Wired – October 13, 2009:

The president of a Midwest office supply company is in court after a salesman claimed the boss’ pre-election e-mail rant against Barack Obama amounted to an edict: Vote for Obama and you’re fired.

Mr. Snell was terminated for voting for his presidential candidate of choice. “Voting for a president is acting in a manner that public policy would encourage as it is similar to civic duties/opportunities such as performing jury duty, seeking public office or joining a labor union,” Snell’s lawsuit said.

The lawsuit, filed in Kansas state court Oct. 6, highlights that there is no federal statute directly protecting private workers from being retaliated for their votes. “There’s not really a federal statute that would cover this. It’s just not there. It has to be a public policy argument that is covered by state law,” said Snell’s attorney, Lawrence Williamson of Kansas.

  1. Thinker says:

    How the heck does one verify who one voted for??

  2. mcosmi says:

    i would fire someone who worked for me if they were stupid enough to vote for Obama too…whats the point here? its a reflection of ones intellect.

  3. Improbus says:

    To proud to lie?

  4. Dr Dodd says:

    Vote for the One or you are fired.

    May I take this opportunity to say to Democrats that your idea of hope and change sucks.

  5. Alan B says:


    I don’t think who one votes for is an indication of intelligence. I do think anyone who was overly passionate about either of the candidates was at best politically immature, that employer included. I’ve personally not had good experiences with the overly zealous, right or left.

  6. Hmeyers says:

    #6 for the win

    Politically immature people suck.

  7. US says:

    A good example of why you should never let work and politics mix. You are hired to do a job and as an at will employee can be fired at anytime for any reason (except for some protected classes, which do not include political views). If they wanted to fire this person for supporting for Obama that is his right, just like they could quit because the boss didn’t support Obama.

    I make a point to not be loud about my political views at work. In any company you are going to run into people who disagree, and if they have power you can be in trouble. Best option is to do your job and not mix with politics.

  8. Dr Dodd says:

    #US-Best option is to do your job and not mix with politics.

    Well said – An ounce of wisdom in a lake of stupidity.

  9. amodedoma says:

    Amazing so there are americans that think it’s a good idea for their bosses to decide who they should vote for. The founding father’s are weeping in their graves.

  10. Timuchin says:

    That’s why non-private votes for unionization is such a terribly bad idea. Why are the leftist Democrats promoting it?

  11. Nth of the 49th says:

    Smile at the boss, say “You bet, Sir”
    Go vote however the hell you want.
    Pretty difficult I know. /s

  12. scotterotter says:

    There are laws which prevent people from getting paid to vote for a particular candidate. One can say, the employee will KEEP their job and get paid if they voted for a specific candidate, which would be illegal.

  13. Not only can you only vote for 2 parties that are essentially the same, you do not have any laws to protect your politically opinion?

    How can you even consider yourself democratic?

    (This is not a criticism of the american people, only of the american system, there are many great americans.)

  14. deowll says:

    # 13 had it. That is why we have the secret ballot. Of course Obama wants to get rid of that in union take over bids.

    This guy is pro police state rule from the top all the way.

  15. Bob says:

    As a business owner, if I had a bunch of employees, to be honest. When my expenses (i.e. taxes) go up because of Obama, and I had two redundant people in my office. Once who voted for Obama and the other who didn’t. I would fire the one who voted for Obama as well.

    After all, elections have consequences. The Obama supporter wanted me to be taxed more so badly, he should reap the consequences of his decision.

    That being said, their is really no way to know who you voted for unless you make it known. I would never ask an employee directly who they voted for.

  16. Bob says:

    #15, free speech and the first amendment in general only protect you from government persecution because of your opinions. Since government is the only entity that can take away your life and liberty.

    Freedom of speech does not and should not cover private entities. Doing so would open a very bad can of worms.

    In short, if you so or say something stupid, that I don’t like, I can still fire your ass, but the government cannot come in and throw you in jail as long as its not illegal.

  17. spsffan says:

    I would fire anyone who admitted voting for McCain. Not so much because of McCain himself, but Sarah P. who was clearly unqualified for the office she was seeking. Anyone who couldn’t see that is too damned stupid to be in my employ.

    And, bye the way, no, I don’t happen to think that Obama is the best thing since sliced bread. Just a better choice than McCain.

    But like others have said, I still don’t understand how the boss knew who the guy voted for.

  18. Sea Lawyer says:

    lol, joining a labor union is a “civic duty/oportunity”? I see that market collusion is commendable after all.

  19. brm says:

    Hey, it’s hire and fire at will.

    The other side of this coin is that an employer can fire an employee known to be a racist, even if they’ve never mentioned it at work.

  20. # 18 That is a good point. I guess it is a two edge sword.

    I come from the other point of view, here (in Sweden) we are as far from capitalism you can come without being communism, i.e. citizens have all the rights and companies have almost non.

    Here you can only get fired if you repeatedly fail to do your job. Or if there is no jobs for you to do, and then the principal of last in first out is used.

  21. jbellies says:

    Creepy. Where I live, votes are private.

    Maybe he just claimed that he voted for Mr. Obama in order to launch a suit. The double double cross, American style.

  22. canucklehead says:

    Secret ballot, no?

  23. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    #16, doill,

    # 13 had it. That is why we have the secret ballot. Of course Obama wants to get rid of that in union take over bids.

    Let me get this straight. The boss threatens to fire anyone supporting Obama. The Employer threatens to fire anyone supporting unionization. And they are both fine by you. When people work for someone, they must do the political whims of the boss or they get fired.

    I would love to see you explain that one. Oh wait !!! Never mind, I got it. This was just another opportunity for you to bash Obama. Riiight! You never really thought it through. You never do.


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