Click pic to embiggen

Now someone needs to create the middle of the road panel which fits the vast majority of the country. And, of course, the panel for those who just don’t give a crap.

  1. smartalix says:

    Neither party is as cut-and-dried as shown here. Since when does the Right not believe in interfering with society? All they do is try and legislate our behavior. The left does too, but the right is full of it if they want us to believe they want to keep out of our lives.

  2. emhodew says:

    The definition of Liberal is “lacking moral restraint”. That is not popular to acknowledge today, but it explains why “Liberals” always support “Changes” to society. They want their pet perversions to be “main streamed” i.e. considered “Normal”. So to see such a Biased depiction of Left (liberal) vs Right (Conservative) is not surprising on this left wing BSFW web site.
    (Got any more soft porn links to show us today?)

  3. LibertyLover says:

    This should be “What Each of the Two Major Parties Claim to Be.”

    Then have another one:

    “What They Really Are”

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: So, all those Republicans having affairs and being caught in bathroom stalls and being anti-gay closeted gays and robbing us blind in the mortgage mess and starting unnecessary wars and on and on are really closet Democrats who are “lacking moral restraint”?

  5. Dallas says:

    Mostly true but to suggest that the Right refrains from interfering in “social lives” is a joke.

    Heck George Bush called an emergency session in Congress to weigh in on the family quarrel on what to do with a vegetable in Florida.

  6. Thinker says:

    #3 Very interesting link, and enlightening too.

  7. Angus says:

    Interesting graphic, yet it proves to me even more that a large number of us don’t fit on either side, as we hold aspects of each in our personal makeup. I can literally point to things on both sides that I hold as core beliefs.

  8. ptrace says:

    One question… why is the left in RED and the right in BLUE? Ahhh, this is a UK outfit.

  9. ListenUp says:

    Nice chart but #1 is right, it is what is claimed not what is actually done. There are other options out there but don’t tell anyone, the divide and conquer strategy is working!

    Funny how people that are so enlightened would be be offended by the ‘moral restraint’ comment.

  10. Benjamin says:

    Chart is pretty much on there. As a conservative, I think equity is opportunity, not results.

    Quite frankly, many Republicans are not conservatives. I am a conservative first and will vote and have voted for Democrats who are more conservative than the Republicans they are up against.

  11. bb says:

    Politics is not one dimensional, e.g., a line from left to right. (Or is that right to left?)

    It’s at least 2-, and maybe 3- dimensional. But how should we label the axis?

    This? The Pournelle Chart

  12. Junky says:

    While the Left and Right point accusing fingers of hypocrisy at each other…. the people elected to be in charge are stuffing their pockets before the gov’t burns down or they are exposed.

  13. WmDE says:

    One question… why is the left in RED and the right in BLUE? Ahhh, this is a UK outfit.

    Way back in the old days I was a broadcast engineer at a local TV station. During an election I wrote a program to update Chyron pages during election coverage. This program was to run on the new fangled IBM XT computers that had just come out. As the station did not have XTs I wrote the program on a Kaypro 4 in BASIC and transferred it to two loaner IBMs from an advertiser. I computed bar graphs on the fly. I chose the liberal color red for the Democrats, the conservative color blue for the Republicans and white for any third party candidate.

    We hit the air and several people came to me and said “CBS is using blue for Democrats and red for Republicans!” My response was that is obviously wrong.

    CBS did not want the Democrats referred to as Reds.

    It was wrong use of red and blue then. It is wrong now. Almost thirty years later and I am still ticked-off about it.

  14. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Since when does Libertarian go on the Left?

  15. Note that this graphic is about left and right philosophies and has nothing at all whatsoever to do with either the democraps or the repugnicans, both of whom have long since abandoned their constituency and historical ideals.

    This is not to say that I believe both parties to be equally evil. One is more vile than the other, IMNSHO. However, both are evil. Both should be abolished in favor of electing individuals instead of parties. All campaigns should be publicly financed to remove control of government by wealthy individuals and corporations both here and abroad.

    Otherwise, I would say that I am strongly liberal but can understand and respect the views of true conservatives. Unfortunately, there are few true liberals and few true conservatives in the process these days.

    As a sales pitch for liberalism, which is nearly dead and needs all the help it can get, remember, from strict definitions of the terms: the opposite of conservative is progressive; the opposite of liberal is stingy.

  16. LibertyLover says:

    #15, Note that this graphic is about left and right philosophies and has nothing at all whatsoever to do with either the democraps or the repugnicans, both of whom have long since abandoned their constituency and historical ideals.


    This is not to say that I believe both parties to be equally evil. One is more vile than the other, IMNSHO.

    This I disagree on 🙂 Both are about as eeeevvviiillll as you can get.

    Both should be abolished in favor of electing individuals instead of parties.


    All campaigns should be publicly financed to remove control of government by wealthy individuals and corporations both here and abroad.

    I’ve put some thought into this.

    My biggest concern is it violates the freedom to associate — sending money to whom you wish.

    If we remove the personhood from corporations, they shouldn’t be able to donate anymore because we can then pass laws restricting their “free speech.”

    And with the advent of the internet, it should be a fairly simple process to list all individual donors. Of course names like “Dahsudhu Hdusahfd” and “CZXVC/ZXVZXV” should result in that donation being split evenly between ALL presidential candidates.

    Unfortunately, there are few true liberals and few true conservatives in the process these days.


    remember, from strict definitions of the terms: the opposite of conservative is progressive; the opposite of liberal is stingy.

    Nice. I’m stealing that.

  17. Pete says:

    #13 WmDE-
    I’ve always wondered about that. It makes sense to show Democrats as red, but they don’t like that connotation, so they portray themselves as blue. Everyone else has to follow that convention.

  18. Jon says:

    Why Libertarian is lumped in with the liberal side is puzzling, and wrong. And libertarian should also not be lumped in with conservative.

    To be more accurate, this chart should be split up into at least 3 parts, with libertarian in the middle. (In many respects, the great independent middle wants minimal government intrusion into both the economy and the personal/social sphere.)

  19. LibertyLover says:

    I think the democrats should be portrayed as piss-yellow and the republicans as shit-brown.

  20. Xanthippa says:

    The diagram has some serious factual errors in it. Like, deeply flawed.

  21. Wretched Gnu says:


    Communism on the left — but no Fascism on the right.

    The right does NOT “interfere” in society and my private life? Are you effing kidding me?

    The right — which dictates which substances I can and cannot put in my body?

    The right — which wants the police to have unlimited access to my private space?

    The right — which demands that my tax dollars fund their religion?

    The right — which tells me whom I can and cannot marry?

    The right — which tells me I should go to jail for free speech directed against authority figures? (Gates)

    Yes, the right is all about “non-interference” … I guess this is why they forgot to put Fascism on the spectrum…

  22. tcc3 says:

    BB, I think this is a pretty good system.

    Liberal vs Conservative on one axis, Authoritarian vs Libertarian on the other.

    Take the quiz, its pretty interesting.

  23. Guyver says:

    18, Agreed 100%

  24. LibertyLover says:

    #22, Cool test.

    Economic Left/Right: 3.88
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82

    I found it funny they are calling Libertarianism Neo-Liberalism.

  25. Benjamin says:

    #22 I fall just to the left of Angela Merkel. I am usually more Libertarian than that on the smallest political quiz.

  26. Dallas says:

    The right side should be amended to say “Borrow and Spend” vs the left “Tax and Spend”.

    #2 You’re a tool

  27. WmDE says:

    #17 Pete

    I suspect CBS was trying to avoid the “flaming liberal” by making it a “flaming conservative.”

    I think that NBC went with the more traditional color assignment.

    Looking at red and blue states from 1956 to 1976 is interesting.

    Solid Republican except for the Democratic South in 56

  28. wightout says:


    Thats what I was wondering

  29. bobbo, words have meaning says:

    Whats fun with many psychometric evaluations, like this one is=all you have to do is plot how many points of agreement you have on either side, is how the results in certain cases can be very predictive of things that seem to have no relationship:

    1. Would you rather ride a motorcycle or build a bookcase?

    2. The type of mate you would be most interested in verses the most happy with.

    and so on. We are all unique, and all the same.


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