ABC Eyewitness News – STONY POINT (WABC) – October 12, 2009:

A Stony Point man is accused of luring an Sears employee to his residence and then attacking him.

The Stony Point Police Department arrested 61-year-old Daniel Adler after receiving a call about a fight in progress on October 7.

The investigation revealed that Adler was upset with being called by Sears Home Improvement telemarketers, and he reportedly scheduled an appointment to advise them to place him on the do not call list.

Police say when the victim arrived, Adler cut up his identification card and then punched him in the face.

  1. ECA says:

    YES YES “YES….

  2. RDD says:

    How does this make him a hero?? these guys are only doing their jobs (in a market with very few jobs by the way) The company is to blame not some poor smuck they send to his door.

    I hope they throw the book at this guy to the max penalty.

  3. Mikey Twit says:

    I don’t usually advocate violence, but I would love to shake his hand! And spare me the old “they’re just doing their job” speech! I did it for awhile and didn’t blame or think any less of the people on the other end bitching me out; it was a stop gap job, and I got the hell out as soon as I could because I knew what kind of annoyance my job was.

  4. RRD says:

    To Mike Twit (appropriate name)

    How do you know he wasn’t at a “stop gap” faze job wise himself. Guys like you are why America is going to hell in a hand-basket.

  5. cornholer says:

    Get rid of McCrystal and put this bastard in charge…

  6. RRD says:

    Now I’ve never been in the telemarketing field (work in the oil field) and I hate the phone calls etc. too, and have never done any transactions with them.. But they are human beings just like us trying to put food on their family’s table. Plus it must work to some degree cause they are still calling, and yes I call them names also, but to assault one? that’s ludicrous

    The old dude made the appointment with the obvious intent to take a swipe at the guy.
    Intent makes it a felony and would it be sweet to see this guy go down the river for this.

  7. Hothr says:

    But… he DIDN’T punch a telemarketer. He punched a guy who does estimates for Sears Home Improvement. Different person, though it is the same company.

    Punching “The Man” is one thing, but punching A Man… not so much.

  8. Breetai says:

    This guy should be awarded It’s not like telemarketers are human beings. They’re barely above lawyers and politicians.

  9. RRD says:

    Hothr is right

    The dude did not even punch a telemarketer, talk about a misleading headline.

    The case against this old coot just gets better and better, he should do prison time (intent to assault is felony after all) but will probably get away with suspended sentence.

  10. Semantics says:

    The real hero of the week would be the person that punched the so-called editor who came up with the title of this article in the face,what a fucking moron.
    Hope this guy finds taking it in the ass in prison less annoying than a telemarketing call.

  11. Schleprock says:

    He’ll find out what annoying is when he gets punched out by his cell mate, and after waking up, finds that he has trouble sitting down for a few days.

  12. Steve says:

    “Only doing their job” is my reflexive rationalization I go to when I’m coaxing myself not to get personal with someone after being pestered, unjustly penalized, threatened, or brutalized be a telemarketer, meter-maid, tax-collector, or cop. Afterwards, I wish I’d punched them in the mouth.

  13. Hmeyers says:

    This guy is not a hero, just someone who resorted to violence because he lacked self-control.

    You can try to justify anything, it doesn’t make it right.

  14. sb says:

    You guys are a bunch or morons. Hero? Shake his hand? Really?

    I had to tele-market, for what was thankfully a very short time, to keep a roof over my families head. I’d love to get this guys number, make an appointment and see if he’d be willing to pull the same sh!t with me. Even if they could remove it from him, he’d never want to use his phone again do the fact that it smelled like his own a$$.

    The true justice here is that he will now be targeted by every prank caller capable of using Google & Skype. I predict a cottage industry of sites and YouTube fame. Good.

  15. poindexter says:

    Well, he did follow the plan.

    What? Whats the plan you ask.

    Our plan is this, we’re gonna go out, and we’re gonna hit people in the mouth.

  16. ArchtMig says:

    How can we get the carpet cleaning telemarketers to come to the house and take a punch to the face? Here we are a month or more since the fed. government supposedly made it illegal for “robocall” type telemarketing messages, and I’m still getting those aggravating recorded pitches from “the carpet cleaning company” that’s “doing work in my neighborhood” and is able to offer a deal that can’t be beat. The assholes behind those calls should be buried to their necks in the desert and let fire ants have at it on their exposed heads.

  17. Grandpa says:

    Somebody bail him out and turn him loose on the spammers!!!!

  18. deowll says:

    Being a telemarketer is almost as bad as being a Congressman.

  19. Mr Diesel says:

    I just had one of the carpet cleaners come to the house last Tuesday. I saw a van pull into the driveway and I thought it was to use our u-shaped driveway for a u-turn (which pisses me off) but then I see the guy headed for our side door on foot.

    Our screen door was unlocked (inside door was open) and he was reaching for the handle as I got the room. I just happened to have my 9mm on my hip and put my hand on it as I yelled asking him what he wanted.

    Had he come through the door one of us would have had a big surprise.

    No weapons in his hand and I perceived no deadly threat so he would have just ended up vacuuming out his shorts with his Kirby.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    This is so funny how the right wing nuts demand everyone find a job and then cheer when someone that took a lousy job gets assaulted because of that job. What effen loony tune thinking is that?

    This is just more evidence of how selfish Liebertarians are.

  21. pfkad says:

    Here’s the thing with a telephone: You can hang up! Yeah, oftentimes the calls come at very inconvenient times and it pisses me off. But the second I detect that the call is BS, I hang up. I don’t have to listen and I don’t have to say a word beyond “Hello”. I hang up and go back to what I was doing and in 15 minutes it’s all forgotten.

  22. yanikinwaoz says:

    I call BS.

    It is MY phone. I pay for. I pay for the right to make and receive calls on the telephone network.

    How in the hell did we get the point where telemarketers think they have the right to use MY equipment to harass me? To me it is no different than if a door to door salesman let themselves into your house every evening. It is trespassing on private property.

    • BasicBob says:

      How the hell did YOU get to the point where you think it’s acceptable to commit acts of violence against people trying to feed their kids on a minimum wage?

      He should be locked up like the animal he is…

  23. Hex says:

    Truly amazing how the apologists excuse the “service personnel” who got punched. He wouldn’t be there if not for the invasive abuse by the telemarketers who scheduled the visit. I know I am not alone in congratulating Mr. Adler for his appropriate action–he is a true hero.

  24. NoMoreJunk says:

    The phone companies (qwest here) won’t give residential accounts the tools to stop this harrassment. If you pay extra (I did), they’ll let you block calls by caller area code etc (goodbye calling centers in Florida & Texas), but they won’t let you block callers with blocked ID, or better still, ‘only allow calls from my city plus a short white list’. Given the approx 200:1 ratio of junk calls to legit calls we were getting before the blocking service, it’s hard to believe the lack of solutions is due to lack of demand.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, yanjer,

    To me it is no different than if a door to door salesman let themselves into your house every evening. It is trespassing on private property.

    Actually it is more akin to a salesman knocking on your door. All you need do is tell them “No”.

    If you want to deny all social contact to everyone, that is your right. You do have an obligation to let it be known up front though.


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