Looks like John’s right….sick publicity stunt. On a side note, did he cut the cheese?

  1. echeola says:

    This stinks.

  2. chuck says:

    Stick him back in the freezer.

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    Broadcast media is just so freakin disgusting and banal. I’m glad I don’t watch TV.

    And I do believe some cheese cutting was goin down with little Timmy O’Toole or whatever his name is.

  4. Faxon says:

    Fucking television cable news. What pure bullshit. Now this dumbshit publicity seeking family is all over the place.

  5. McCullough says:

    Next stop The Today Show.

  6. Wolf Blitzer's underwear says:

    I’m in a WAD!

  7. Greg Allen says:

    … even so, that’s a pretty cool balloon.

  8. soundwash says:

    Clues for the clueless…

    The whole event was a psyop to get people to shrug off any sightings in the near future of saucer shaped objects in the sky as, “oh, probably another kid and his demented father playing balloon pranks again..”

    FWIW: all the ancients texts peg these next few years as the time when “our true parents” will return to help guide us into the new age.

    2009 is supposed to begin the year[s] of transformation, etc. its gets ugly, but the pay off is well worth it

    It is in this respect..this balloon hoax seems to me, perfectly timed.

    -Coming from Colorado, [home of the symbololgy junkies] which also happens to be PsyOp central, -you would have to be pretty ignorant to think anything otherwise..

    I spent the last year researching this stuff. what i learned is what led me to concluded that we live in a Mirror Image world. Friggin Bizzaro land to be sure..

    The history and science we know and have been taught is upside down and inside out.

    (just for fun.get an education: go take a look at the Colorado state seal and research all the symbols on it)


    Regardless of all that, electromagnetics rule *everything* including your brain. -start learning the basics, it will be worth it.

    -and if your a about looking for a “future proof” career, -that would be it. take up plasma physics and the physics of resonance as complimentary courses. master their synergy and you will never be out of a job again.

    [unless your an innate jackass, of course. -can’t help you there.]


    Viva la Electric Universe!

  9. KMFIX says:

    Did the guy that was asking the questions even realize the kid just said they did it for the show? Retarded news guy.

    Just another reason why I don’t watch TV.

    And yes, one of the kids totally farted.

  10. Gasbag says:

    I was thinking that this whole story was Bullshit

  11. David says:

    And people are surprised by this? What planet do you people live on?

  12. Last Minute Halloween Costume says:

    Balloon Boi!

  13. Great American says:

    I don’t give a crap about the UFO, Pleidians, dinner at Fringale, and 2012 being the end of it all…there’s one thing that troubles me:

    His name is Falcon? WTF? Is the other kid’s name “Windchime”. Damn hippies!


  14. Cursor_ says:

    ow I am glad I missed the whole affair while I was cooking for a party tonight.

    Having real contact with real people is so much better than sitting glued to a TV.


  15. Fat_Anarchy says:


    Why is it always these conspiracy nut job whackos who are always the most patronising and arrogant to constantly be proclaiming stuff like “wake up sheeple”, “you’re blind, man”, “clues for the clueless”, etc. Does it masturbate your ego to convince yourself that you’re so clever and enlightened to be able to “see” the truth, where as us simple sheeple cannot possibly conceive of the massive insights you have into the “true” workings of the world? Have you ever considered that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, and that it is YOU who is easily manipulated by the latest conspiracy claims, and it is really YOU who is a sheep? Maybe the fact that so many people don’t follow what you say is because the majority of people are not idiots, and dont follow illogical trails of thought like yourself.

    Yes…its all in the future….IT SAYS SO IN THE ANCIENT TEXTS!!! Yes, these people who were unable to understand some of the basic fundamentals of how the world works, and basic science and medicine, have somehow discovered how to predict the future hundreds of years ahead of them. Riiiiight. Not to mention its all in collusion with the goverment who for some reason are looking to bring the end of the world…or something…I gave up following this crap a long time ago. Oh, and lets not forget the fact that the texts actually dont predict the end of the world in 2009 either. But lets not let silly things like “facts” cloud oor predetermined conclusion. that would be too much like logical thought!

    I find that those who do have genuine knowledge and wisdom are a lot more modest about how much insight they really have. It is this sort of patronising BS that made me stop listening to No Agenda cause of Adam Curry. IT just wears thin and becomes annoying. They just come to some ridiculous conclusion, and any evidence that goes against it is seen a “the government misinformation to cover it up”, or “the scientists are working for the government, so they would say that” or whatever. Anything that does support their silly theory is seen as evidence…no matter how weak it is, i.e, this article as “evidence” of the coming apocolypse.

    Oh, and BTW, while you’re doing your research, maybe you could try researching a grammar book and learn the correct usuage of “you’re” and “your”. I know that my tiny sheep-like mind couldnt possibly understand how its done, but I am sure with your massive insights into the universe you could easily pick it up. Maybe the correct usuage of grammar is an illuninati conspiracy to control our thoughts and make us all conform to a norm so they can easily manipulate us? ITS MORE EVIDENCE OF TEH NEW WORLD ORDER!!!111one11

  16. somedudeinamerica says:

    The BBC devoted about 5 minutes to this piece and me and my buddy both saw straight through it, this guy called the TV station before the police… duh!

    Side Note : I do find it hilarious how every time i read some nut ball talk about aliens descending its always “about” to happen in the very near future. It cant always be about to start. When do they REALLY come?

  17. Waltersobchsck says:

    #16 Fat_Anarchy I couldn’t agree with you more. Nice rant.

    Now if I may complain about NA a bit. Back a year or so ago No Agenda was good, like eavesdropping on a couple of old guys bitching about random shit. But Adam just couldn’t keep his super-sized ego in check any longer and turned the show into an overproduced pile of steamy dog mess.

    I can’t listen to the Morning Zoo sound effects with Adam talking over John every three seconds any longer. Or how when he plays every single clip on the show he constantly cuts in with some horrible comment. He just can’t contain himself to shut up for a second.

    The show has gone downhill, mainly because Adam is so full of himself and thinks he is such a genius. Thankfully I can get plenty of John rants on his other netcasts.

  18. gmknobl says:

    Soundwash is a nutball.

    One of the criticisms I’ve had for reality tv is that you’ll end up with people doing stuff, harmful stuff, just to make money off it; for no other reason. Now we have two parents putting their family at risk (or apparently so) and definitely costing local authorities lots of money just to get money out of it.

    So, what we end up with, aside from unsafe practices, is a complete blurring of the line between reality and fantasy. Those parents are a bunch of liars and should be kicked off the air. The shows they are on should be canceled too. Even when the whole thing started with “The Real World” there were people doing stuff just for the attention/money/ratings rather than having it be real.

    When anything is on tv these days, remember the laughable line used by old nature documentaries: “all these situations are either actual or created.”

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #16 Fatso – Yep.

  20. samarium13 says:

    I hear the Falcon will fly again soon. Get ready CNN, CBS, MSN, Yahoo, ! you frackwads
    ///looks like an Onion News broadcast.
    oh please let it be an onion news netcast.
    The Idiocracy is coming ppls, I can feel it.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Saw these boneheads on CBS morning show. They have video of the balloon breaking free…mom and dad are right there….who’s running the camera? Sure looks like fake excitement to me…if that guy is so smart why are ALL the ropes loose? And clearly there’s no kid in the thing, it flies just like a semi-deflated mylar balloon would fly.

    Dad had some lame rationalization for the kid’s comment, and they all looked very uncomfortable being interviewed.

    Yeah, this guy is in deep shit.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Mr. Anarchy

    I agree 99 44/100%. The part I would like to add to is the ignorance of not knowing when to use “there”, “their” and “they’re”. Which I think is a whole 50% more than your simple “your’re” and “your”. It is also a whole 300% more than the common “yous” as in “yous guys”, but I digress.

    However, (and yes, I did start this sentence with a conjunction) last week I noticed I used the word “their” when I definitely meant the word “there” right here on this blog. Once it is posted you can’t correct your error.

    So even though I know better, sometimes, as any parent of a six month old can tell you, shit happens.

    Having said all that, I enjoyed your rant. Good post.


    [My pet peeve is lose and loose. – ed.]

  23. The0ne says:

    There are plenty of the types you’ve mention. And for strange reasons some of these people are actually smart but I swear have no common sense at all. They’re so one sided that nothing, absolutely nothing convinces them to look at whatever the subject is differently.

    For example, my co-workers. They’re good engineers but they’re a-holes in certain subjects. One doesn’t believe in pollution at all and thus doesn’t believe climate change. No pollution? O.o…umm, go inhale the tailpipe or drink the water running out of the Chinese factories. They criticize NPR as being a government run show, for whatever reasons I don’t care to even bother to ask, they love people like Beck, Savage, O’Reily as though they themselves are always right :/

    That’s how screwed up some of these people are, lack of common sense mostly and respect.

  24. The0ne says:

    Sick parents, manipulating the kids like that and acting like like it’s nothing and continues on. Someone shoot these morons please. Any Republicans up for it?

  25. MikeR says:

    Too late to do much about this – they’ve already procreated. Could this family become the ‘poster child’ for requiring a license to have kids?

  26. Cephus says:

    #25: You have to remember, these are people who thrive off of publicity. They’ve been on Wife Swap twice, they just want to dance in front of the cameras, that’s why they set this whole thing up in the first place so they could get on the news.

  27. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I saw the father being interviewed on one of the newzy shows. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but something tells me he was lying. 😉

  28. Toxic Asshead says:


    A six year old boy has apparently climbed aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. He is looking back at the Earth and from the ground it looks like he has a giant eye…..

  29. CaptCorn says:

    All I could think of when seeing the balloon on TV for 2 hours was Jiffy Pop. And I had to make some popcorn. I think it was a plot by Jiffy Pop to sell more Popcorn. http://bit.ly/2fRS5M

  30. meetsy says:

    so when does CPS get involved. This father is obviously insane, and one of “those” over manipulative types. Meanwhile, teaching the kids to lie “for the sake of the show” is just fine.
    And, what is the deal with the idiot names. Falcon may NOT get beat up much, but Windchime? Tough luck kid. What I don’t understand is why everyone was up in arms over the other freaky father who named his child Adolph Hitler, but Windchime..is almost celeb-cutsie/hippy. This is long term child abuse… come on, you all know, you were ALL KIDS ONCE. Might as well name the kid Fartbreath or Poopiepants.


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