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Not even sure what this is all about. Seen in San Francisco.

  1. dusanmal says:

    1984 in the Marxist way…

  2. Don Quixote says:

    If they have to hide their face, then their point of view is worthless.

  3. It is hard to tell for certain, but it looks like he has a van and is willing to help you move if you pay him ….

  4. Big Audio says:

    It looks like the work of Sheperd Fairly, Street artist turned into the OBEY empire.

    That image is on page 28 of

    Also, he is the same guy that did the Obama “hope” posters.

  5. Bob says:

    Poor SF street “artists”, they have been in a rut since they can no longer put “bush is Hitler” stickers everywhere. Now they are down to non-nonsensical stuff like this.

  6. newglenn says:

    #3 Thanks. I truly did Laugh Out Loud at your post.

  7. Esteban says:

    I think it’s G20 protesters with bandannas to help protect them from tear gas.

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    “Not even sure what this is all about.”

    Does anyone understand ANYTHING that goes on in San Francisco??

  9. AdmFubar says:

    i thought it was michael jackson done up as the frito bandito…

  10. Improbus says:

    Sometimes “artists” have to much time and hallucinogens on their hands. Consider it a weird form of performance art.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    A tea bagger wearing red?

  12. sargasso says:

    It’s upside down. It’s a man with a walrus mustache wearing a red bandanna.

  13. Barovelli says:

    Galvanized steel riser guard – easy to stick things to. The gray plastic riser guards don’t take to stickers well.

    Riser guard is protecting a riser – wires that run from an overhead on a pole to underground feeds.

    Hope this added something worth clicking for.

  14. Two to the Head says:

    Shepard Fairey’s Zapatista Woman

  15. Somebody says:

    He is the walrus, goo goo g’joob.

  16. Bob West says:

    When did “embiggen” become a word?

  17. smartalix says:

    A long time ago. Seriously.

  18. Mr Diesel says:

    # 16 Barovelli said,

    “Galvanized steel riser guard – easy to stick things to. The gray plastic riser guards don’t take to stickers well.

    Riser guard is protecting a riser – wires that run from an overhead on a pole to underground feeds.”

    Maybe they should run 7,200 volts through the galvanized guard to reduce the number of these stupid fucks putting anything on them.

  19. Buzz says:

    Here’s the message:

    “Ladies, that cool scarf you bought has a practical use, as well. It can serve to keep deadly swine flu germs out, or, if you have the swine flu, it will keep you from infecting others. Peace!”

  20. spsffan says:

    I dunno, but never trust a peace offering from someone wearing a tablecloth from an Italian restaurant as an article of clothing.

  21. duh365 says:

    I hope it wasn’t inspired by an AP photo or Shepard Fairey will be in court again.

  22. Li says:

    I think the point is that the new face of peace marchers is obscured, because they have to protect themselves from the gas attacks they are constantly forced to endure.

  23. pedro's (very embarrased) daddy says:

    pedro, the retarded bastard son of a goat and donkey, you are being rude to people again. you remember the doctor said you could only stay out as long as you took your medication and behaved yourself.

    do you really want to go back to the looney bin insane hospital? do you really want to have to wear their baggy underwear that chafes you tender ass cheeks. (although I think it is chafed from all the butt phooking you do)

    remember that nurse with all the hair on his chest that takes a special interest in you? remember, the one always scratching his crotch? do you really want to see him again?

    be nice to people pedro or we will have to put you back in there.

  24. timbailey says:

    What #4 said. There are a ton of these lame-looking stickers in Providence, where Fairly went to school.


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