Slashdot – October 17, 2009:

“New Canadian anti-spam and anti-spyware legislation is scheduled for a key vote on Monday. Michael Geist reports that the copyright lobby has been pushing to remove parts of the bill that would take away exceptions which currently allow spyware to be installed without authorization. ‘The copyright lobby is deeply concerned that this change will block attempts to track possible infringement through electronic means.’ There have also been proposals to extend the exemptions granted to telecom providers to include the installation of programs without the user’s express consent, which Geist says will ‘leave the door open to private, surreptitious surveillance.'”

  1. Jeanne says:

    I want to know the type of spyware that they currently install.

  2. qb says:

    Thanks for posting this. I have fired this over to a friend who is a heavy weight regulatory lawyer and well connected politically.

  3. chuck says:

    Don’t be surprised if the government passes the law, including the amendment, whether or not it is supported by the copyright lobby. There’s another group who will push for it: the RCMP – they don’t want to have to worry about laws if they want to put out a spyware program to allow them access to anyone’s PC.

  4. JimR says:

    Essentially they want to come into your private property without a warrant and without cause, and snoop around.

    No way. Perhaps all of the respective publishers behind this lobby wouldn’t mind if anyone were allowed sneak into their premises with a video recorder, any time they like, without fear of prosecution.

  5. LDA says:

    If we are going to start breaking into computers why wouldn’t you start by removing spyware and warning about infections (instead of adding them)?

    Artists need to get out of record contracts and consumers need to start paying artists for their art. Then we can extinct these decrepit dinosaurs.

  6. soundwash says:

    #6 -good show..

    -please, someone pinch me and tell me this is just someone’s twisted dream i stumbled into..


  7. Uncle Patso says:

    In response to this seemingly never-ending story, I can only repeat myself:

    Owning copyright affects the brain –

    | <This is your brain
    $ <This is your brain on copyright


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