armed house

Found by John Ligums.

  1. Jetfire says:


  2. Rick says:

    Sure. Brilliant.

    I think we’ve become that cage full of too many rats.

  3. Postman says:

    That’s ok, I make a point of keying ” bush voter” into cars so that the rioters know who to pull out of the cars and murder

  4. Benjamin says:

    Makes sense. Why rob that guy when his neighbor is unarmed?

  5. The Watcher says:

    My neighbors aren’t stupid enough for me to need that sign….

    Are you?

  6. RRD says:

    The ultimate in gross abuse of the second amendment. This guy should be held responsible for anything that happens to his neighbor.

    There are tens of millions of American’s that do not have guns in the house. I do, but respect does that choose not to.

    Mine are locked up though (as are tens of millions of other gun owners) because I have kids in the house and would not be that handy to get too. Any body breaking in would get their head smashed in with a baseball bat kept by the bed.

    This method has been shown to be as effective as a bozo shooting up his house.

  7. Benjamin says:

    #3 Postman, Obama didn’t run against Bush. He ran against McCain. The election was just less than a year ago. Can’t you even remember?

  8. Named says:

    Now all the other neighbour has to do is post the times that the gun owner is away and that the place is free for pickings. See? That’s how a community works in America: tear each other down. Its the Christian thing to do.

  9. Postman says:


    yeah, that way the burgulars know you have a valuable gun collection to steal while you are at work

  10. Benjamin says:

    #6 RDD said, “The ultimate in gross abuse of the second amendment. This guy should be held responsible for anything that happens to his neighbor.”

    Why? All the neighbor has to do is arm himself and he can be protected from any bad guys. Besides, signage is speech which would be a gross abuse of the First Amendment. I know the Constitution is too confusing to some people, but I know the difference between the First and Second Amendments.

  11. Postman says:


    If that makes you feel less like your neighborhood will be burned to the ground when the unrest starts, then good for you and your little factoid. Lol

  12. Improbus says:


    That, sir, is the perfect response to that douche bag.

  13. Green Goblin says:

    #8, – true that, that is how my Christian neighbors are, which is why I am not a Christian..

  14. Tanapangarap says:

    Yeah, advertise their lack of protection. Real classy.

  15. qb says:

    Will the well armed militia defend his neighbor and thereby keep the state secure?

  16. Yousername says:

    dude’s obviously psychotic. look at the edging on that pool table lawn. he’s gonna snap.

  17. MikeR says:

    An armed society is NOT a polite society. It is a scared society.

  18. RRD says:

    #10 Benjamin
    Yes you are right about the 1st vs 2nd amendment, I was thinking 1st, just typed 2nd, Duh!! thanx for the correction.

    AS to the other part, why should I be forced to buy anything because my neighbor is a douche.

  19. JimR says:

    Criminal mind at work…

    “Now that I know you have guns, I’m just going to kill you, take the guns and sell them. You must have lots of money too, since you can waste it on a stupid sign.”

    Oh my. Sorry, this is thought is more realistic…

    “Sweet, this fuker’s good as ded. I’ll fukin blo his hed off an his bich to, and take his fukin guns.”

  20. qb says:

    This may sound quaint, but where I live when my front door is locked that let’s the neighbors know I’m not home so they should use the back door.

  21. Dallas says:

    #3 Looks like Postman is making a presidential threat. I would watch your back and listen for clicking sounds on your phone.

  22. Angus says:

    #3, ironically, that person being pulled out of the car in your scenerio is most likely to be carrying a gun and defend himself. Rioter dead, problem solved.

  23. GF says:

    #3 My guess is that the ‘bush voter’ has enough money to repair their car and has a concealed weapons permit, gun and lots of ammo. You’ll just get the rioters killed if you point your finger at the bush supporter.

  24. Pinkerton says:

    There are two kinds of prophecy, false and self-fulfilling. This is an example of the latter.

  25. JimR says:

    Re: qb, #20… just don’t tell anyone that your neighbours like to sit inside your back door with a 12 gage and itchy fingers. 🙂

  26. spsffan says:

    It seems that everyone is missing the point that the neighbor “wants to ban all guns” and is most likely advocates that position publicly.

    So, it’s not just that the neighbor is unarmed, it is that he (or she) wants everyone else to be too.

    That’s why the sign points to the left, rather than to the right where there might well me another unarmed neighbor who doesn’t go around advocating denial of rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

  27. Michael_gr says:

    If I were a criminal seeing this sign I’d wait until this asshat left the house, and then I’d steal his money AND his guns.

  28. Benjamin says:

    There are some good reasons to carry a gun. The first is a police man would get kind of heavy if you had to carry him around all day.

    Postman: most people avoid riots by not going to LA.

  29. fauge says:

    I would like to know the back story of what led up the the sign. I do like the Idea. If the neighbor got his way everyone would know that he was unarmed so I see no harm in providing it now.
    If you are anti second amendment you should not rely on it for protection in any form be it by owning a gun or leaving the question open.

  30. Fat_Anarchy says:

    What a complete asshole that guy is. A petit, vindictive, immature asshole at that. Whether you agree if guns should be banned or not is irrelevant. He is actively trying to increase the chances of the neighbour and his/her family being robbed/raped/maimed/murdered for the sake of trivial political opinions. He has obviously gone out his way quite a bit to risk his neighbours life in order to be “right” about this particular issue. As always, you get these sad people who tie so much of their identity into being correct, that they happily forsake all other real life suffering for it.

    I know the phrase “get a life” is thrown around as an off-cuff insult, but in this case it is a serious suggestion to the guy. He obviously has too much time on his hands and gets far too absorbed in such trivialities. Get a hobby or something! Geesh. This is why gun supporters get such a bad reputation as being assholes.


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