
  1. deowll says:

    The mother was distraught? Yeah, I would think so and when the father sees that film he’s going to be distraught.

    It doesn’t take long for the universe to go from all’s well to all’s #ell.

  2. amodedoma says:

    I’m done. Thanks for the websters quote, sorry if I overestimated your interpretive skills.

  3. bobbo, the cunning linquist says:

    #60–qb==thanks but I think you are equivocating==obviously you are in fear of being stoned to death.

    You say: “The wording of the texts probably changed over time due to differences in language, errors, or points of view.” /// I say to get from MANY GODS to one god would require INTENTION TO DO SO—not a lazy drift in translation skills.

    Specifically on point: what do you think? Did the Jews that wrote the Old Testament FALSIFY the earlier record, or just begin a new one?

  4. R.O.P. says:

    The weirdest thing about this video, for me anyway, is the number of ads for baby strollers that appeared at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Zybch says:

    #56 I lived a short 2 minute walk from the train station in the story for a couple of years some time back.
    The platform IS slightly ’tilted’ away from the edge, and the stripe is raised (for blind people) and would usually stop this from happening. You can even see where an additional layer of asphalt has been added to increase the tilt near the edge.

    Also, on the day this event took place the whole state of Victoria was being buffeted quite strongly by winds that (coupled with the wind tunnel effect you quite often see at train stations) could quite easily have caused the stroller to shift.

  6. Hugh Ripper says:

    It amuses me greatly that this incident has turned into a debate about religion. Here in Oz, everyone just glad the baby wasn’t hurt badly. God is nowhere to be seen

    I’m sure if this was Britain, the mother would probably have been arrested for negligence or baby hating or some such nonsense. Note the statement by the cop.

  7. bobbo, the cunning linquist says:

    #66–Hugh–yes, and the family won’t have to pay $5000 in emergency charges either. Happiness all around.

    “There’s no suggesting the Mother did anything wrong?” Well thats wrong==she let go of her kiddie and ran the kid onto the tracks!!!!! I assume the cop meant the mother did nothing “criminally chargeable.” But that is very different.

    In my own god like view, parents should have the right to kill their own kiddies at least until the kids can herd sheep on their own. That old testament position even fits with the Golden rule===not that everything is religious, you know. Just saying.

  8. Hugh Ripper says:

    #67 Bobbo

    Actually I got the impression the cop was really just saying ‘its an accident – nothing to see here’. Of course is was an act of stupidity. If stupidity was illegal, parliament would be vacant.

    I wonder what the response would have been if the baby had been killed. I’m pretty sure finger pointing would have ensued from all quarters.

  9. bobbo, the cunning linquist says:

    #68–Hugh==yes, unfairly as the Mother’s actions were the same, death and mangleation would likely have been treated differently.

    I’d like to have heard her conversation with her husband===before the video clip made the local news. “The tram spilled over but the baby is ok.” Hah, haw.

    I can see the lady having problems for years over that kind of thing. My mom took a lot of grief for putting us on dog leashes attached to vests. “Let them complain, I never lost one of you.” And she never did.

  10. young jack says:

    #64 Haha, yes I found that amusing myself.

  11. SIDs says:

    And another suicide attempt is foiled by underestimating the distance of trains from the tracks.

    Baby suicide is a growing problem among six month olds.

  12. brian t says:

    “DIDNT the buggy have a BREAK, to stop it from moving??”
    How would a BREAK stop it from moving? Perhaps a BRAKE might be more useful ..?

    No, I’m not being pedantic. The words may sound the same, but they are written differently because they have totally different meanings. If you don’t get that, stop writing and stick to talking. If you think English has a homophone problem, you should try Japanese, in which it’s possible to eat with a bridge (hashi) or write on a ghost (kami).

  13. ECA says:

    My fingers dont interpret what I am saying, they only type what they hear.

    and either way..would mean an ending..
    1 is specifically for momentum, as the other is for Most anything else and is more abrupt.
    Let me put it this way..
    There should have been a DEAD MANS Switch on the stroller. AS soon as she released it, it would STOP. as any USA made lawn mower has.

  14. Amusement says:

    There’s nothing quite like seeing an idiot with no life pursue an ideology relentlessly – regardless of time, place or social courtesy.

    Bobbo, you need to get laid. It’ll improve your outlook on life immensely.


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