A small wooden box arrives on the doorstep of a married couple, who open it and become instantly wealthy. Little do they realize that opening the box also kills someone they do not know…
Just remember not to expose yourself while getting off.
bobbo, international pastry chef and economic misanthrop says:
#29, Haha you call LL on his “bullshit” by posting a chart that clearly shows a majority of the federal budget being spent on items that most would claim are there to promote the general welfare. Good going brain child.
This topic is seriously misguided. Jesus would never support socialized medicine, because jesus would never rob peter to pay paul. Jesus is all about voluntary charity. Of course jesus wouldn’t support our current system either.
Maybe the better question is…What type of healthcare market would jesus approve of?
He would undoubtedly support a free market in healthcare, because it’s the only system that is based on voluntary actions.
#42 #29, Until you answer why you would save your wife over strangers, you can just talk to the hand.
The little girlie man runs away and hides behind his silly-ass little question when someone challenges his facts. LL, you almost came up with the courage in the other thread to state what you think without hiding behind bogus questions.
Why is the ones who claim to be so tough are such wimps? Personally, I think it’s a deep-seated fear of being powerless — maybe LL had a domineering mother or father.
#44, You mean where your reading comprehension failed you again? Read it again, Einstein.
Admit it. You don’t want to answer it either because you don’t have the balls to. Come on, be a man! Step up and tell everyone why you would save your wife over strangers.
Obviously YOU don’t have an effen clue about funded mandates, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid against obvious welfare programs such as education grants.
But then I suppose most of the Defense budget might be called welfare too.
You have swallowed so much Kool Aid, you not only believe it, you live it.
If you would simply answer the question, it would no longer be a mystery. You would be able to sleep at night. You would actually get along with people.
I love laughing at the Anti-Religious nutts who think they have a clue about Jesus. It’s even more funny than Republicans using him to claim the moral high ground.
Why a company WILL DO SOMETHING..
NOT willingly..
but for MONEY, and that it costs them NOTHING.
Any company will jump up and DO the job.
VERY few have ever done something JUST to do it.
It has to be PROVEN to work, and cost nothing.
JUST like Perpetual energy.
as in PE, there has to be SOME extra energy to keep it moving..Always alittle, EXTRA is needed. Corps have forgotten this..and RUN OUT of energy.
#48 Another example of projection. Libertarianism requires ignoring so much reality — you have to pretend that the U.S. in 2009 is the same as Ayn Rand’s Soviet Union of the 40s and 50s — that it requires drinking a LOT of kool-aid just to tolerate the cognitive dissonance. Only their therapists could say for sure why they do it. Thanks for being a good example, LL. 🙂
#54–LIEBERTARIAN LOSER==speaking of fails, YOU refuse to answer two simple questions that you constantly pose to others:
1. Having stated you would kill 10 other innocent people to save your wife, the question is: How many innocent people would you kill to save your wife?
2. And then just to nail down how self centered, immoral, LIEBERTARIAN, and childish you are: How little money would you accept to kill one random person in the world by hitting a magic button?
Your fellow LIEBERTARINAS and retards the world over are waiting for your example.
Loser is selfish right up to the point where he denies it. Everyone else in the world is selfish except for Loser.
That means we are selfish because we want what is best for America while Loser only wants what is best for him.
The quality of his thinking has declined to the point where he must either be a high school sophomore or freshman. I used to think he was at least a junior but no self respecting junior could write such weak arguments.
bobbo, libertarianism fails when it becomes dogma says:
#56–Fusion==If memory serves, LL claims to be a small business owner with a staff of 15–engineers of some sort. He probably thinks the “deference” he is shown at work is because he is such a great guy. Could be true. How many of us present the real world with our blog parody?
But the truth as demonstrated here is that he hates to be confronted and only plays when he thinks he has the superior position: so he askes questions but never answers them and calls that a win. Ha, Ha!!!
When do we think we know it all and stop growing??
#58–LIEBERTARIAN LOSER==speaking of fails, YOU refuse to answer two simple questions that you constantly pose to others:
1. Having stated you would kill 10 other innocent people to save your wife, the question is: How many innocent people would you kill to save your wife? /// And your answer is: “I would watch the world burn to save my wife.” ==== That would be a good premise for a Twilight Zone. Then with the world burnt you look to your wife for love and approval and instead, unless she is also a LIEBERTARIAN OR retarded, she would look at you in horror. “What have you done???” And she immediately puts an asp to her chest leaving you all alone. Course, you are all alone now, but the crowd confuses you. Pretty selfish indeed not to recognize that love means nothing if it is not returned? And who could love such a selfish LIEBERTARIAN???????
2. And then just to nail down how self centered, immoral, LIEBERTARIAN, and childish you are: How little money would you accept to kill one random person in the world by hitting a magic button? //// and you answer: “I’m selfish and admit it.” === but that leaves us without a measure. What is it? one Dollar? You could get quite rich if the button allows multiple hits? How much money per life LIEBERTARIAN?
Heh, Heh. Gives a whole other level to “self centered.” I think Fusion has you===living in your Mom’s Basement. Which movie star’s poster do you imagine as your wife?
LIEBERTARIANS and retards the world over are curious.
#60–LOSER==I know you are big on gradations of meaning. How about this one:
How much of your personal wealth would you give to “save” everyone from a burning earth?–ie, total annihilation===everyone except you and your favorite movie star poster.
One Dollar? Would you spend one of your very own dollars to save everyone on earth, or do you love your dollars that much?
Tell us LOSER, what would you give up of YOURS, your hard earned all by yourself booty, to save the rest of the world?
LIEBERTARIANS and retards the world over are waiting for your example.
Bobbo has called you out quite effectively. Much better than I am capable of and I commend him for his intelligence and wit.
I’ll let you in on a secret. You think wrong. Instead of “either or”, it should be “all”.
Yes, our current rationed health care system has decided that only those who value money may be saved. Those who we depend upon to do the work beneath our own clean hands are out of luck.
Aside from the power and prestige assumed by such an attitude, it is bound to fail. Throughout history are cultures of the “haves and have nots”. They all failed. Most with disastrous consequences to those on the “power” side of the equation. Power structures and class hierarchies don’t last.
We the PEOPLE have said we want change. We have told our representatives we want everyone covered. We have told our representatives we want the insurance companies reined in. We have said, we don’t want a wife OR ten people having to die. Everyone is deserved of good quality health care.
I’m sorry I am writing over your comprehension level. This is not Lynden LaRouche babble. It is called democracy.
And, finally, since Liebertarians like to quote Thomas Paine, let me leave you with one of his quotes.
“Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear the fatigue of supporting it.”
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A small wooden box arrives on the doorstep of a married couple, who open it and become instantly wealthy. Little do they realize that opening the box also kills someone they do not know…
Just remember not to expose yourself while getting off.
The thread on Humpty Dumpty is right below this one. Cut and paste shouldn’t be too hard, then you can be on topic.
#29, Haha you call LL on his “bullshit” by posting a chart that clearly shows a majority of the federal budget being spent on items that most would claim are there to promote the general welfare. Good going brain child.
The religious left is in action once again.
I often wonder WTFWJD while ripping these rosary beads out of my ass.
This topic is seriously misguided. Jesus would never support socialized medicine, because jesus would never rob peter to pay paul. Jesus is all about voluntary charity. Of course jesus wouldn’t support our current system either.
Maybe the better question is…What type of healthcare market would jesus approve of?
He would undoubtedly support a free market in healthcare, because it’s the only system that is based on voluntary actions.
#39–DA==I guess it would be a waste of time to ask Jebus why people got ill to begin with?
And what would Jebus approve of in a modern society wherein charity care didn’t provide sufficient services? WWJD Then?
Probably turn everyone into pillars of salt for being so self centered?
I’d rather have Jebus free health care.
“What Would Jesus Think Of Our Health Care System?”
I’d say that if He shows up, His opinion on the health care system won’t be your biggest concern.
#29, Until you answer why you would save your wife over strangers, you can just talk to the hand.
#30, Do you really think Workman Comp is going away? Not hardly.
As with all illegal federal handout programs, once it is in place, it will NEVER go away.
This magical 7% everybody is talking about is just pure and utter BS to give a number to something they government has absolutely no clue about.
I usually follow your posts to the best of my ability (in between the random and spontaneous CAPS) and I am dismayed to see you spouting this crap.
#42 #29, Until you answer why you would save your wife over strangers, you can just talk to the hand.
The little girlie man runs away and hides behind his silly-ass little question when someone challenges his facts. LL, you almost came up with the courage in the other thread to state what you think without hiding behind bogus questions.
Why is the ones who claim to be so tough are such wimps? Personally, I think it’s a deep-seated fear of being powerless — maybe LL had a domineering mother or father.
#44, You mean where your reading comprehension failed you again? Read it again, Einstein.
Admit it. You don’t want to answer it either because you don’t have the balls to. Come on, be a man! Step up and tell everyone why you would save your wife over strangers.
Sigh… libertarians. Like trying to argue with fundamentalist Christians. Oh well, I tried.
#34, effen Loser,
Obviously YOU don’t have an effen clue about funded mandates, such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid against obvious welfare programs such as education grants.
But then I suppose most of the Defense budget might be called welfare too.
Loser, stay in school. You need the education.
You, two, really crack me up.
You have swallowed so much Kool Aid, you not only believe it, you live it.
If you would simply answer the question, it would no longer be a mystery. You would be able to sleep at night. You would actually get along with people.
Try it. You’ll like it.
#47, BTW . . . that wasn’t me 🙂
It appears you’ve failed again.
I love laughing at the Anti-Religious nutts who think they have a clue about Jesus. It’s even more funny than Republicans using him to claim the moral high ground.
Why a company WILL DO SOMETHING..
NOT willingly..
but for MONEY, and that it costs them NOTHING.
Any company will jump up and DO the job.
VERY few have ever done something JUST to do it.
It has to be PROVEN to work, and cost nothing.
JUST like Perpetual energy.
as in PE, there has to be SOME extra energy to keep it moving..Always alittle, EXTRA is needed. Corps have forgotten this..and RUN OUT of energy.
#48 Another example of projection. Libertarianism requires ignoring so much reality — you have to pretend that the U.S. in 2009 is the same as Ayn Rand’s Soviet Union of the 40s and 50s — that it requires drinking a LOT of kool-aid just to tolerate the cognitive dissonance. Only their therapists could say for sure why they do it. Thanks for being a good example, LL. 🙂
#53, Which reality would that be? Your democratic reality or that as specified in the Constitution?
This is a Republic, not a democracy.
Big Difference.
#54–LIEBERTARIAN LOSER==speaking of fails, YOU refuse to answer two simple questions that you constantly pose to others:
1. Having stated you would kill 10 other innocent people to save your wife, the question is: How many innocent people would you kill to save your wife?
2. And then just to nail down how self centered, immoral, LIEBERTARIAN, and childish you are: How little money would you accept to kill one random person in the world by hitting a magic button?
Your fellow LIEBERTARINAS and retards the world over are waiting for your example.
#55, Bobbo,
Loser is selfish right up to the point where he denies it. Everyone else in the world is selfish except for Loser.
That means we are selfish because we want what is best for America while Loser only wants what is best for him.
The quality of his thinking has declined to the point where he must either be a high school sophomore or freshman. I used to think he was at least a junior but no self respecting junior could write such weak arguments.
#56–Fusion==If memory serves, LL claims to be a small business owner with a staff of 15–engineers of some sort. He probably thinks the “deference” he is shown at work is because he is such a great guy. Could be true. How many of us present the real world with our blog parody?
But the truth as demonstrated here is that he hates to be confronted and only plays when he thinks he has the superior position: so he askes questions but never answers them and calls that a win. Ha, Ha!!!
When do we think we know it all and stop growing??
#56, FAIL! a-gain
I’m selfish and admit it.
I would watch the world burn to save my wife.
And I would do it because I love her.
Why would you save your wife over 10 strangers?
#58–LIEBERTARIAN LOSER==speaking of fails, YOU refuse to answer two simple questions that you constantly pose to others:
1. Having stated you would kill 10 other innocent people to save your wife, the question is: How many innocent people would you kill to save your wife? /// And your answer is: “I would watch the world burn to save my wife.” ==== That would be a good premise for a Twilight Zone. Then with the world burnt you look to your wife for love and approval and instead, unless she is also a LIEBERTARIAN OR retarded, she would look at you in horror. “What have you done???” And she immediately puts an asp to her chest leaving you all alone. Course, you are all alone now, but the crowd confuses you. Pretty selfish indeed not to recognize that love means nothing if it is not returned? And who could love such a selfish LIEBERTARIAN???????
2. And then just to nail down how self centered, immoral, LIEBERTARIAN, and childish you are: How little money would you accept to kill one random person in the world by hitting a magic button? //// and you answer: “I’m selfish and admit it.” === but that leaves us without a measure. What is it? one Dollar? You could get quite rich if the button allows multiple hits? How much money per life LIEBERTARIAN?
Heh, Heh. Gives a whole other level to “self centered.” I think Fusion has you===living in your Mom’s Basement. Which movie star’s poster do you imagine as your wife?
LIEBERTARIANS and retards the world over are curious.
#56, C’mon, Poison Twin. I pointed out where you were wrong. Does your wife know you are afraid to stick up for her?
#60–LOSER==I know you are big on gradations of meaning. How about this one:
How much of your personal wealth would you give to “save” everyone from a burning earth?–ie, total annihilation===everyone except you and your favorite movie star poster.
One Dollar? Would you spend one of your very own dollars to save everyone on earth, or do you love your dollars that much?
Tell us LOSER, what would you give up of YOURS, your hard earned all by yourself booty, to save the rest of the world?
LIEBERTARIANS and retards the world over are waiting for your example.
Bobbo==> It must drive you bat-shit froathing insane when LL ignores you like that. Why do you keep trying?
I think this image explains it all.
Bobbo has called you out quite effectively. Much better than I am capable of and I commend him for his intelligence and wit.
I’ll let you in on a secret. You think wrong. Instead of “either or”, it should be “all”.
Yes, our current rationed health care system has decided that only those who value money may be saved. Those who we depend upon to do the work beneath our own clean hands are out of luck.
Aside from the power and prestige assumed by such an attitude, it is bound to fail. Throughout history are cultures of the “haves and have nots”. They all failed. Most with disastrous consequences to those on the “power” side of the equation. Power structures and class hierarchies don’t last.
We the PEOPLE have said we want change. We have told our representatives we want everyone covered. We have told our representatives we want the insurance companies reined in. We have said, we don’t want a wife OR ten people having to die. Everyone is deserved of good quality health care.
I’m sorry I am writing over your comprehension level. This is not Lynden LaRouche babble. It is called democracy.
And, finally, since Liebertarians like to quote Thomas Paine, let me leave you with one of his quotes.