog’s bed. And she doesn’t like being surprised by people she doesn’t know. Who needs a doorbell when she barks to alert us someone is at the door.

  15. Rick says:

    I rest my case.

    Oh, but, still…

    Those who pound their swords into plowshares can plow for those of us who don’t.

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Similar discussion going on at my local paper’s comments section. The part that’s insane is seeing the nutballs go off when ANY sort of restriction is mentioned. That and the idea that millions of guns are effectively used as protection against bad guys every day. But we never hear about it. I wonder why?

  17. Phydeau says:

    I think that gun nuts are anxious about how things are going in the world, and cling to their guns to help them feel better. Look at all the bad news in the world today. It could make anyone feel worried and helpless. But having guns makes you feel powerful, at least in your immediate sphere of influence.

  18. Phydeau says:

    I think the neighbor should put up a sign that says:

    If you are worried about being accidentally shot by my neighbor the gun nut, it is safe to be in the neighborhood when he is at work, which is from 8:00AM to 6:00PM Monday through Friday. He also goes out of town from 1:00PM Saturday until 5:00PM Sunday the first weekend of every month, so it’s safe to come around then too.

    Just trying to be a helpful neighbor… 😉

  19. right says:

    “You would be surprised how many people you meet in life are gun owners.”
    I would be very surprised because none of the people I know owns a gun. It’s not in our culture to need a gun and I know that might seem weird to some but that is the case where I live.
    I like it, I like it a lot.

  20. Floyd says:

    “When it comes down to it, who will protect you from a criminal?”

    Guns didn’t protect all those people from Bernie Medoff’s Ponzi scheme.

  21. Dick Dawkins says:

    In my front yard is a picture of the cranky mug of John C. Dvorak. So far, no robberies…no crows for that matter.


  22. Floyd says:

    Continuing that thought, guns didn’t protect our economy from AIG, Bank of America or the other investment funds and banks that stole from their customers.

  23. SomeRationalGuy says:

    If you think people never need guns for self defense or never use guns for self defense, please check out this– updated daily:

  24. Phydeau says:

    Guns didn’t protect us from getting into a bogus war in Iraq based on false evidence.

    Guns didn’t prevent Enron from cheating and stealing.

    Guns won’t prevent your insurance company from canceling your policy if you get very sick.

    Guns won’t stop your company from laying you off and moving their factory to China.

    Guns won’t stop the government from spying on you without a warrant.

    And guns won’t even stop the government from falsely arresting you for being a terrorist and throwing you in jail without a lawyer. Guns will only slow them down — after you’ve shot the cop trying to arrest you, the SWAT team will take you down.

    But guns sure do make some people feel good.

  25. JimR says:

    #53, SomeRationalGuy, I read over your linked site…. lots of 17-19 year old kids getting shot and killed for simple burglary. Someone steals your silver candy tray, and you think they should be shot and killed? You would rather have that than have guns severely restricted for everyone including criminals? Yeah, that’s rational.

    Maybe you should care more for why they are so desperate that they are stealing your semi-valuable crap.

  26. Faxon says:

    #55. Jim, I hope they all go to your house.

  27. Faxon says:

    The Police are NOT required or tasked to protect you. That is the law.
    When they are sent to a crime, their job is to arrest the lawbreaker. They are NOT sent to protect ANYBODY.

    All they do is clean up the mess afterwards, and try to find the guilty party. That being said, who the hell do you think IS going to protect you?

  28. Phydeau says:

    We’ve all seen the statistics, that guns in the home are far more likely to be used on the residents than any burglar. Or on some hapless drunk stranger trying to get home who goes to the wrong house. And we’ve all read how rare it is that the resident really can get the drop on the burglar. So spare us the bullsh*t of how safe it makes you. You’re better off sticking with the Second Amendment argument.

    But every gun nut thinks it won’t happen to him. Until he kills his teenage son sneaking in after a late night out, thinking he’s an intruder.

  29. canucklehead says:

    All these gun lovers seem like Nancy boys scared of boogie men hiding under their beds. F**kin grow up and be a man. Guns are for losers.

  30. canucklehead says:

    guns sure protected this gun lover


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