Soda Tax Could Shake Up Industry : NPR — When are they going to try and tax air? They’ve already got a fake recycling tax on the cans, why not the soda?

Amid the health care overhaul debate, one big question has been where to come up with about $1 trillion in funding to change the system. One idea that has been suggested is a junk food tax — and, in particular, a tax on soda.Public health advocates say drinking soda is directly linked to obesity, which is partly responsible for skyrocketing health care costs.At the Mace Market in a suburb of Davis, Calif., west of Sacramento, shiny bags of potato chips and candy bars line the shelves. Brightly lit, humming refrigerators are packed with bottles of soda.

Found by John Stec.

  1. Rick Cain says:

    This doesn’t have to do with keeping people thin, it has to do with destroying the independent soda market.

    I’m sure coca cola and pepsico are very much for this tax.

  2. Hyperkinetic says:

    Fake recycling tax on cans? Only an IDIOT would claim such a thing. It’s a DEPOSIT, and *ANYONE* can redeem them for cold, hard cash, and recover every cent. In my youth I’d spend the day at the beach collecting cans. On average I’d collect between 2-3 large garbage bags of crushed cans, netting $100-$150 for six hours work. All while enjoying a day at the beach to boot.

    Fat people cost EVERYONE money by taxing our health care system, using more fuel to get around, etc, etc. I used to drink tons of soda and had the gut to prove it. I’ve sworn off liquid calories and lost the weight. This tax doesn’t affect me, but fat people’s lack of self control does. Tax the soda and let those who indulge pay their own way.

    While were at it, eliminate corporate welfare that only benefits the few. Stop subsidizing corn, and HFCS will no longer be cost effective, and it will stop harming the nations health.

  3. yoda says:

    It is not the government’s business what people drink or what people should eat. What’s next, a tax on ice cream, potato chips, hot dogs, fries, candy bars, etc, etc. etc. This is just about making money–nothing else. Isn’t this what made us ticked off King George III? While some people may not know all the facts about soda, they know it is not good for them–jus tlike hey know any junk is not goo for them. The government needs to get out of our personal lives and just leave us alone. By the way, just because people are overweight, does not mean they are unhealthy, and just because people are thin does not mean they are healthy. We need to stop judging people based on their weight.Just because a person is obese does not mean they are lazy! Angst against the obese is simply a more accepted form of bigotry and prejudice! Frankly, the insensitivity of some here is absolutely revolting! I don’t drink soda much at all anymore, but I support anyone’s right to do so, if that’s what they want! It’s not our business to punish people just because they don’t eat like we do! How arrogant can you get! Frankly, ever since Obama came in office, I’ve been worrying about my liberty, and the future of this country, and I agree that some of you need to study about what real freedom is! (and studying up on American History wouldn’t hurt)


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