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Love those Kenmore air planes. Great shot from a perspective you don’t often see.
Looks nicer than I remember 🙂 Where’s the rain O.o Must be one of those fluke days
Great shot!
?? Sears sells airplanes??
Kenmore Air is very neat. The lake in the picture is their runway here in downtown Seattle.
Whats that largest building to the left of the Tower that has a very flat roof like a napkin?
That building is Key Arena, ex-home of the Seattle Supersonics and current, I think, home of the Seattle Storm.
#6–midd==thanks. A stadium? Where’s the parking lot?
I’ve been to Seattle 3-4 times and always had sunny days. Forgot how green it was. I “know” that, but don’t think of it. The value of a picture.
Wikimapia can help identify many of these landmarks…
Beautiful indeed.
I’ve got it as my desktop picture.
Very nice.
Lots of green space compared to eastern cities, short too.
Lots of green because it rains most of the year! CA would be as green too if we had rain ><!
bobbo asked
“Whats that largest building to the left of the Tower that has a very flat roof like a napkin?”
I suspected, and the wikimapia (thanks for the link, FirstTimeCaller) that what you are referring to is Paul Allen’s Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum.
Really enjoyed Seattle. Has one of the better science museums in the United States! Next time I make it up there, I’m going to try to take the underground tour.
Not to worry about all the rain — there are Espresso carts on almost every corner — you’ll be able to stay awake, and you’ll find very reasonable prices on all kinds of rain gear!
I spent 6 weeks in the Puget Sound area once and it rained all but one day. Seattle isn’t the rainiest city any more than Chicago is the windiest. Both are myths.
Beautiful area though.
I once saw a TV interview of the guy who purportedly built the Space Needle for the 1962 World’s Fair. Not the architect or the owner or the empressario, but the contractor. I recall that he built the Space Needle under budget and ahead of schedule, but went bankrupt because of government delays in paying him. However, internet references maintain that the building was built privately and don’t mention any bankruptcy…?
Great shot! I hope you enjoyed your flight as much as people seem to have enjoyed this photo. Any chance you’d be willing to let us use it for promotional purposes?
Craig O’Neill
Director of Marketing
Kenmore Air