This one’s for Adam. You can’t get a more authoritative source than this.

Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan told an audience in Memphis he believes the H1N1 flu vaccine was developed to kill people, a witness said.

Farrakhan, 76, spoke for nearly three hours Sunday at a gathering to observe the religious group’s Holy Day of Atonement, which also marked the 14th anniversary of the Million Man March in Washington, the (Memphis) Commercial Appeal reported, citing a source who attended the speech.

“The Earth can’t take 6.5 billion people. We just can’t feed that many. So what are you going to do? Kill as many as you can. We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died from some disease,” Farrakhan said, adding that many wise people won’t take the vaccine.

“The black community has become toxic and must cleanse and restore peace from within,” Farrakhan said.

  1. Heinrich Moltke says:

    He’s probably right.

  2. The0ne says:

    This is fck up imo. I’ve been against recommending it simply because of lack of testing but this is going way overboard. But then again we could do to lose a few billion people.

  3. Faxon says:

    What is it with racist jackasses like this guy, Wright, Jackson, and Sharpton?
    Yea. Right. White devils are trying to kill all you black people. I am sure of it. Pay no attention to the black guys murdering other worthless punk black guys. I am sure the white devils have implanted receivers in their brains, and Dick Cheney is transmitting daily bulletins on who to kill next.

  4. madtruckman says:

    hate to agree with this loon farrakhan, but he just may be on to something….

  5. Thinker says:

    The penny drops…

    and so does the other shoe as well..

    Does this mean that H1N1 has jumped the shark??

  6. Dallas says:

    Religious leaders thrive on rhetoric to obtain and keep their sheep followers.

    Farrakhan is no different then the religious loonies on the other end of the spectrum.

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    #2-The0ne-But then again we could do to lose a few billion people.

    That seems great until you realize that you are one of the few billion.

    People are funny.

  8. a hyper intelligent pan-dimensional being says:

    Some of you folks are crazy and if you get H1N1 you will only have your sorry selves to blame.

    I for one am glad to see my tax dollars being wisely spent by the CDC to help all Americans have a chance at avoiding at the least a very uncomfortable bout with the flu and at the most savings lives. I will get vaccinated as soon as it is appropriate for my low risk status.

  9. itrooper says:

    Capt. Trips, nuff’ said.

  10. Brian says:

    #6. Exactly. It is just like the far right and far left are just diversions.

  11. dusanmal says:

    #8, #9: I go by the medical profession personal beliefs (not the PR stunts an promotions):
    -There were riots (or as close to riots as medical workers can get to) in NY after the state proposed mandatory H1N1 vaccinations of all medical professionals… They didn’t want it. Ask yourself, what do they know you don’t…
    -My sister, highly published (ex. Science mag.) and awarded neurologist at major University hospital. Wouldn’t let her kids get H1N1 vaccination. Because, in her opinion it is not safe or properly tested (first vaccine I know of that she is against and didn’t apply to her children). None of her medical staff got it either…
    -Actual risk balance question (recently discussed by prominent doctors): do you find it more important to prevent coincidentally infecting unvaccinated people at high risk of serious problems if they do get H1N1 or do you find it more important to avoid injecting yourself with 20000 times (vs. FDA approved levels) higher dose of known neuro-toxin plus other dangerous side effects this vaccine is insufficiently tested for.
    I personally would hate to infect some expectant mother or weak child but would not expose myself to such risks in order to potentially save them. Self preservation first and this danger seem way out of my acceptable risk limits.

  12. bobbo, are we not in the scientific age says:

    Many ideas are fairly “characterized” by those who hold them.

    Anti Vaccine? — Farrakhan and Do-ills sister.

    Pro Vaccine? — The CDC and science grounded professionals the world over.

  13. HeeHee says:

    Nutcases like Rev. F, Rev. S, the loudmouths of the (so-called) christian right, Beck, limburger, and the rest are out for publicity. Publicity is what gets them money.

    That’s why it bothers me that they get so much attention, including here.

    Ignore them and they will go away – PLEASE.

    On the other hand, I can believe almost anything negative about Cheney, especially when it involves killing innocent people. (Dick – a perfect nickname for him)

  14. tomyerex says:

    He is a wack-a-noodle. Wiping out a group by using a virus is a dangerous game, it is probably easier to control the group. If there has been anyone involved in artificially creating the virus, it was probably by mistake and/or we will never know.

    Why do conspiracy theorists always focus on trying to answer something unanswerable instead of working to avoid the scenario they claim has occurred from taking place in the future?

  15. RTaylor says:

    You know that gene sequence does seem cobbled together. Biological warfare is meant to cripple logistics, not necessarily kill. A wounded enemy is more valuable than a dead one. It takes resources to treat them, resources diverted from the front lines.
    Seriously has the US worked on biological weapons, yes. Could one escape into the wild, yes. There you have it, absolute proof Canada has instigated an act of war. We should launch our designer ballbuster measles at once.

  16. bobbo, are we not in the scientific age says:

    #16–RTaylor==ha, ha. Yes, Canada. The Back Door to the USA. Socialized Healthcare. Strong banking safeguards. French speaking cheese eaters. Why have we suffered them for so long?

  17. sargasso says:

    The first lesson of The H1N1 Club, is don’t talk about H1N1.

  18. a hyper intelligent pan-dimensional being says:

    “I go by the medical profession personal beliefs”

    That is a minority of medical workers not physicians the vast majority of physicians say it is as safe as any other flu shot.

    I feel sorry for your sister’s kids if they get sick or die and feel it is wrong for them to put so many other kids at risk hope they are home schooled.

    As for you and your sister enjoy the H1N1 if you catch it.

    The H1N1 vaccine is has had the same amount of testing as normal flu vaccines. The rest of this vaccine story is almost as hyped as the H1N1 itself.

    It’s a “Killed Vaccine” unless you have an egg allergy you will be fine
    Louie Pasteur is crying in his grave.

    Las Vegas was built for people like you.

  19. Floyd says:

    “Las Vegas was built for people like you.”

    Las Vegas casinos (where I used to live) take great care to provide and use the disinfectants and hand sanitizers needed to minimize the number of sick casino and restaurant customers. That’s better protection than the “OMGWTFBBQ” vaccine deniers have for themselves.

    If it turns out to be a real epidemic, the vaccine deniers will be Darwining themselves, I guess.

  20. I was referring to a sucker bet that H1N1 vaccine would harm you.

  21. bobbo, are we not in the scientific age says:

    #21–Its hard to be hyper when surrounded by card dealers.

  22. Luc says:

    DU needs a new banner:

    THE BEST OF CRACKPOT NEWS — Adam approves!

    (Picture of Adam winking with thumb up.)

  23. harold says:

    Say whatever you want about Farrakhan- he has been bang on in the past and he is absolutely right about this. Unfortunately, he’s pissed off the jews talking about their major role in bringing slavery to the US and their continuing mistreatment of Palestinians, so the only mainstream media he gets these days is negative. But Farrakhan is far more intelligent and insightful than the average undereducated and ill informed racist gives him credit for. And since jews hate him, he must be crazy.

  24. Rufus says:

    As of early September H1N1 had only killed 477 in the USA, no doubt less than the usual flu.

  25. Rich says:

    I thought Farrakhan died?

  26. MikeN says:

    It always surprises me the number of black people who think the government invented AIDS to kill black people. So you mean blacks are more likely to be gay?

  27. The0ne says:

    You mistaken why I said it. I’m perfectly fine if I’m one of the billions that die off. I’ll take my chances. But if I go I’m going to make damn sure there are billions going as well, like yourself for example. You don’t know crazy, trust me. I do.

  28. Nik (no C) says:

    It is mandatory for the Military to get the H1N1 vaccine. In order to cut Military spending, O’Bama is going to wipe all the active duty and reserve component and start from scratch. Cheaper to pay E-1’s and O-1’s than what the DoD is paying out now. That additional money will be allocated to fund health care.

    By the way, if you think I am serious, you are truly beyond hope.

  29. bobbo, the time tripping overlord says:

    #27–Mike==you are familiar with the History of blacks and the gubment? In the 30’s (40’s?) blacks who had syphilis were asked to participate in government studies of cures. Instead, they were allowed to rot with no cure at all so that the effects of untreated sysphilis could be studied.

    Now, aides is not syphilis and not curing is not the same a giving, but the association is deeply rooted in black culture. So deeply, its made a lot of whites suspicious as well. Seems only the ignorant can really trust the government without verification.

  30. Buzz says:

    Brain death is a terrible thing to waste.


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