
  1. bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:

    Heh, heh. Cute. Made me think of music moving from CD’s to Downloads. Here we have jokes moving from Stand Up Comics to Ipod’s.

    Not that many new ideas, but the packaging is fun.

  2. Breetai says:

    If the app included both parties I’d agree.

  3. Jason says:

    I agree with Breetai.

    There are FAR more Dems in the house and the senate right now and that make their list even LONGER: http://wwco.com/~dda/criminals.php

    That list is has 24 Dem criminals on it along side the Rep criminals…

    This clip shows a pile more despicable members of the house and the senate: http://youtube.com/user/Pajamasmedia#p/u/0/c19CrYbud40

    Oh for a world with real political balance…

  4. bobbo, will the world end in fire or ice says:

    #2–Breetai==there’s a problem with that. While advocacy groups on both sides say really stupid things, when we get to congress the stupid things are mostly said by the Repugs. Exceptions of course, but by and large, when you lie die with flea ridden dogs, you stand up Repuglican.

  5. SparkyOne says:

    a lot like:
    Verizon Unleashes Droid Assault on iPhone
    except the features are peoples

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    they forgot to add this one.

  7. Improbus says:

    This is just truth in advertising.

  8. Breetai says:

    #3 Bobo,

    What kind of Kool-Aid have you got?! The Lying to yourself in that one was better than anything I’ve ever heard from the republicans. You Win the internet!

  9. bobbo, no one is above the law says:

    #8–Breetai==no. As stated, a few exceptions. If the list is that extensive, why don’t you provide a few?

    Your lack of response will be noted.

    1 – 2 – 3 === Go!!!

  10. a hyper intelligent pan-dimensional being says:

    No one is going to challenge the accusations made against these republicans? not surprised

    Alfred is worried that he will no longer find the First Lady sexually attractive guess he can download photos of Palin or Bachmann to fantasize with

    bobbo lets not throw stones from our new glass house we want it to last past 2010

    i need a saucer shaped balloon to ride off in

  11. Uncle Dave says:


    Knock off posting a link to that photo.

    It’s boring and far past the point of making any sense and was never funny except to you for some reason. Everyone already knows you are painfully homophobic. Why harp on it and show your ignorance by continually linking to this photo? Makes many people wonder if you are overcompensating the way many closeted gays do. So just find some other, newer way to annoy everyone, please.

  12. dcphill says:

    People who live in grass houses shouldn’t
    stow thrones.

  13. Faxon says:


  14. Hugh Ripper says:

    They left out supporting gang rape in congress 😉

  15. Colin says:

    Funny, yes. But the R’s hardly have the market cornered on demagoguery!

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    RE: #17, faxon,

    And another well spoken Republican explains his position on world events facing our great nation.

  17. Classic!! Thanks for posting this Eidard. I put it on my own blog with credit to you.

  18. #19 – Colin,

    True. Though the democraps are less bad if for no other reason than because they’re less organized and do less of toeing the party line. Perhaps that’s actually one of their problems since they can’t pass a health care bill or a climate bill even when they have majorities everywhere. Some idjits among them will always vote with the repugnicans. But, the repugnicans never vote with the democraps even when their constituency is practically screaming for them to do so.

  19. #20 – Mr. Fusion,

    Exactly so. And, waxon/waxoff even got the punctuation right.

  20. right says:


  21. The Ben Smith says:

    Politicians are corrupt and have strange ideas. News at 11…


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