A federal about-face on medical marijuana — latimes.com — This seems like a proper thing to do. But perhaps it will be a set-up for more onerous action later? If not can we in California get this stuff taxed in the fields and legalized. We need the money.

Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. said today the Obama administration is officially reversing the federal stance on medical marijuana and ordering authorities not to arrest or charge any users and suppliers who conform to state laws.

In guidelines issued today, Justice Department officials are telling prosecutors and federal drug agents that they have more important things to do than to arrest people who obey state laws that allow some use or sale of medical marijuana.

The move clarifies what some critics had said was an ambiguous position of the Obama administration on the controversial issue, especially in the battleground state of California, where authorities have raided numerous clinics and made arrests over the years. Some of those California raids followed Obama’s inauguration in January, after, as a presidential candidate, he had pledged to stop them.

The new guidelines note that federal law enforcement agencies have limited resources and that they need them for more pressing priorities.

  1. Foink says:

    Finally, sick people can get stoned while their country is bankrupted into oblivion. That will lessen the pain. The rest of us will have to experience it while merely drunk. Unless like me you don’t drink; I get to experience national insolvency and hyperinflation while enjoying milk & cookies (if available). I’m used to it though, since the USA was declared bankrupt way back in 2006.

  2. bobbo, no one is above the law says:

    Wow. Let’s follow up with a change to federal law before the Repugs make campaign hay with the hay seeds.

  3. Adam must be disappointed!

  4. MikeN says:

    Now if they will just let states decide even more things, instead of trying to institute a federal takeover of health care.

  5. roastedpeanuts says:

    “ordering authorities not to arrest or charge any users and suppliers who *conform to state laws*.”

    Just would to highlight that they were apparently arresting people who *conformed to the law*. Sounds like a highlight.

  6. Winston says:

    “Obama administration is officially reversing the federal stance on medical marijuana and ordering authorities not to arrest or charge any users and suppliers who conform to state laws.”

    To be reversed when the next president, a Republican, takes office in 2013. I say this because Obama will take the blame when the economy does not recover fully by 2012. In fact, it will probably be worse then than it is now.

  7. Improbus says:

    Some day a bright graduate student will find and splice the genes that generate cannabinoid compounds into food crops. When that happens the DEA is frakked.

  8. Hmeyers says:

    #1 for the win

    “Finally, sick people can get stoned while their country is bankrupted into oblivion. That will lessen the pain.”

  9. RTaylor says:

    Does anyone know where the camp is they send federal agents to become overbearing, threatening, power crazed SOB’s. A lot of real working cops on the street would like to know this also.

  10. Improbus says:

    I don’t know about you but I find just regular cops to be overbearing, threatening, power crazed SOB’s. So, I guess, they are born assholes, not made assholes.

  11. Dallas says:

    The Repugs will frown on not having the Federal government interfere with state laws.

    Why are Republicans so pro-police state?

  12. moss says:

    Just another example of Change Republicans Hate to Admit Just Happened.

  13. Huffin' and Puffin' says:

    I wonder if this is all prep to legalizing it so it can be taxed (heavily) and pay for the health care bill?

  14. Improbus says:

    The reason they repealed Prohibition was for the the taxes so you may have something there H&P. I would be willing to smoke one for the team if called upon. (smirk)

  15. Mr Anderson says:

    Maybe they’ll outlaw tobacco next? After all, it’s a addictive deadly narcotic.

  16. Hmeyers says:

    Many people from switched from tobacco to marijuana for the health benefits and to avoid the hefty taxes.

  17. MikeN says:

    So now you are OK with the President repealing federal laws on a whim? I seem to think you were upset about a president doing illegal things like signing statements or ignoring the law….

    Even worse, here the President is going to have his prosecutors come after you if you live in some states but not others.

  18. soundwash says:

    Knowing Eric Holder, he’s probably got some spermicidal GMO hybrid weed he’s going to seed the entire medicinal stock with so he can fulfill his demented duties to his eugenics masters..

    that aside…nice to see someone finally coming to their senses on the absurd issue of TheFeds trampling all over states rights.

    Does anyone know if *technically*, states could press charges against The Feds if they cared to, for illegal prosecution of a state sanctioned law, business or however you would call a marijuana dispensary.

    You know, if you think about it..this all because of religion’s “Anything that feels good must be a sin” delusion. -and it’s millennia long crusade against any and all souls seeking “spiritually enlightenment”

    Tic toc.. oct 23rd-25th,26th has the rumour mill implying a major emotional tipping point is upon us.

    Will the net rumours of a false flag nuke attack on U.S. soil to mask the collapse of the USD be realzed? -or it is all just another internet hoax?



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