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Did I say “charm?” Or Grime?

  1. Dallas says:

    #31 I see you chose to cherry pick teenage pranks to imply some representation of what Highland Park is about.

    Well, let me tell you from someone who has lived there for 11 years. While it is a well to do neighborhood, the young people in the highland park school district are exemplary students.

    Did you miss the multiple news articles of them doing fundraiser for women in distress? Abused children center? I was there as a volunteer photographer.

    How dare you, Loopie, trash the good kids that make up the majority of HPHS.

  2. pjd says:

    a picture of roof tops… really?? at least we have gotten past all the stupid squirrel pics. I hope Dvorak doesn’t start a colon cleanse program and start posting pics of his stool samples with the option to embiggen.

  3. Uncle Don says:

    Not my newest desktop picture.

  4. FromBuffalo says:

    So, what’s your point?

  5. DJ says:

    #24 Jayson – Thanks. Most of the negative comments are clearly from people who wouldn’t know the LES from Staten Island. I was trying to figure out an appropriate response… and there it was.

  6. Rsp says:

    So, this is Manhattan, lower east side, not the cleanest place in the world, but surrounding by the greatest city on earth!!

  7. Rufus says:

    We are totally missing a GigaPan opportunity here. Just imagine all the dead pigeons waiting to be found.

  8. Professor Johnnycakes says:

    I love to hang out there. It’s 1 block south of Houston, not far from Katz Deli & the Mercury lounge. So, descenting commenters… I suppose it should look like your safe suburban hideaway? perhaps with a starbucks? … gimme a break!

  9. Special Ed says:

    This is pretty much the reason why:

  10. soundwash says:

    The walk-up buildings in the bottom right corner of the pic are the most coveted of all buildings. They typically have 14ft ceilings and are very spacious compared to the shoe boxes they sell/rent as “modern apartments” -many are still rent controlled at $150-$250 a month.

    -Otherwise expect to rent to start at $1500 for a studio.

    anyway, FWIW: NYC is not so much about the buildings as it is about the people. In my experience, the generations who have grown up in walk-up neighborhoods like these typically produced the most honorable, hard working people of the city.

    -All that aside, the best part about the lower east side are the live music bars in alphabet city..

    Old Dan Lynch regulars may remember..

    This Saturday (October 24th)

    -Simon and the Bar Sinisters rockabilly surf punk Rock rhythm and blues swinging sensations are performing from 10p to 12a at:

    Lakeside Lounge @ East 10th street and Ave B.

    No Cover!($5 suggested donation to the tip jar.)

    It’s Simon of Joey Miserable and The Worms fame..

    “the musician’s musician”

    I grew up with Simon. He’s got more musical talent than all of the top 100 put together. He’s been playing the NYC area since the late 60’s or so..

    -and always puts on a great show.. Chuck will be there too..

    If there are any musicians in here local to the area, make all effort to go. I guarantee you will have a blast and learn things about music you never even dreamed off.

    -White, Black or Plaid, it’ll be the best time you ever had..

    Simon’s discography

    Some write ups.

    Don’t forget to tip the Bartenders! (and the band)

  11. LDA says:

    I really like this series of photos John.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    You can’t sell that photo to the Daily Bugle because I don’t see Spider-Man anywhere.

  13. deowll says:

    White roofs. How green of them. Now they just need to paint everything white to reflect heat.

    Of course it’s going to make things even colder during the winter.

  14. landlord says:

    #1 back when I lived there in 2004 on 6th Street between 2nd and 3rd Ave it was $3800 for a 2 br 2 bath. I had some friends paying $2400 for a studio in soho, and other friends paying $700 for a 3 br in Brooklyn. It varied.

    One thing is for sure – there is no place like NYC!

  15. Buffet says:

    New York is foul. I can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to go there.

  16. smartalix says:

    Good, you won’t be missed.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    And I guess this topic demonstrates once again the number of small minds that contribute to the make up we call America.

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    How many New Yorkers does it take to replace a light bulb?

    None of your fucking business!

  19. soundwash says:

    lol…#51 (especially) and #52 win the thread..

    good show.


  20. soundwash says:

    Seriously though…

    Anyone in the area should come see Simon and the Bar Sinisters at the Lakeside Lounge on 10th and B Saturday the 24th

    I co-produced Simon’s first two albums back in ’85. The guy is a literal virtuoso with stringed instruments and is truly inspiring to listen to.

    He even backed up Bo Diddly on several occasions when he came to town..

    Best of all, -all original music and NO COVER charge!



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