If you have not flown Virgin America, this is the lighting scheme. All that is missing is the pole dancer!

  1. jeffro77 says:

    It’s interesting to me that they used pink. Prolonged exposure to the color tends to agitate people.

  2. Christian says:

    Is that the lighting scheme for all flights or just the ones to Miami?

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    It’s like flying in a neon lit vagina.

  4. Mr Diesel says:

    I can see one of the reasons, that color of pink reduces violence I believe.

    So, if a terrorist were to board one of these planes he would probably be laughing too hard the entire flight to blow it up.

  5. amodedoma says:

    Isn’t travelling in one of those damn things uncomfortable enough!?

  6. Tom says:

    I’ve flown on them. Very comfortable, soothing, and excellent service. Very much a winner in my book!


  7. If you have not flown Virgin America, this is the lighting scheme. All that is missing is the pole dancer!

    Check channel 35 on your personal video screen.

    #3 – The Monster’s Lawyer,

    ROFLMAO!!! Although, I must point out that most of us prefer a vagina that is not capable of keeping 300 people inside at once, however uncomfortably.

  8. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #8–scott==he’s not the monster’s lawyer for nothing. Clients with 300 foot long vaginas? Check!

  9. #8 — Help me find my keys and we can drive out of here!

  10. Luc says:

    I like it. Seems soothing. I hate glaring light. The pole dancer will be a nice plus.

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    My question is what’s the price differential compared to AA, United, Southwest.

  12. GF says:

    Where’s my nachos?

  13. Gay Virgin says:

    Actually it’s a penis they’re flying in.

  14. waltersobchack says:

    looks like Paris Hilton.

    How’s the wifi signal inside that vagina?

    I heard Paris just upgraded to wireless g-spot.

  15. geeklinks2 says:

    Its Virgin America it airlines that is stuck in the 80’s

  16. This color scheme also happens to be the color scheme for KY Jelly’s his and hers sexual lubricant/lotions that they are currently marketing. I guess it would be cool if we were flying to go to a strip club in Vegas, but maybe not for a business trip.

  17. zorkor says:

    “all thats missing is a pole dancer”

    that really made me laugh hard…thanks John!

  18. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    Perhaps the blue ceiling light is supposed to suggest the sky, day or night and the side pink lights daytime.


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