LII: Constitution — read this before watching the video.

Found by Cubachi via Twitter.

  1. bobbo, international pastry chef and economic misanthrop says:

    God. Which do I love more? Croissants or the wiki?

  2. qb says:

    And you didn’t invite me over for croissants and coffee?

  3. bobbo, international pastry chef and economic misanthrop says:

    #68–qb==and all others with an interest in learning and sharing all things pastry, with a side order of cooking in general, from post #56–“Drop by anytime and you can lend a hand.”

    I stopped issuing gold engraved invitations at $500/ounce.

  4. qb says:

    #69 bobbo

    Some men chase women, some gamble, some drink. For me, it’s bakeries. I’ve tried quitting but I just can’t do it. I’m addicted.

    One morning I woke up in a ditch with a half-eaten potato knish in my hand. I didn’t know how I got there.

  5. pedro's (very embarrased) daddy says:

    pedro, my bastard child.

    you are still a fool. Senor Hugo is a great man. You don’t like him because he wants to ban goat phooking and soocking. we all know how much you like your pet goat, dick. we also know how you need your dick.

    hee hee, remember that time you said to your mother “well dick my ass” and dick hit you from behind and shoved his little horn up your ass and we all laughed. you had such a big smile on your face. you laughed the loudest until dick backed away. hee hee, you and your dick are funny.

    so pedro, my bastard son, i want to tell you. you already have a pet goat, dick. that means you don’t have to be a dick. we know how you like to blow dick, but we leave that to you, venezuela is still a free country so you can blow who you like. except me. i don’t want you to blow me, thank you.

    just, don’t be such a dick.

  6. bobbo, international pastry chef and economic misanthrop says:

    #70–qb==I agree. And when you find a good bakery, or a good item within a bakery, it is a wonderful thing until they change the recipe. I find most baked goods like my politics: “too greasy” which did lead me to try to make what I like myself. Hard to do. Grease really does interact with food items several different ways. Still, I’ve been able to cut the lard in many recipes, sometimes the taste is enhanced as they aren’t smothered. Course, using real butter obviates a lot of that and most recipes accept real butter instead of the many substitutes being used.

    Whats REALLY IRRITATING is making something really good, then the next week following the same recipe, and its not as good. Do I have to start “weighing” the ingredients?

    My next target: eggs benedict with real hollendaise. Just saw Jacque and Julia do it. Looks easy.

  7. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, I think you’re wrong on treaties being supreme to state laws and their constitutions.
    Do you remember a case a few years ago with Mexico upset that one of their citizens was getting the death penalty, and he never got to talk to the embassy? This was in violation of a treaty the US signed, but there was nothing to be done about a state death penalty.

    The federal constitution says treaties are the supreme law of the land. However, treaties are part of foreign policy, and the president can withdraw from a treaty, or maybe even Congress can unratify.

  8. MikeN says:

    Oh boy, I see you already posted the link. How do you post a link and then argue the exact opposite of what the Supreme Court said?

  9. bobbo, international pastry chef and constitutional scholar says:

    Gee Mike—I did? I read those things pretty fast and often with a bias to want to see what I already think==but you gotta help me out a little, what did I get wrong?

    From memory, the case said that Bush could not order a State Court to follow a treaty. I don’t know who can/should==but not the president.

    I have some memory that one of the other issues might be that a treaty isn’t enforceable at all if it hasn’t been approved==and the President signing a treaty is not enough==still need Congressional approval.

    So==anyway, be specific and I would be happy to learn and correct my post===as I know you are as well.

  10. Fatpie42 says:


    Roflmao! That was hilarious!

    Nice how he completely fails to give any name for this document he has supposedly read. Actually the US appear to be trying to move away from any kind of legally binding world agreement, never mind signing into power a world goverment ffs!

  11. MikeN says:

    Your link summed it up. If a treaty is supreme to a state government, then the guy could not have been executed.

  12. Wretched Gnu says:

    Well *of course* Obama is going to cede US Sovreignity, Dvorak! Nothing could be more credible, more supported by clear evidence, or less asinine!

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #79, pedro who embarrasses his “daddy”.

    Cuba is not in South America.

    Your “daddy” has some good stories. Tell us, what color is the rest of your pet goat. We already know his horns are brown.

    (oh geeze, LOL, hoo, LOL)


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