LII: Constitution — read this before watching the video.

Found by Cubachi via Twitter.

  1. KMFIX says:

    Excuse me sir, but we have all the guns.

  2. bobbo, international pastry chef and constitutional scholar says:

    Or not

    Plus, is the Bill of Rights “part” of the Constitution regarding the treaty provision? I wouldn’t think so.

  3. KMFIX says:

    What would be so wrong with a world government? One world, one people, living in peace.

    Oh that’s right, it would go against everything capitalistic, racist, separatist, etc… sorry, my fault hoping for a better place.

  4. Troublemaker says:

    KMFIX said, on October 17th, 2009 at 11:28 pm

    What would be so wrong with a world government? One world, one people, living in peace.

    Or living under oppression?

    Anyway, who cares about this country anymore. It’s screwed up beyond repair.

  5. Troublemaker says:

    This guy was a “policy adviser” for Margaret Thatcher. That says a lot in my book. Apparently he’s now a shill that is scaremongering for the benefit of corporations that feel that they need to make profit regardless of the damage they do to the planet.

    One needs to look no further than the fact that asshole corporate shills like Glenn Beck and Micheal Savage wholeheartedly endorse this jackass, to see what’s really going on here.

    Americans are so fucking stupid that it’s simply mind numbing. They will believe any garbage that is put on the TV that goes against their own self interests. Regardless of any common sense proof to the contrary.

    “Death panels” anyone?


  6. Cursor_ says:

    This man will tell you anything to get attention.

    He claims is a lord but lost his bid to become one and now just claims it falsely. A member of pseudo-religious fraternal orders. Just another fool for the old guard that is slowly being made useless.

    Just because he has a soothing british voice it somehow makes him more intelligent than the shouting loons in the US? Bull!

    He is again part of the same group as all the other politicians. They try and scare you into conforming. He says they will change everything and he wants it to remain the same. Not telling you all it will do is keep the same powers that be and nothing changes. Just makes it harder for HIM to be taken into their ranks without HIM bending to the status quo the leftists want.

    There will be no world government coming from a climate treaty. This will be another useless document that the large nations will ignore. We will continue to belch filth, keep the profits and do whatever we please.

    No change. Those with the wealth and power are far too comfortable to change. Why should they? They believe they BUILT the world as it is now after WWII. If you can’t figure out how to become wealthy, screw YOU! You can clean our toilets and prepare our meals like all the other servants that are BENEATH us.

    Humanity is like that. Because it has been this way since then dawn of civilisation.


  7. Morn says:

    This is just paranoid nonsense.
    The treaty is designed this way so it can achieve it’s goals and nothing more. The 3rd world was not willing to sign on worried that it would limit their GDP growth, so transfer of wealth is a bargaining chip, a bribe really to get them on board climate change negation efforts. What’s wrong with that?
    And global government, just is just about trade tariffs to punish countries that are not part of the climate change negation efforts, this is basically about punishing freeloaders, countries that take no effort themselves but get the benefits. Necessary if we are to get the whole world to respond to the problem. It is a very ridiculous and dubious claim that this is anything like a one world government.

  8. Jim says:

    You always need to watch “Orators” when there isn’t an opposing opinion even near the stage.

    In any case, he obviously doesn’t understand how the US and the President signs and ratifies treaties, otherwise he’d know that the likelyhood of the president getting the treaty all the way through the senate without any argument is close to 0.0000%.

    I may or may not come to the fellow’s conclusions based on my own reading of things, but I truly deplore people on all sides of the overall debate about climate change just denouncing and announcing “facts” and “conclusions” without any actual debate or discussion.

    I can announce anything I want on Youtube, anytime I wish. Doesn’t mean I’m correct or even morally right.

    I actually don’t agree with handing the 3rd world money to do the right thing. I’d rather that instead of money that concrete technology and assistance be offered to ramp them past needing fossil fuels and let them build their own non-fossil economies.

    Well, assuming they don’t just build weapons with the tech to take out that neighboring country that they haven’t liked for fifty years.

  9. WmDE says:

    #5 Don’t forget disinfecting the terrazzo on their bathroom floors.

  10. At a time of political correctness this fellow has it right
    What a con job all of this left wing dribble
    However it does not stop them ( left wingers/ democrats) of living the good life
    The sad part is their own blindness

  11. gquaglia says:

    What would be so wrong with a world government? One world, one people, living in peace.

    You seem to forget that most of the world does not enjoy the everyday freedoms we have here. Even Utopian Europe, which liberals seem to think of as Shangri-La is rife with restrictions that we wouldn’t even think of here. Or maybe a Islamic type rule would be more to your liking. North Korea or China could be a possibility also.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    Sheesh look at all the problems the nations of the EU have agreeing on anything. How on earth is a ‘world government’ going to get off the ground?

    This guy is hardly a reliable speaker. Based on what the interwebs say, he seems to be dodgier than a 3 dollar bill. Who are these friends of his who funded/foundered Greenpeace and left when it was apparently overrun by communists?

    I do question the motives of those who would create a hegemony in the name of climate change, but this speech is more reminiscent of the hypocritical garbage coming from the right in the US, an audience to which this speech is aimed.

    The thing that really pisses me off about the climate change ‘debate’ is that is has completely taken the focus away from issues like pollution, deforestation and biodiversity which ARE things that can be tackled in a meaningful way.

  13. blah says:

    “Apparently he’s now a shill that is scaremongering for the benefit of corporations that feel that they need to make profit regardless of the damage they do to the planet.”

    That is why the corporations are now pushing for this carbon tax and Goldman Sachs is looking to trade carbon derivatives.

  14. Hmeyers says:


    The USA will cross the “event horizon” where the economy can’t be fixed because interest on the national debt will be staggering.

    When the debt hits around $12 trillion dollars, the annual interest on the debt becomes a major factor to the government budget.

    Do you raise taxes and make the problem even worse?

    The USA will have reached the point where a consumer should declare bankruptcy, yet that obviously isn’t an option.

    How can the federal government operate will annual interest expeditures with figures like $600-$800 billion per year AND not be bleeding with even more deficit spending?

    It’s going to be ugly and at that point, the government will be defacto reliant on foreign creditors.

    Scary stuff!

  15. mal says:

    #3: there’s nothing wrong with a world government if ‘we, the people’ manage to get it right. This time around however, you get to be a slave, nothing more.

  16. Uncle Patso says:

    U.S. Constitution
    Article III, Section 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority[…]

  17. Grandpa says:

    Dude, lighten up, there’s nothing here to lose. it was outsourced by the Republicans. That’s how we ended up with the Obamanation. If the new world country wants our funny money and our debt, let them have it.

  18. GF says:

    “…to the contrary notwithstanding.”

    Once again States have more power than they are given credit.

  19. sam says:

    Article 5 states you have to be a free white person to be a citizen of U.S. Also note the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were never constitutionally ratified. States under military occupation cannot ratify amendments!

  20. Father says:

    Regardless where you stand in the issue (left, right, center), you should be for the unshackling of our Great Nation from the bounds of servitude to any other Greater or Lesser Nation.

    That was the point of the Revolution my dears.

  21. LibertyLover says:

    #21, Agreed.

  22. Before commenting on this last 4 min of a 1 hour 35 min presentation, please see the whole thing. and the accompanying power point in PDF.

    I just did, and it is very well documented and presented. Sure you can take any part out of context to suite your specific belief and needs but the truth is more complex than what is said in 4 minutes, even more complex than what can be said in 1h35m.

    Reading some comments here, I can see why the USA is heading to a catastrophic ending. When you run a democracy like an empire, this is inevitable.

  23. The Aberrant says:

    Actually, he gets one thing legally wrong: “Your Constitution says that the treaty would be above the Constitution”.

    That’s not what the Constitution says – it says that the Constitution and treaties shall be the supreme law of the land. And when they come in conflict, the common law has held the Constitution to be supreme to foreign treaties.

    The law of treaties is surprisingly complex. Just because sign on to a treaty doesn’t actually mean we’re bound by them, there’s negative treaties and positive treaties… it’s really complicated and goes beyond “the President signed it, we must be fucked.”

    That being said, 1) this guy sounds like a conspiracy nut, (doesn’t mean he is) and 2) I would not have thought global climate change would be the avenue to a world government (I pegged globalization and economic meltdown for that).

  24. Dallas says:

    Thankfully, George Bush already demonstrated that America doesn’t obey any treaty if it doesn’t want to.

    Thank you President Bush.

  25. Alf says:

    It is the old shell game but with added features. We so are busy looking at the shells and trying to figure out where the pea is that we fail to see what the puppeteers are doing. The lobbyists are lining their pockets while moving more jobs overseas, blocking health care reform and putting unAmerican politicians in office who increase war machinery spending.

    Whoever said that the guy on the video is a shill…I agree.

  26. Father says:

    I’ll bite, a Shill for Whom?

    At most he is promoting himself.

    At least he questions the prudence of economically tying our futures to the will of extra national forces.

    We are America, if we decide to act one way, or another, then, through our system, we shall make that decision. Our system may be blessed or corrupt, but it is ours, and we are responsible for it.

    The Gentleman is making the point that no nation should give up its hard-fought path to self determination.

    This is also the reason the Lisbon Treaty should have been voted down.

    Nations are free to cooperate as they see fit. Binding agreements are not necessarily necessary, and feel as if they empower the politically crafty to have their way with us.

  27. Dr Dodd says:

    It’s not so hard to believe Obama would go for a One World Government. Especially since he fancies himself as its Supreme Leader.

    I mean you have seen the size of this guy’s ego, haven’t you?

    What’s the US when you can rule the world…

  28. Jim says:

    They are the Borg “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.”

  29. Father says:

    My advice is to encourage the Talk Heads on TV to talk about this.

    For or against, this should be on the lips of the mainstream media.

    Write to O’reilly, Beck, Oberman, Maddow, Hannity, King, Stewart, etc….

    If they aren’t interested in coming out for or against, then you’ll know that they have no genuine interest in America.

  30. soundwash says:

    200 pages? that’s a quick read imo..

    What needs to be done is some body
    of real (read credible) scientists that is not part of every countries global government propaganda machine,
    need to come forward and prove once and for all the current body of mainstream (read western) science
    knows jacksh*t about how climate or the universe as a whole, works.

    To not include the sun (solar forcing) in any climate model immediatly disqualifies any and
    all bodies of climate work.
    gee, while we’re at it let’s ignore
    the fact that all the planets in the
    solar system including ours, are heating up from within..idiots.

    Additionally, one need only show that the fusion powered model of the sun is patently false to further illustrate that mainstream science
    will refuse to change any models no matter how much *real* evidence to the contrary is dropped on their heads.

    (a spectrograph of the sun shows it produces AT MINIMUM 67 of the base elements found on earth (NASA circa 1990’s) and later analysis shows almost the entire periodic table is present, yet the “standard [accepted] model” of the suns proton-proton fusion exchange produces at best, 10 or 11 elements.

    Not to mention, no lab has ever produced *true*, sustainable fusion,
    no matter what you’ve been told.

    -Tip of the iceberg as it were, of the
    amount of BS the masses are educated with in regards to how everything works.

    It’s a very simple matter to disqualify the whole carbon argument
    and expose it as mass fraud. -if only all those in favour of the fraud did not own the souls of almost every major media, science and education organization, this insanity would have never seen the light of day.

    How COMPLETELY absurd is it that a bunch of know nothing politicians are going agree to hold escalation of the planet’s temperature to 2C??? -and basically use a TAX to keep it that way??

    What if any, they should be doing at this meeting is figuring out a way to
    adapt to the coming solar, planetary and very likely, biological system changes that are fast approaching as we transit the galactic center for the first time in our modern history.

    Don’t assume there are several groups building huge seed vaults because it’s a fun hobby. -they know what’s coming.

    It’s high time everyone else be be clued in so those who wish to prepare
    can have all the *real* facts to do so.

    The rest can continue to keep their heads in the sand. It has served them well thus far. -Who knows..maybe it will continue to do so.



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