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Holy crapola!
Here’s the news story.
Thank God! OR for the non believer, Thank chaos for the incredibly improbable survival of this tiny infant.
I’d like to thank the fact that the kid was smaller than the distance between the wheels and also smaller than the height of the train as it rolled overhead.
Now, if the stroller and kid survived without a scratch THAT would have been a miracle.
The mother had to have her sphincter surgically loosened after that.
The Grace of God in full color on the Internet. Imagine how she felt when the train passed over her little one!!!!
BTW, Isn’t that more of a “guy” move?
Now, if this kid grows up and starts seeing Neil Diamond or Michael Constantine in his dreams, I’ll believe it. (See previous article.)
Sometimes its good to be Mimi-Me.
Ammarammadingdong==heh, heh. Yes, a small child on the track having dimensions being IMPOSSIBLE to be hit by the train, not being hit by the train, is certainly a MIRACLE. The question should be: “Why didn’t god suspend the operation of gravity so that the pram did not roll downhill?” Why didn’t an all loving god do that?
Its enough to make one lose faith, I tells ya.
Wretched Gnu would like to complain that you mentioned it was a baby therefore discriminating on the basis of age — making the poster of the article an “ageist”!
I love how practically every comment thread on this blog descends into atheists getting pissed off when someone says “Thank God.”
#9–craplets==the descent was completed by the retards “thanking god.” By inference, you would hate it then if the blog did nothing but cheer in with additional Amens?
Sheep, complaining of non-sheep. BAAAAAAA!!!
“The pram slips out of the mothers grasp, without her noticing…”
What a bunch of bullshit by the voice-over.
He should have said “The mother clearly lets go of the pram while reaching for her cell phone to check her voicemail…”
Ok so maybe she wasn’t checking her cell phone but it somewhat vaguely kind of looks like she is.
What’s obvious is that she clearly lets go of the stroller, it does not slip out of her hands- nice mother, she should be fired Donald Trump style.
On a side note wouldn’t the platform be better designed with a very slight slope away from the tracks instead of toward them?
I wonder why god designed the platform to slope toward the tracks.
I don’t judge. If people want to thank God or not that’s fine. Anyone that’s threatened by and lashes out against someone else’s expression of “thanks” within the context of his/her world-view is an insecure prick. That goes for believers and non-believers alike.
#11–craplets==thanks for continuing to demonstrate the stupidity and hypocrisy of the religious crowd. You don’t think your comment at #9 was condescending sarcastic crap??? Hint–yes, it is.
Evidently, you are so biased you think YOUR shit is ice cream and we should all enjoy it. We don’t.
Evidently, your bias skips over ammarammadingdongs additional statements past “Thank God.” That alone would not have prompted my own response===but on invitation, it would be impolite not to oblige. Just as you have done.
Back on your knees dolt.
Wow. That gave me goose bumps watching this terrible accident. What a stroke of luck this poor kid survived.
#11 Agreed.
Well said.
That kid needed to be hit.
#13 Agreed.
Well said.
#7 Bobbo
If the child hadn’t fallen out of the carriage and if it hadn’t fallen in front of it some how. Use your head, that aluminum carriage must’ve rolled up like a ball of tinfoil. The number of things that could have killed that baby at the moment in question is quite impressive. But you go ahead and interpret it in the way which best suits your character. I should’ve known better than to use the ‘g’ word.
I also love how bobbo assumes all kinds of things about my temperament even though I’ve disclosed nothing other than a distaste for others mocking people’s world-views. To quote him/her with one small edit: “You don’t think your comment at #7 was condescending sarcastic crap???” And before you respond, *yes* #2 was the same.
!7–amodedoma==as a bibble/testual scholar, I’m surprised you don’t read more accurately. It was not your use of the “g” word, but rather your continuation thereafter. “Thank God” for those who miss his thunderbolts is so meaningless as to be cultural and is not comment worth. An invitation to comment is impolite not to rsvp.
Why does god punish/kill/maim the innocent?
#18–craplet==exactly so. So why the comment addressing one, and not the other?
holy moly (pun intendend)
This is one of the most horrifying things i’ve ever seen, i screamed when the pram started rolling. Why is this trainplatform inclined towards the tracks for gods sake? (another intended pun)
#21, there is no incline, the invisible hand of god pushed it toward the tracks.
Sometimes ya just get frickin lucky.
#21–Jopie==probably the building code in order to shed water away from the structure. Too bad it sheds baby carriages as well? I have to look more closely next time. I thought there was only inches of clearance under “the front” of the train. More room underneath but a bumper of sorts on the first car?
How much would a “caring society” alter the building code to prevent this type of occurrence==or should everything be kept as is with parents being cautioned not to let loose of their kiddies? I tend towards the “no changes” position==but perhaps a change for future projects==downward slope but a lip at the end with sculpers for the water to escape? ((Hmmm, evidently sculpers is not a word==what is that structure that lets water escape?))
Re: #20
Because I have a working funny-bone. #2 was funny and so was #3. Both were clearly jokes (at least I thought so), condescending and sarcastic though they may have been. You’re attacking specific individuals’ deeply held beliefs behind a veil of online anonymity. That’s not cool.
I’ve shown that video to a few parents now. They all cringe like someone dropped a snake down their shirt.
#24–craplet==you are starting to babble. Its humor but deeply held belief? Which is it?
YES—–blogs serve the function of testing your deeply held beliefs. If you don’t like it, go to a church group instead.
F*cking Retard.
Thank god there was a CCTV camera to prevent this from happening. Oh, wait…
The baby suffered only a mild bump to the head. And once they re-attach the head they hope it will make a full recovery.
Just came to me: scupper.
Later, God released a statement saying “It was pure luck the kid wasn’t killed. I pushed the stroller. I sent the train. I’m gonna keep trying until I get the little bugger. It’s all part of my plan. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!”.