Eugene Robinson said sex was the last thing on his mind as he drove the pretty young woman who had asked for a ride to her motel.

“I was waiting for God to send me the one that’s supposed to be my Christian wife,” he said. “That’s what it says in the Bible.”

Yet within minutes of taking the woman to a cheap motel in neighboring Absecon, the 67-year-old Atlantic City Councilman and Baptist minister was receiving oral sex.

“I was so surprised,” he testified Wednesday in an Atlantic County courtroom. “I, um, hadn’t really had any sexual activity since ’89. I thought that, naively, we were going to just pet.”

He didn’t know that the woman was a prostitute hired by his political rivals to lure him into a sex sting, and that a camera hidden in a clock radio near the bed was recording the tryst.

Three men are on trial for conspiracy, criminal coercion and invasion of privacy in the videotaping case, which prosecutors allege was intended to ruin Robinson politically and personally for switching political allegiances from former Council President Craig Callaway, who had just admitted taking bribes and was on his way to prison.
“At first I kept saying, `No, no, no’ “Robinson testified. “But then I thought, `If you send a tourist away angry, they’ll tell people not to come to Atlantic City. I don’t think she would have been able to convince me if I wasn’t so tired.”

Yeah, this was all about not upsetting a tourist.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Too funny.

    The excuses people can come up with when they are caught with their pants down.

  2. Stinker says:

    Clever guy, so much more witty than to just say, ‘hey man, are you kidding?? I wanted it’.

  3. Benjamin says:

    NJ city council = corrupt

    This story is no surprise.

  4. ubiquitous talking head says:

    The excuses people can come up with when they are caught with their pants down.

    I think the simplest explanations are the best.

    I always just say “I was hot”.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    Alfred, if Hitler claimed killing the Jews was his Christian duty and found a bible passage that vaguely supported it taken out of context, you’d say he was being persecuted for being a Christian?

    You seem to have no ability in critical thinking at all. The guy is using whatever excuse he can to gain sympathy to convict the people who set him up for political gain.

  6. Thinker says:

    Just too funny! How can he talk to his mother with that face!

  7. qb says:

    Alfred1, when liberal politicians go nuts about caring the poor then screw them over, it’s whoop-ass time. When family values politicians go get a blow job in Atlantic City, it’s whoop-ass time.

    It’s also bloody funny.

  8. amodedoma says:

    Typical Jersey politics, since the casinos arrived…

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I don’t care what political side he’s on. The perpetrators are the scum that put a camera in a clock radio with the intention of filming a sex act. That by law is pornography. With prior intent is stalking.
    If this was a sting operation conducted by law enforcement they would have at least had to apply for a warrant.
    To entice by providing a prostitute they are guilty of breaking prostitution laws as “pimps”.

  10. chuck says:

    “He didn’t know that the woman was a prostitute hired by his political rivals…”

    So, Eugene Robinson is only “guilty” of getting a hummer from a willing partner. He’s a Baptist minister – but so what – I don’t think the Baptists take a vow of celibacy.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Since he’s a Republican and this scandal involves sex that means his political career is over.

  12. cornholer says:

    He should of said he never had sexual relations with that women and it depends on what the definition of “is’, is…

  13. Steve says:

    Lenny Bruce said, “Deny it. If they have pictures, deny it.”.

  14. qb says:

    Alfred1, well duh? They didn’t drop kick a nun or toss a puppie into a wood chipper. Use the leettle gray cells.

  15. ± says:

    said cornholer #13 ********** He should of said he never had sexual relations with that women and it depends on what the definition of “is’, is… ********

    said ± ad hominemly, —- there ya go cornholer proving that you are under 35 years old and a product of our fine education system in the US by saying “should of” [?] when you mean “should have” or “should’ve”.

  16. deowll says:

    Did he break the law? If yes punish him.

    Did the people that hired her to perform sex break the law? If yes punish them.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, TML

    The perpetrators are the scum that put a camera in a clock radio with the intention of filming a sex act. That by law is pornography. With prior intent is stalking.

    Not quite. He was set up in a sting situation. He was filmed paying for sex. So far there is nothing wrong except for the prostitution and because he claims he only gave her money for a soda, that is vague.

    What is wrong and what the filmers are on trial for is trying to blackmail him. They then released copies of the video without his permission. That too is illegal because they prefaced it by claiming the girl was a minor.

    Pornography is not a crime. Selling it is.

  18. Uncle Patso says:

    Actually, I feel for the guy. I admire him for refusing to be blackmailed and standing up and admitting what happened. But his political career is basically over, due to his deteriorating health as much as any scandal. I suppose it’s marginally better than just being shot, but the effect is not much different.

    Back when I was single, if some girl I gave a ride to was that “grateful,” I’d have counted my blessings, not looked for a camera. Who here would have reacted any differently?

  19. gmknobl says:

    I didn’t read the article but did he pay her? If not, he got a freebie and there’s nothing even technically illegal about that. Where’s the beef?


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