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It’s refreshing to see a politician do his job for a change. Go get em Al!

  1. HeeHee says:

    Sen. Franken is a unique politician. America’s shame is that he’s unique instead of being commonplace.

    Keep it up Senator Franken.

    (I can’t wait to see what the knee-jerk right wing jerks can come up with on this issue.)

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So, 30 senators are not against sexual harassment and rape. 30 would prefer companies handle this behind closed doors and with NDAs.

    All Republicans.

    Why are we not surprised?

  3. KMFIX says:

    The girl to Franken’s right is HOT!!!

    The Republicans who voted no on this, probably just lost their next election. I can’t imagine the argument they could come up with that would make any sense to their constituents to justify voting no. Good luck with that!

  4. RobRites says:

    The Stewart video just shows commercials.

  5. jccalhoun says:

    Here’s the list of how people voted on the issue.

  6. Troublemaker says:

    When was it that the United States became the shittiest place in the universe?

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Just another example of politicians protecting corporations at the expense of the taxpayer. The only conceivable reason that the 30 would vote against something like this is that they are on the take.

    If the Dems knew that many Republicans would vote against this bill, it’s pretty shrewd politics. I hope that the reasons are as sincere as Al seems to be and this is not just a one off political jab at the opposition.

  8. icantbelieveimsayingthis says:

    I’m a Republican, and I think Franken has been a Big Lying Liar and I still despise his politics…BUT, since his election he’s been doing a damn good job and Republicans should not fail to praise him. He didn’t bash and insult Tea Partiers, he talked to them, he took them seriously. Now he’s standing up for someone who the rest, both Republican and Democrat, would rather sweep under the rug.

    Good on ya, Al.

  9. sargasso says:

    #5. Thanks for that link.

  10. sargasso says:

    #6. travel more.

  11. LDA says:

    # 8 icantbelieveimsayingthis

    Well said. I’m glad you did (i.e. saythis).

  12. Troublemaker says:

    sargasso said, on October 17th, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    #6. travel more.

    Really, what other countries defend the right of their contractors to allow their employees to rape other employees?

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, Franklin is starting to win me over.

    Franklin showed himself to be both powerful and caring.
    If he keeps this up, he will become a real leader!

    I’m reeling…

  14. nunyac says:

    If she had filed a criminal complaint w/the Iraqi government, perhaps they could figure out how to render some sort of justice. If that doesn’t work out, perhaps she should marry a Hatfield or a McCoy .
    Trying to get justice from a congress that has way to many vested interests is kind of like holding your breath when you were little, to get what you wanted from your parents. You just get smurfed.
    Well, I hope she is able to get her life back together and finds happiness.

  15. The0ne says:

    Those republicans sickens me. I hope one of their kids or themselves get gang-rape for good measure. Like Jon Steward said, how can anyone be against this.

  16. deowll says:

    The reps who voted against this have one thing in common: partisan stupidity.

  17. deowll says:

    I think I need to add something that others may know about. I don’t think anything that is against the law can be part of a binding contract so does that contract mean jack?

  18. Floyd says:

    Right now (9:52 PM Mountain Daylight Time) The Franken Vs Arbitration lawyer clip isn’t displaying.

  19. jccalhoun says:

    With a good enough lawyer you can sue for anything. However, I would bet a company that was formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton would be able to afford more lawyers than an individual.

    I don’t think that a company just decides out of the blue with no reason to include a “no suing for rape” clause either. I’m guessing this isn’t the first time a situation like this has happened.

  20. Two to the Head says:

    Mr. Frankin’s seconds are much cuter than Mr. Bernardo’s.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Who would have though Franklin would be a babe magnet?

  22. Greensaab says:

    It was not an anti-rape bill. It had nothing to do with rape. It was a bill against government contracts with contractors with non binding arbitration. Read if before claiming people are for rape.

    While I do agree with the bill you people are going crazy over something you haven’t looked at.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    Here’s the worst of it — IMHO.

    Everybody has known for YEARS that KBR and Blackwater are moral hell-holes. Evil from top to bottom. Hurting us severely in the “war on terror.”

    Yet they continue to get our tax dollars by the tanker load.

  24. bobbo, international pastry chef and constitutional scholar says:

    Most large corporations have mandatory arbitration clauses just like the one at issue and all are enforced against all such claims all the time, every day, all over the USA.

    Nothing prevents USA criminal charges being filed by whoever has jurisdiction–if anyone cared to do so.

  25. JoaoPT says:

    There are justice systems where a rape would be a public crime, and therefore be prosecuted by the Public Ministry, instead of the victim having to prosecute. In fact under this, if any official got knowledge of such a crime, he is obliged by law to report on it.
    Granted I don’t know much about american justice (other Law & Order, and all the TV law crap) but it seems to me that this legal disposition is in much need.

  26. GF says:

    There is a lot more shit than this. Don’t work in the middle east under any circumstances. The very first thing they will try and cheat you out of is overtime, which will be the least of your worries.

  27. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #22 Greensaab…you’re full of crap. It’s specifically about sexual assault and related crimes. Go read the amendment

    And by the way, it’s Franken

  28. Dallas says:

    Franken is exactly what we need in Congress. No nonsense, factual, in your face representation of the people.

    Franken 2012.

  29. GetReal says:

    Read all the contracts you are living under right now (leases, credit cards, brokerage agreements, etc.) and you will find binding arbitration clauses in all of them.

    They are never to make things “fair”. That’s why they are there.

    If you don’t like it, you can get a different credit card – never mind – they all have that clause. Rent a different property – never mind – they all have that clause.

    Get the picture?

    That’s not a benefit of so-called “free markets”. It is a result of markets that are too free.

    The golden rule says: He who has the gold makes the rules.

  30. Nada says:

    #24 bobbo

    There was a time (now overturned, I believe) when American contractors/mercs in Iraq were not subject to criminal law anywhere. For a long time the highest authority in Iraq was the American overseer, and one of his executive orders was that American contractors were not subject to Iraqi law, presumably only US law. Meanwhile, back in the US, the law here said American contractors were not subject to US prosecution for acts that took place outside the US. Working together, these 2 legal structures meant there was complete criminal immunity for these rapists. These binding arbitration contracts effectively limit meaningful civil recourse as well.


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