The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Tip/Wag – Coal Lobbyists, George Takei & Crispycones | ||||
Found by John Ligums.
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Tip/Wag – Coal Lobbyists, George Takei & Crispycones | ||||
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Sells the news?
You do know, FIRMLY, that Daily and Colbert are comedy shows????
Ha, ha. Yes, our court jesters having greater truthiness and news than the official mainstream media or the White House Stenography Pool. Amusing.
what is the connection between the title and the clip?
I’m with #2 what does one have to do with other?
What would you do with a coal lobbyist, a meat snow cone, George Takei and a Jack Russell terrier?
[Have one hell of a wild party! – ed.]
We can do the innuendo, we can dance and sing. When it’s said and done we haven’t told you a thing.
I haven’t watched TV news in years … they seem to produce “the news” for “adults” with IQs under 100, that is, no ability to use logic and common sense. Am I missing anything?
It says “Sorry Videos are not available in your country”
Hmm, that Sulu was pretty hot… if he’d been more tanned you could call him hot ham!
Is this an advert for Comedy Central?
I’m with #2 and #3; did the video change after the link was entered?
I think I musta just tried somethimg like that.
I’m bleeding heavily from the face
maybe i’ll be quiet for a bit
Dumbest title for a post, EVER.
So, John, all of those big cleavage jpgs that lead your stories aren’t in any way designed to get clicks? How droll of you.
Uh, what is up with this post? The video doesn’t match the article’s title. Was it changed? All I see is a Colbert Report video that has zero sexual innuendo in it.