Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show | Raw Story — Read this whole thing and watch your hair stand on end. Dynamite story and another indictment of the mainstream media and its stooges.

A months-long review of documents and interviews with Pentagon personnel has revealed that the Bush Administrations military analyst program — aimed at selling the Iraq war to the American people — operated through a secretive collaboration between the Defense Departments press and community relations offices.Raw Story has also uncovered evidence that directly ties the activities undertaken in the military analyst program to an official US military document’s definition of psychological operations — propaganda that is only supposed to be directed toward foreign audiences.

Found by Anthony Fox.

  1. Cursor_ says:

    How is this any different than The Maine?

    But then people don’t remember that do they? And we were told to remember it. How ironic.


  2. jeffl says:

    Hey, isn’t that the Uncle Sam from the old Hebrew National commercial?


    Does that mean that Mossad was involved?

  3. LibertyLover says:

    This article doesn’t surprise me.

    I remember the day I lost my faith in the Republicans (my party).

    It was about six months after “Mission Accomplished.” I was talking with a FEMA guy on some technical issues. He digressed and starting talking about all the neat sensors they had that could detect micrograms of cesium from X miles away and other cool things. I then asked him, “Why can’t we use this technology to find the WMDs in Iraq?” He got really quiet then changed the subject.

    I knew then I’d been duped. That’s when I turned to Libertarianism.

    I also know the day I lost my faith in my government. It was shortly after the Democrats reclaimed control of Congress and did nothing they promised.

    That’s when I turned into a loud mouth radical.

  4. Satan says:

    Love the graphic

  5. Improbus says:


    You are a slow learner. I lost my “religion” on 9/12 when they started beating the war drums. I had been a Republican until then. Now I am a jaded progressive independent.

    I have come to the conclusion that the only way to reform Washington D.C. is to nuke it and start over.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #5, You are a slow learner.

    I may be slow but I take my time 🙂

  7. tomyerex says:

    This is a joke. Hypocrisy is at the root of so many problems in the U.S.. It is okay to torture someone who is not in the U.S., but it is not okay to torture on U.S. soil. It is okay to direct propaganda at the citizens of foreign countries, but it is not okay to direct propaganda inside U.S. borders…the list goes on. I have met a number of U.S. citizens who feel racism is wrong, but if you are a citizen of another country then it is okay to discriminate.

    To be effective, human rights and equality needs to be recognized for everyone and applied equally. Simple premise. As long as anyone is willing to apply a different standard to “them”, you may as well expect the same treatment.

    Same standard….well, except for the Dutch.

    Okay, now I’ll come off my milk crate.

  8. Wretched Gnu says:

    This should be no surprise to a regular reader of Glenn Greenwald, who has kept track of all these guys in their media appearances.

    Harper’s, too, has done great reporting on this in years past.

  9. cjohnson says:

    Blah! If it’s from rawstory, they might as well have written how the Easter Bunny was originally employed by the Kennedy Administration to gain support for US observers in South Vietnam. It would have had more crediblity. Rawstory isn’t even worth the click it takes to go to their website.

  10. Wretched Gnu says:

    … and I hope this makes clear, finally, that the Pentagon is absolutely invested in the creation of war — as opposed to the neutral role they are required to maintain, where they act only at the behest of the civilian government.

    It is a simple statement of fact to say that the Pentagon is populated by former and future defense contractors whose very livelihood depends on the production of war.

  11. esoterroriffik says:

    File under: No Duh!

  12. sargasso says:

    How is this any different to the many other “open government initiatives” and corporate PR campaigns, that hire PR firms to push “spin” to the media?

  13. Troublemaker says:

    This is news? The entire MSM in the US is a “psychological operation”.

  14. Rabble Rouser says:

    Duh. Really? And here I thought there were terrists in my back yard all along.

    Yeah, they did this so that they could start the Department of Homeland Security as well. I’m sure that it will come out in the future that 9/11 was an inside job.

  15. Dallas says:

    Now that the Cheney regime is removed from power, we need to stay vigilant and not allow the fascist republican party to assume power.

    Liberals heed the warning of the famous Dwight Eisenhower at his farewell speech and finally will righ this wrong.

    “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. “

  16. Dangcrowts says:

    This crap has been going on forever. Look up the “Why we fight” films of WWII. Worked the people into a frenzy against those lousy, immoral, pure evil German scum.

  17. SparkyOne says:

    it was a lot more fun when it was LSD instead of this media poop.

  18. buildakicker says:

    Funny, I don’t remember being sold on anything…

  19. honeyman says:

    The first casualty of war is the truth. Aren’t all wars managed like this?

  20. Flyash says:

    Project for a New American Century…..

    “According to their own document, Rebuilding America’s Defenses ( .pdf format ) their stated goals would never be realized “absent some catastrophic catalyzing event –like a new Pearl Harbor”. (page 63).”

    They got it..and you guys thought it was Bin Laden.


  21. Larry the Cable dude says:

    #9. cjohnson – This is discussion for adults. Please return to watching John and Kate plus Eight while the grown ups converse.

  22. Animby says:

    If it surprises you the MSM were involved in helping us “choose” to go to war then I’ve got some shocking news for you about the President…

  23. Two to the Head says:

    “I don’t doubt that’s what he heard, but that’s not what I said,” Di Rita asserted.

    Classic obfuscation.

    We are so f’ed

  24. Rick Cain says:

    I was never duped. I was bright enough even back in 1980 at 14 years old when I realized that Ronald Reagan was the first angel of death contributing towards the slow destruction of our Union.

  25. Cursor_ says:

    #25 Rick

    I knew it was all down hill when LBJ told us everything was fine in Nam and Nixon said that there are difficulties but America could still prevail.

    Reagan was never an issue. He slept through his admin. The power was in Bush, Ex-Director to the CIA Bush. Anyone who thought the CIA man would play second fiddle to an ex-actor come governor of California was dreaming or imbecilic. The only republican that had three terms in office, maybe five if he was helping W.


  26. GF says:

    We all knew the embed stuff was and is BS. Hell, the military isn’t going to shed light on it’s skeletons now is it. Every damn agency, company and person in the world does damage control. That’s why liveleak can really open your eyes. Remember that site? Soldiers were uploading pictures of the gruesome shit that happens in a war and the sites owner got bamboozled and singled out for obscenity. Meanwhile, tons of other porn operators skated by.

  27. Nth of the 49th says:

    #25, # 26

    I knew it was downhill when they assassinated Patton.

    /rolls eyes

  28. Not Another Libertarian Idiot says:

    I knew it was downhill when we crested the hill.

    I knew it was downhill as our raft floated on the currect.

    I knew it was downhill when Romulus sucked the teats harder than Remus.

    I knew it was downhill when the dinosaurs couldn’t outrun the fireball.

    I knew it was downhill when the earth took on that crazy tilt and then wobbled.

    I knew it was downhill when …

    what a bunch of idiots. Why do Libertarians hate America?

  29. amodedoma says:

    Aw c’mon, you guys don’t really believe that this is some sort of isolated incident.!?
    Wake up buttecup.

  30. gmknobl says:

    Where have you been John? This is an old story already reported on by multiple sources in the ‘net media. I bet you could find it on Huffington, DailyKOS, TomPaine or TalkingPointsMemo – or since you’re a journalist, Lexus/Nexus.

    Seriously, there were so many deliberate violations of the law under Shrub that if anyone with legal chutzpah wanted to, they could put nearly every one of his officials put on trial and in prison. Reconciliation is BS; put them up on charges and on trial now.


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