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  1. Kojacs Cronon says:

    Moon bases?


    moon bases?

  2. laxdude says:

    Adam has mistaken a Clive Cussler novel as fact.

    While it is possible, and some say likely, that the Americans have had a secret ‘military’ Space Programme since Gemini, it is unlikely that any other country or syndicate of countries has one let alone lunar capabilities.

    It is hard to hide a space shot, it is hard to make a space plane let alone one that carries any amount of cargo.

    While I think the US has a secret (maybe even one way) manned launch capacity (because the shuttle facilities are not even weather hardened) I do not even think they have, or ever had a manned lunar station.

    Israel is too focused on immediate survival to ever be so pie in the sky.

    I do often wonder what actually happened to the South African nuclear programme though.

  3. honeyman says:

    Shouldn’t they be going after the secret al qaeda underwater bases instead of moon bases? That is…unless…OMG…Bin Laden…on the moon? It all makes sense now.

  4. Heinrich Moltke says:

    JCD — Thanks for the timely same-day link (with streaming AND MP3 download). Makes it uber-convenient!

  5. JBG says:

    The guest on the news show talking about the soldiers addicted to heroin refers to the Mujahideen as the MuHAJIdeen, reversing the middle 4 letters. I’m not sure that his pronunciation is even a word. I would suggest that he is not very familiar with the subject.

  6. Heinrich Moltke says:

    The guy’s name is Gerald Posner. He got his feet wet a decade ago writing a book called “Case Closed” supposedly proving the Warren Commission Report. Of course, it did nothing of the kind. He’s an odd duck.

  7. deepysix says:

    Inre: Heroin. The Taliban tried to wipe out poppy growing with considerable success. Since the occupation the growers have increased production to record levels. The Taliban may have cracked down on moral grounds, but more likely to disrupt the massive revenue stream to their adversaries in the western intelligence milieu. The idea that the Taliban is selling heroin to GIs should be laughable, but I guarantee that most Americans, instead of laughing, are angry and frightened. Anger and fear are what make America “great.” Just ask that “great” American, Dick Cheney.

  8. Weed-Mack says:

    Curry sounded like he was acting today. Good Job Dvorak with the poppy information. If heroin is not refined in Afghanistan where is it refined?

  9. mr. show says:

    Catholics are anti-semites? Really Adam?

    In case you are unaware, the story goes that the Romans crucified Jesus after being betrayed and judged by the Sanhedrin. In your terms, it was a political hit meant to get rid of a rabble rouser. Imagine that, a revolutionary being sold out to the man.

    Get your facts straight before lobbing grenades my friend. Otherwise, an entertaining show (moon bases? Ha!)

  10. hfgh says:

    Can anyone really take Adam seriously anymore? I can’t bring myself to ever donate again after today’s show. It’s just too much having to listen to Adam bad mouthing Catholics and his histeria about how we’ve never been to the moon yet somehow have bases there….

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    Dang it John! Knock it off! Adam is the “crackpot” not you, you’re the grouchy ol’ “Buzzkill”.

  12. BigBoyBC says:


    Who ever is doing the “cover art”, they need to put John on the right and Adam on the left and put a large “&” between them…

    It’s “Crackpot & the Buzzkill” not “the Buzzkill & Crackpot”

    Besides, Adam is a bit of a “Lefty loon” and John a bit of a “Right wingnut”.

    (in relation to each other)

  13. Petit male says:

    Who ever is doing the coverart – it’s greatly appreciated! I love it!

  14. Waikiki says:

    Thanks for the feedback on the cover art; will switch them around for the future – there are several different contributors, but i made this one and a few others following the design of one of the first people that did the cover art for No Agenda. For some reason it just looked better with John on the left and Adam on the right and since it had already been made like that in previous designs I kept it similar. Did not know that people were that passionate about the order of which side they appeared 😛


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