1. Rufus says:

    Why do I get the feeling it’s only a matter of time before they start auto-tuning the major war criminals like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Henry Kissinger?

  2. Improbus says:

    Bill Nye laying it down west coast style! \m/

  3. Faxon says:

    I would have listened to the whole thing if they just left the audio natural. The manipulation of the voices sucks. I like every one of these guys, and miss Carl and Richard. Not every Republican is anti science. I am just finishing up the 10,000 pages of “Works of Charles Darwin”.

  4. SparkyOne says:

    How unfortunate to see Richard Feynman’s image and words used out of context and mixed with these commercial pukes.

  5. Reflexx says:

    I loved it. well done, good piano. these are my favorite guys. there’s another at symphonyofscience.com

  6. rectagon says:

    Poor Carl. The more time passes since his life… the more people see that he was a crack pot. Now, Bill Nye… he rocks forever.

  7. harlanh001 says:

    This is honestly one of the worst youtube videos ive ever seen. It’s terrible. the alteration of their voices is unbearable.

  8. brian t says:

    I’ve seen worse. To the commenter who wondered about Autotune-ing Hitler – yep, it’s been done and can be found on YouTube. It’s possible to use this technology creatively, and it’s been done for years (remember Cher’s “Believe”?), but T-Pain and others are killing it now. I think I’ll go and look for an Autotuned speech by Prof. Stephen Hawking. That should be something to hear ..!

  9. Miguel says:

    Could be (much) better, but I found it kinda cool.

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    Carl a crackpot! Bite your tongue! The more that time passes by, the more I miss him!

  11. Ramman says:

    Wow! That was cool! Do any of you nay sayers have any idea what is involved with putting some thing like this together? The time spent editing the film clips together, syncing the music to the movie audio, tuning the movie audio, and composing the music, let alone keeping it all in time? Try composing and recording just one song, then just see if your opinion doesn’t change.

  12. mrbluethighs says:

    Download one of the freeware vocorders and play around with them. It’s a lot of fun and not THAT hard.

  13. O'Really says:

    If you think that auto-tuning was good then you should check out these guys Schmoyoho. They are hilarious, but of course some are much funnier than others.

  14. frightfuloik says:

    Sagan was a genius who let his enthusiasm get away from him in later work. His early work is quite solid, and he inspired more kids to get into science than nearly anyone else.

    I think he was so disappointed at the failure to follow up on Apollo and the Mars mission, and the stupidity of the average person that he lost it a bit at the end.

    This video was not intended to be a great work of art, it’s just an inspiring little video. Enjoy it if you like it and ignore it if you don’t.


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