SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CBS) ― California first lady Maria Shriver was caught chatting on her cell phone while driving, an illegal move based on a legislation her husband Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is calling out his wife, Maria Shriver, for apparently violating a state law he signed — holding her cell phone while driving. The celebrity Web site posted two photographs Tuesday showing Shriver holding a phone to her ear while she’s behind the wheel. It says one was snapped Sunday and the other in July. The Web site claimed that this was not the first time California’s first lady was caught chatting on her cell while driving.88790284JM006_SCHWARZENEGGE

On his Twitter feed Tuesday, Schwarzenegger wrote to founder Harvey Levin: “Thanks for bringing her violations to my attention. There’s going to be swift action.” Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear says that by “swift action,” the governor means he’ll ask his wife not to hold the phone while driving. A law that took effect in 2008 requires California drivers to use a handsfree device.

I think she deserves a public spanking.

  1. Luc says:

    In other news, Lindsay Lohan snorts coke. Stay tuned.

  2. amodedoma says:

    Now I understand why he wants to crack down on the paparazzi!

  3. bobbo, well, there are two types of people in the world says:

    Given the public safety concern, seems to me the technology exists to simply turn off the cell phone connection when movement above 10mph but below 200mph is detected?

    You’ll be against this until you get plowed into by a woman on a phone.

    I’d support such a law.

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. I like it.

  5. The DON says:

    #3 The only trouble with that would be that owners of very high performance vehicles might be tempted….

    So if a random person had been caught, what would have happened to them. If schwarzeneggers wife is caught, nothing to see here.

  6. Steve S says:

    It is important to note that California’s law doesent ban you from talking on a cell phone while driving. It simply requries you to use a “handsfree” device while talking.
    Kind of silly actually as studies show it is the act of talking that distracts the driver not holding a phone.
    You are still allowed to hold the phone while dialing.
    They initially tried to write the law to completely ban talking on a cell while driving but the cellular telephone lobby had too much power (money) to allow this to happen.
    This was simply another one of the 600-900 laws that are passed each year in California.

  7. MikeN says:

    Maria Shriver KENNEDY should know that she should be careful while driving.

  8. Steve S says:

    MikeN said,
    “Maria Shriver KENNEDY should know that she should be careful while driving.”
    Groan….. That is a bad pun.
    You are going to get hit by lightning for thinking like that 😉
    Funny though.

  9. jeffl says:

    At age 62, “swift action” would require special effects, or maybe Sildenafil.

  10. Maria Shriver's cell phone says:

    Rules are for little people.

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    Why should she obey the law her husband signed into law, when so many other people are doing the same thing all the time?

  12. LibertyLover says:

    “Swift Action.”

    With his accent, I am sure it came out “Fist Action.”

  13. chuck says:

    Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear says that by “swift action,” the governor means he’s going to shoot her in the head with a GAU-17 mini-gun until she’s terminated (or stopped using the phone).

  14. #3 What about Passengers?

  15. cornholer says:

    Just another phony ass liberal who tells othes to do as I say and not as I do. Remember, laws are for the little peoples…

  16. cornholer says:

    Arnie will dick slap her when he gets home.

  17. The Warden says:

    Typical liberal hypocrisy. It’s the famous liberal DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. She and her RINO steroid abusing philandering hubby should be smacked upside the head.

  18. bobbo, we are not numbers says:

    #16–hemp==lets do the math: senseless death and carnage on the highway due to cell phone use in car by driver VS passengers have to wait 15 minutes.

    Turn in your solution tomorrow and don’t skip any intermediate steps.

  19. Glenn E. says:

    Why doesn’t the CA governor’s wife simply hire a personal driver? Then she can blabber away, all she likes while on the road. Between the salaries and royalities of both former movie (or Tv) celebs. With huge personal fortunes, besides what Arnold now gets as governor. I’m certain that they can afford a driver for her.

    What’s with this status symbol in CA, of being able to drive oneself around? No matter how drunk or otherwise distracted or impaired the elite are? And how do some of them even manage to get driver’s licenses in the first place? The testing standards must be a joke! These idiots have to go to wild parties, behind the wheel of their own pricey cars. They can’t take a cab, or carpool with a sober friend. And very little or nothing seems to happen when stoned celebs crack up.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    It’s hard to tell if the car is moving or standing still. Nor is it possible to truly tell who the driver is. To me, it looks an awful lot like Laura Bush.

    Which makes all of this kind of moot as far as evidence goes. Yet the right wing nuts will continue to bay at the moon about how this is all a left wing conspiracy with special rules for the rich.

    Effen ijits.

  21. McCullough says:

    So the small fact that the Gov. admits his wife’s guilt means nothing?


  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, McCullough,

    The fact that Swartzenagger said he will talk to his wife does not mean that is her in the pictures. Maybe she will admit it. Maybe she won’t. But I am not convinced by a long shot that that photo can be used to identify the driver.

    Of course, too many Americans are always ready to accept what they are told without challenge. Go ahead, make up some bullshit that says Cheney planted explosives in the WTC, or there were five shots heard on the Kennedy assignation tape, or there are “Death Panels” in the Health Care bills.

    When Maria Swartzenagger admits it is her then I will accept it. Until then I’m not convinced it is her.

  23. Nicholas says:

    Is or did she pay the fine like everyone else has to???? If you’ve got the bucks and position you can get away with murder. Or is it what I see is not what I’m really seeing?

    The base fine is $20 but what the CVC doesn’t tell you is the additional fees added which will basically bring 1st time offender to $142.

    When you go over the additional fees you’ll get a sense that there’s alot of palms being greased.

    Lastly, it’s sad when you call the traffic court supervisor and neither the supervisor nor staff can tell you what all of the additional fees are esp. a few …in layman terms. What a joke.


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