Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. This week we highlight a discussion about specific stocks to examine. Plus: Dvorak predicts some oddball action for Apple based on odd information: An Apple branded LCD TV!! Listen to this show and find out why!

click ► to listen:


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  1. Uncle Don says:

    I’m perfectly happy with my 27″ Phillips CRT TV.

    The one that’s still not connected to satellite or cable.

    I know.


  2. Carcarius says:

    This rumor has been around for quite some time. It could be pretty cool. Now to listen to the show and see if there is anything new to hear.

  3. Dallas says:

    It’s entirely possible for a couple of reasons:
    – Apple is consumer brand, not a computer brand
    – TV’s will eventually all be connected to the internet. This is market expansion entry for Apple
    – The TV is the center of the home and undergoing a huge transformation now with internet content.

  4. moss says:

    #2 is correct – and to expand on #3 – remember the core to everything that feeds iPods and iPhones remains iTunes.

    NBD to add TV schedules into iTunes and utilize it to schedule DVR functionality built into a TV set.

    Still just as likely for Apple to work a deal with Samsung, LG, et al to utilize the built-in Web access already starting to appear in their newest sets.

  5. artfreek101 says:

    Yes, it is definitely possible, however, with the luke-warm popularity of the Apple TV, they are going to have to up the ante a bit.

    With 1080p becoming the main stream and Blu-Ray also growing in popularity, I don’t see how the same ol’ Apple TV connected to an LCD is going to sell.

    – 1080p (not saying that 720p is bad, however, marketing of 1080p is selling mainstream consumer that it is better. Similar to the LCD popularity even though plasma is a better product.)

    – Minimal 2 HDMI connections;

    – This could be where Apple places their Blu-Ray;

    – Yes, DVR functionality would be a bonus even though it doesn’t seem to be at the top of Apple’s list.

  6. you twit says:

    This show is a pain in the ass to listen to. I got as far as 0:54 and shut it off.

  7. Chad says:

    @you twit said
    It would be a much more useful comment if you said why the show was a pain to listen to. Did you have a headache? Equipment failure? you don’t like the show?

    Are you trying to say something?

  8. tortseam says:

    I hope Dvorak doesn’t eat during this one, soooo disgusting to listen to!

  9. Rufus says:

    Let us all never speak of the elephant in the room known as anti-trust law.

    Let us all never speak of the elephant in the room known as anti-trust law.

    Let us all never speak of the elephant in the room known as anti-trust law.

  10. Dick Dawkins says:


    What are you ever talking about ?

  11. SparkyOne says:

    JCD, did the M$ store in San Francisco sell clouds?

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    Considering how much effort Disney is putting into Keychest it’s no surprising at all.

  13. gotta comment says:

    Two things: #8 I agree, what is with Dvorak and his eating while recording, and his seeming lack of understanding of how disgusting that is to listen to? Here’s a suggestion, if you want people to take you seriously and donate to your show on finance and the economy, you first might want to consider putting down the brisket sandwich and glass of kool-aid before you start. It’ll be there when you’re done. I promise.

    Second, as a Cranky Geek, you’d think Dvorak would be the last person to repeatedly pitch vaporware. But whatever happened to that “soon to be released” disc on ETFs that he was supposedly working on with Andrew? And by the way, a disc? Really? Does he still send all of his correspondence via written letters through the mail too? Of course I think there are a couple other similar projects he’s mentioned that have never see the light of day either. So maybe that’s just his M.O.


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