Looks like John’s right….sick publicity stunt. On a side note, did he cut the cheese?

  1. Fartbreath Aswipe says:

    #31 Meathead – What are you saying?

  2. George says:

    You can’t believe anything a 6 y.o. says. They live in a world where fantasy and reality are the same.

    My 6 year old makes up all kinds of stuff. He regularly confuses his life with his friends. For example, his best friend is an only child, but he will tell stories about his friend’s sister that sound remarkably similar to stories about his own big sister (my daughter).

    I’m sure this child still thinks that he is on a TV show, after actually being on “Wife Swap” and seeing Dad stormchasing on Youtube.

  3. meetsy says:

    make that on wife swap TWICE This kid’s life has been more show than not show. But, vomiting AFTER he slipped up? That is not normal kid stuff..it’s high stress. Where do you think that came from?

  4. Reely Big Shew says:

    He vomited all over dad because dad’s shenanigans are making him sick and he kept throwing up because dad keeps lying. Kids physical expressions don’t lie. Watch the replays and pay close attention to all of the kids.

  5. clancys_daddy says:

    Surprised! not

  6. bobl says:

    Best SNL skit I’ve seen in awhile… Maybe the interview with Katie Couric will be ‘breaking news’ on Jon Stewart. Kinda tough nowadays keeping the comedy shows separate from the other stuff.

  7. Wretched Gnu says:

    But… what “show” is the kid talking about…? I don’t understand.

  8. zorkor says:

    This is what BS the American people are fed everyday. This is how the WMD BS was fed and the war related BS that we are doing this to free the people of Iraq and Afghanistan from dictators..yep they are free now thanks to constant carpet bombing and friendly fire. The are happily living in graves now…all thanks to false news and hype created in the Media.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Normally I try to avoid hating things and people. But of course there will always be exceptions. And fortunately I now HATE this family! Or at least their space case parents. This whole overexposed media coverage lead to a small tiff in my family unit. Someone got to blabbering during ABC’s NightLine, so whatever Martin Basher was saying was obscured. Someone said “SHUT UP”. Feelings were hurt. Etc, etc. We’ll get over it. But it never would have happened, if it weren’t for these wasters of the nation’s time and money. They should be denounced for their actions. And maybe the kids need better role models as parents. Not too long ago, conduct like this would have had Child Protective Services all over this bunch. I can’t help but wonder what these kids are going to grow up like? Will it finally dawn on them, what a loser their father has been? Or will they end up just as bad, imitating him? Is the father a victim of screwed up parenting?

  10. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, this Falcon kid either puked from being fed too much cake and ice cream, as a reward. Or the parents are making him sick, just to shut him up during the interviews. Because he’s the only one not getting his story right, for daddy’s sake. And the next thing ya know, the kid is hurling. Yeah, I’d call that pretty suspicious. And maybe even child abuse.


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