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Joe Biden’s fortune cookie.
“fortune cookies for pussies”
A patriot is someone who loves the land they were born in…. not the idiots who run it.
A real patriot is someone who lives and acts by the principles on which the USA was founded. This is not to be confused with adherence to laws and regulations that oft times have lost their way and have everything to do with raising money and nothing to do with principles.
For the 98% of us who aren’t Americans, and are pleased to remain so, a Patriot is someone that great-great-great grand-daddy used for bayonet practice.
#5–sargasso==no British patriots huh? ha, ha. No, who wants to live and die for a landed aristocracy. I’d be pissed too.
A patriot is the guy who says no the system by using the system to exploit the system, getting the same result but in a comical but unintended way.
#4 bobbo
Something we agree 1000% on!
#5 Should have had more practice. Sorry.
Strange…I thought we were the ones who got to run the country. If there is a ticket to be issued, there is a politician “we” elected who made the law that made the ticket.
If you don’t like what the politicians do, then change that. Stop complaining about the government we have elected democratically.
If you say YOU didn’t vote for this government, remember someone said that when your guy was in.
Or, are you saying Democracy is bad? Why do you hate America?
A real patriot is the person who pushes Nancy Pelosi into San Francisco Bay.
#9–Rick==are you saying a patriot is someone who supports their government no matter what? And are you suggesting one should vote in representatives, mayors, and what not based on their position on parking meters? Really? Thats the depth of your understanding, and you vote I assume?
“A real patriot is someone who would take up his gun to force a literacy test be required to qualify for voting.”
Sure, bobbo, that’s EXACTLY what I mean.
I also really think that dissent means you hate America…uh, sure.
I’ll be sure to speak literally and in short sentences from now on.
…and on the topic of gun control, the answer is still to elect a government that will protect gun rights…first. Then, if it doesn’t happen start shooting. It is like when I tell the anti-abortion people to bomb clinics or the gay community to burn down the Mormon temple. That’s how you handle things that the government does that you don’t like.
I do appreciate your willingness to impose your opinions on things. You should also work up some rules about who can speak and what they can say to keep things simple around here in America.
We should only let people who are convinced they are right be in charge from now on. Period.
#4 A real patriot is someone who lives and acts by the principles on which the USA was founded.
On the other hand…
“I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects. But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the same coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”
— Letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1810
The italicized part was taken out when it was put on the wall of the Jefferson Memorial. I like the original better. The point about tolerating moderate imperfections is an essential one, in my opinion.
#12–Rick==I’m happy you have joined my critique of your poorly worded post at #9. With a bit of help and practice, your sarcasm can be sweated for the good common sense that bore it. Until then, we will have to be patience with your miasma of self satisfaction. But, it is something to work with, and thats a blessing.
-have you any idea what it’s like to lose two cars in 14 months to bloody f’n parking tickets???
-this would be the only caveat to living in NYC.
(well, that and of course, the insane taxes)
Thanks bobbo. I shall try to do whatever your big words mean.
#16–ah Ricky==make the dictionary your friend. They are at your fingertips on line.
Longest word: satisfaction. What? You can’t get none?
A patriot is someone who strives for the betterment of humanity regardless of political alignment or situation. A patriot supports the human race as a whole without bending to the whims and wills of flags, parties, country boundaries, nay-sayers, yea-sayers, advertising, currencies, religions, or commentators. The only affiliation a true patriot has is to his fellow man.
As an aside, Democrats need to get the smug looks off their faces and start delivering on the promises of social betterment they used to get elected. Republicans need to drop the close-minded-ness that’s been eating their party away from the inside. Democrats need to toughen-up and Republicans need to divorce the crazy-religious-racist-fringe they have, for some reason, been trying too hard to keep.
Once those two things happen, well see a faster bend in history to the just and liberal that has moved so slowly throughout this country’s time.
hehehe. You said dictionary. (Oh, I’d joke more but bobbo you so strongly put me in my place I can hardly manage to type.)
#18–Beonarri==nice sentiment but why don’t you join Ricky and myself at our Dick-tionary and review the difference between a patriot and a humanist?
All good things are not interchangeable, just as the evil things are not.
Dicks are pretty much the same though.
#20 bobbo Yes, dicks are pretty much the same, at least for the average guy.
But there’s nothing that limits someone from being a patriot for general humanity, instead of a patriot for a country. It’s one of those terms that is pretty open to interpretation.
“In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer, I beg to submit that it is the first.”—Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary
#21–Beonarri==I’m sorry. Only a self centered idiot thinks words mean whatever they want them to. Its one of the LEAST THREATENING tethers to reality: the dictionary. Rarely do I change my mind on an issue when consulting a dictionary, but often enough, I gain a shade of meaning. WE THINK WITH WORDS. When those words are made up, incorrect, the thinking is as well.
Turn away from the darkside. WORDS HAVE MEANING, they are open to interpretation WITHIN A RANGE==not open ended as is your self appreciation.
Main Entry: pa·tri·ot
Pronunciation: \ˈpā-trē-ət, -ˌät, chiefly British ˈpa-trē-ət\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French patriote compatriot, from Late Latin patriota, from Greek patriōtēs, from patria lineage, from patr-, patēr father
Date: 1605
: one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests
#22–Fred==excellent. Thanks.
A real patriot is someone who gives back to his/her country, regardless of personal or financial sacrifice. Something that 99% of the pussies who read this blog cannot understand.
#18, –nice thoughts,
However, me thinks you should open your eyes..
The two party system is a complete lost cause. Both parties sold us and their souls out over a century ago.
Somewhere in the late seventeen, early eighteen hundreds, this countries fate was sealed and by the 1930’s it was *crowned* -a done deal.
Stop voting for “the lesser of two evils” and demand both parties be held to high treason for their continued crimes against our sovereignty.
This country will never be what it once was until we stop allowing our puppet masters to divide us along party lines.
The two party system is by design, a self destructing mechanism.
This country did not start out with a two party system for a good reason.
(this is also why you will never find such a system in any successful Military)
To paraphrase some wiser folks of yor..
“How can a bird possibily fly as a free spirit and in full control of it’s faculties when both it’s “wings” are constantly seeking to destroy one another..?”
To find the roots of this division, you need only seek those who proudly wear a winged crest, or that of a double headed eagle.
Perhaps then you will understand why Divide and Conquer is one of the very first (and oldest) rules of engagement in any successful Military strategy
Additionally, effectively erasing the true history and implanting a false one in the minds of it’s people makes it makes mere child’s play to destroy these same people from within.
-Remember that when your attempting to rebuild this country from the ruins that both parties have lead us to, and are responsible for.
We have been raised in a Mirror Image World.
Shatter the mirror and learn the truth before it’s too late, or else be doomed to repeat your misery yet again.
#25–DJ==I think everyone here is already well ahead of you and not even discussing jingoism or conformity to authority. No, all things to be respected must be “regarded.” In most cases, those who die in combat are no more or less likely to be patriots. Its just a different subject.
Now, if YOU want to define patriot as “anyone who dies in a war” then thats for YOUR dictionary, no one else’s.
Beonarri–see what a dictionary can do for your thinking?
#26–soundwash==I always think your posts “may be” on to something but it always eludes me. Maybe a dictionary could help you as well, perhaps more poetry for myself? A nice secondary spice for the blog though. Good job.
#22 fred That’s a pretty nice one.
#23 bobbo I never said that all words were open to interpretation or without meaning. Some words are just more open to it than others. I’ve heard the definition of a patriot from someone who defends every aspect of their country (leaders, congressman, religions, laws) to someone who distrupts the status quo in hopes of either making the place better or making the place that they want it to be. There’s also my definition of it and the one fred listed. Also, the term patriot can also be used to describe a missile.
And before you think of throwing more dictionary terms my way, consider this. The English we speak now, is not the English spoken one hundred years ago, which is not the English spoken two hundred years ago. Language is one of the most fluid human elements. Depending on the style of the times, a word’s meaning can change from one thing to another and back to its original meaning seemingly on a whim. The word “cool” refers to both a lack of temperature and a high level of “being-with-it-ness”. The word faggot used to refer to a bundle of sticks and is now a derogatory term for gay people (and those offended by its use here should note I’m just using it as an example). So, in one hundred years the definition for patriot could be a synonym for cute, little puppy.
While I can take no credit for the following (I found it in Yahoo answers) I can agree with every word of it.
The question was:
Someone said, “Patriotism is the last resort of a scoundrel”. Is that true?
The best answer received (i.e. chosen by voters) was:
Absolutely! without patriotism and/or religion nobody would fight a war. It’s a very useful tool for governments. There is nothing wrong with national pride, everyone feels that, but patriotism is only war-fuel! ask G W Bush … the most patriotic countries will also be the ones most at war …